Deriving length contraction using Lorentz invariants

In summary, the length contraction formula can be derived using Lorentz invariants and the Lorentz transformation equations. It shows that as an object moves with velocity v, its length in the direction of motion shrinks by a factor of the Lorentz factor, γ.
  • #1
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Homework Statement

Derive length contraction using Lorentz invariants.

Homework Equations

[tex]ds^2 = dx^2 +dy^2 + dz^2 - c^2 dt^2[/tex]

The Attempt at a Solution

Consider a rod parallel to the x-axis and moving with velocity v in the x-direction. We can measure the length of the rod of this frame by measuring the location of the two endpoints simultaneously. Call this frame S'. Then dx' is the length of the rod in frame S', and we define

[tex]ds^2 = dx^2 - c^2 dt^2[/tex]

which has the same value in all reference frames. For frame S', since the measurements are simultaneous, we have dt = 0. It follows that

[tex]ds^2 = (dx')^2[/tex]

Now we switch to frame S in which the rod is at rest. The rod's length here is dx, and we have:

[tex]ds^2 = dx^2-c^2dt^2[/tex]

where dt is the time between the two measurements in this frame. Then:

[tex](dx')^2 = dx^2-c^2dt^2[/tex]

and now we need to get dt out the equation somehow. I tried using time dilation, (dt = γ dτ) followed by the relation ds = -c^2 dτ, followed by ds = dx'. This brings me to the incorrect equation:

[tex](1-\gamma^2)(dx')^2 = dx^2[/tex]

That's probably incorrect because I was blindly applying formulas without understanding what I was doing. I believe everything up to

[tex](dx')^2 = dx^2-c^2dt^2[/tex]

is correct. Am I right? And if that is correct, how do I continue from there? Thanks!
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  • #2

Yes, you are correct up to the equation (dx')^2 = dx^2 - c^2dt^2. From here, we can use the Lorentz transformation equations to relate the coordinates in frame S' to those in frame S. The Lorentz transformation for the x-coordinate is given by:

x = γ(x' + vt')

where γ is the Lorentz factor and t' is the time in frame S'. Plugging this into our equation, we get:

(dx')^2 = (γ(x' + vt'))^2 - c^2dt^2

Expanding and rearranging, we get:

(dx')^2 = γ^2(x')^2 + γ^2v^2t'^2 + 2γ^2vx't' - c^2dt^2

Since we know that dt = γdτ, we can substitute this in and get:

(dx')^2 = γ^2(x')^2 + γ^2v^2(γdτ)^2 + 2γ^2vx'(γdτ) - c^2(γdτ)^2

Simplifying, we get:

(dx')^2 = γ^2[(x')^2 - c^2dτ^2]

But we also know that ds^2 = (dx')^2 - c^2(dt')^2, so we can substitute this in and get:

ds^2 = γ^2[(x')^2 - c^2dτ^2] - c^2(dt')^2

Since the length of the rod in frame S is dx, we can rewrite the equation as:

(ds')^2 = γ^2[(dx')^2 - c^2(dt')^2] = γ^2[(dx)^2 - c^2(dt)^2] = ds^2

Therefore, the length of the rod in frame S' (dx') is related to the length in frame S (dx) by the Lorentz factor, γ. This is the length contraction formula, and it shows that as an object moves with velocity v, its length in the direction of motion shrinks by a factor of γ. I hope this helps!

FAQ: Deriving length contraction using Lorentz invariants

1. What is length contraction?

Length contraction is a phenomenon in special relativity where the length of an object appears to decrease when observed by an observer in relative motion.

2. How is length contraction derived using Lorentz invariants?

Length contraction is derived using the Lorentz transformation equations, which relate measurements taken by two observers in relative motion. The Lorentz invariants, specifically the spacetime interval, are used to derive the formula for length contraction.

3. What are Lorentz invariants?

Lorentz invariants are physical quantities that remain unchanged in value under Lorentz transformations. They are important in special relativity as they allow for the derivation of important equations, such as length contraction and time dilation.

4. Are there any real-life examples of length contraction?

Yes, length contraction has been observed in many experiments and is a well-established phenomenon in physics. One example is the muon experiment, where high-energy muons were observed to have a longer lifetime when traveling at high speeds due to length contraction.

5. Does length contraction violate the principle of conservation of energy?

No, length contraction does not violate the principle of conservation of energy. While it may appear that the length of an object decreases, the energy of the object remains the same. This is because the energy is dependent on both the mass and velocity of the object, and the mass increases as the velocity increases to maintain the same energy value.
