Derivative of an Angular Velocity Equation

In summary, the conversation involved discussing the derivative of the expression \sqrt{\frac{3g}{l}(1-cos\theta)}. It was initially stated that the derivative is \frac{3g}{2l}sin\theta, but upon further discussion and simplification, it was determined that the correct derivative is \sqrt{\frac{3g}{2l}}\cos(\frac \theta 2). The source of confusion was a possibly incorrect equation in the solution posted by a physics professor.
  • #1

Homework Statement

In reviewing my last physics exam I found the following statement in the posted solution:

...the derivative of [itex]\sqrt{\frac{3g}{l}(1-cos\theta)}[/itex] is [itex]\frac{3g}{2l}sin\theta[/itex]

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

This is from a physics course and I'm not taking the calc co-requisite yet so I'm trying to get by on what I can teach myself, which is inadequate for this task apparently. I don't understand the process of getting [itex]sin\theta[/itex] out of [itex](1-cos\theta)[/itex]
Physics news on
  • #2
so you're taking the derivative with respect to theta

Basic diferentiation rules:
- d/dx (sin x ) = cos x
- and d/dx (cos x) = - sin x

And so the d/dtheta (1 - cos theta) = d/dtheta (1) - d/dtheta (cos theta) = 0 - (-sin theta) = sin theta
  • #3
I don't think you can ignore the square root of the original expression when taking the derivative.
  • #4
SteamKing said:
I don't think you can ignore the square root of the original expression when taking the derivative.

True, I was only addressing the (1-cos theta) part that the OP said he had trouble with.
  • #5
Great, thanks! I understand it now.

Gotta remember...

Basic diferentiation rules:
- d/dx (sin x ) = cos x
- and d/dx (cos x) = - sin x
  • #6
kwixson said:
Great, thanks! I understand it now.

Well, I'm glad you do because I don't. This is simply not true:
...the derivative of [itex]\sqrt{\frac{3g}{l}(1-cos\theta)}[/itex] is [itex]\frac{3g}{2l}sin\theta[/itex]
The derivative of [itex]\frac{3g}{l}(1-cos\theta)[/itex] is [itex]\frac{3g}{l}sin\theta[/itex]

The derivative of [itex]\sqrt{\frac{3g}{l}(1-cos\theta)}[/itex] is [itex]\frac{3g}{2l}sin(\theta)\left(\frac{3g}{l}(1-cos(\theta))\right)^{-\frac 12} = \frac 12\sqrt{\frac{3g}l\left(1+\cos(\theta)\right)}= \sqrt{\frac{3g}{2l}}\cos(\frac \theta 2)[/itex]
But I would prefer to simplify first: [itex]\sqrt{\frac{3g}{l}(1-\cos\theta)} = \sqrt{\frac{6g}{l}}\sin(\frac \theta 2)[/itex]
  • #7
So here is the source of my question. This is the solution to the physics problem posted by my physics professor at MIT. I probably just posed the question incorrectly, but since what I was really interested in was just "what is the derivative of (1-cos(theta))" I understand now what the answer is.


  • Screenshot 2013-12-28 20.54.03.png
    Screenshot 2013-12-28 20.54.03.png
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  • #8
kwixson said:
I probably just posed the question incorrectly,
No, you posed it correctly. Equation (3) in your attachment is wrong.
Probably something got left out by accident, but without seeing the subsequent equations it's hard to know. E.g this would be correct: ##\dot \theta \ddot \theta = \frac{3g}{2l}\sin(\theta)##

FAQ: Derivative of an Angular Velocity Equation

1. What is the definition of angular velocity?

Angular velocity is a measure of the rate of change of angular displacement of an object with respect to time. It is a vector quantity, meaning it has both magnitude and direction.

2. How is angular velocity different from linear velocity?

Angular velocity measures the rotational movement of an object, while linear velocity measures the straight-line movement of an object. Angular velocity is measured in radians per second, while linear velocity is measured in meters per second.

3. What is the equation for calculating angular velocity?

The equation for angular velocity is ω = Δθ/Δt, where ω represents angular velocity, Δθ represents change in angular displacement, and Δt represents change in time.

4. How do you find the derivative of an angular velocity equation?

To find the derivative of an angular velocity equation, you would use the power rule of differentiation, treating ω as a function of time. The derivative would be dω/dt = d(Δθ/Δt)/dt = (1/Δt) * dΔθ/dt.

5. What are the units for angular velocity?

Angular velocity is typically measured in radians per second (rad/s). However, it can also be measured in revolutions per minute (rpm) or degrees per second (deg/s).

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