Definitions of Science: Share Your Thoughts Here

In summary, Science is a logical process of learning about the universe through experimentation on a guess. However, it is often perceived as a boring subject that students are forced to sit through for hours in school. The teachers' delivery and approach to the subject may contribute to this perception.
  • #1
What is your definition of science? Have you heard good definitions of science before?...don't be shy... :shy: ... post your thoughts here
Physics news on
  • #2
The logical process of learning about the universe.
  • #3
experimentation on a guess.
  • #4
Science : A very boring subject that I am forced to sit through everyday ,except weekends, for more than 3 hours at school.
  • #5
RBS_5 said:
Science : A very boring subject that I am forced to sit through everyday ,except weekends, for more than 3 hours at school. ...agreee...ahh! :biggrin:
  • #6
LOL, I mean seriously, we have to sit there staring at some teacher mumbling stuff about Magnetic Fields or Static electricity. I am sure it's fascinating and interesting, but why does the teacher have to make it sound so boring?

Sheesh , no wonder I nearly failed last term.
  • #7
You need to be in one of my lessons then! :smile:


FAQ: Definitions of Science: Share Your Thoughts Here

What is the definition of science?

Science is the systematic study of the natural world through observation and experimentation. It involves using the scientific method to gather and test evidence, formulate theories and laws, and make predictions about the physical world.

What is the difference between science and pseudoscience?

The main difference between science and pseudoscience is that science is based on evidence and follows the scientific method, while pseudoscience lacks evidence and does not follow a rigorous process of testing and validation. Pseudoscience often relies on personal beliefs and anecdotes rather than empirical data.

How do we determine if something is considered scientific?

There are a few criteria that can be used to determine if something is considered scientific. These include whether it is based on empirical evidence, follows the scientific method, is testable and falsifiable, and has been published and peer-reviewed by other scientists in the field.

Can scientific theories change or be proven wrong?

Yes, scientific theories can change and be proven wrong. In fact, the scientific process involves constantly testing and refining theories based on new evidence. This is what makes science a dynamic and evolving field.

How does science impact our daily lives?

Science has a significant impact on our daily lives in numerous ways. It has led to advancements in technology, medicine, and agriculture, which have improved our standard of living. It also helps us understand and solve global issues such as climate change and disease outbreaks.

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