Detecting Earth in an Elevator: Thought Experiment

In summary, the conversation discusses a thought experiment where a physicist in an elevator is falling towards the Earth and is not allowed to look outside. The question is how the physicist can detect the presence of the planet without considering tidal forces and assuming small time intervals and a vacuum environment. It is debated whether the physicist can detect Earth before crashing into it and the limitations of information transfer in accelerating frames. It is also noted that inertial frames are special because they make the laws of physics simpler and easier to understand.
  • #1
Pera Mitic
I have in mind thought experiment where physicist is in elevator falling towards the Earth. Question would be if he is not allowed to look outside, how would he detect the presence of the planet? Let's not take in consideration tidal forces and assume he is taking local measurements during small time intervals. And whole experiment is in vacuum. Is there a way he can detect Earth under these conditions before he crashes into it?

The way I see things, there are only two conceptually different ways that our physicist can detect the Earth. Either by taking a peek outside of the elevator, or by crashing. These are two different ways we can transfer/register information from one point in space to another.

Interesting thing is that first method has to do with constant velocity, and second with acceleration. Let’s notice one more thing. First method of information transfer has its maximum, speed of light. Should the second one have its maximum? Should there be maximal possible acceleration/force in nature? Why would non-inertial reference frames be any special compared to inertial, and don’t have the property of maximal information transfer?
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  • #2
Depending on how you model a crash, the speed limit is either not relevant (if you consider the crash as the intersection of a pointlike elevator and the Earth then there is no extent to the collision so nowhere to transfer information) or is the speed of light, since both you and the elevator are held together by electromagnetic forces. The speed of light in an accelerating frame is a complicated thing, but it's always locally c. You can't muck around with causality just by accelerating.

Additionally, crashing doesn't tell you that you have hit a planet. A free falling elevator in deep space being struck by a wide flat-nosed rocket accelerating at 1g will react exactly the same as if it free fell onto the Earth. You need to look for tidal forces, or look out of a window, to tell the difference.
  • #3
Pera Mitic said:
if he is not allowed to look outside, how would he detect the presence of the planet? Let's not take in consideration tidal forces and assume he is taking local measurements during small time intervals. And whole experiment is in vacuum. Is there a way he can detect Earth under these conditions before he crashes into it?
No. That's the point of the equivalence principle.

The way I see things, there are only two conceptually different ways that our physicist can detect the Earth. Either by taking a peek outside of the elevator
That doesn't work unless he sees specifically the surface of the Earth rushing towards him. If he sees anything else, he's not detecting the earth, he's observing that whatever he is looking at is accelerating away from him at 10 meters per second per second (assuming that he's looking at something at rest relative to the surface of the earth). This can be interpreted as evidence that what's he's looking at is subject to a force that he's not as easily as evidence that he is free-falling in the gravitational field of the Earth that he can't see.

Interesting thing is that first method has to do with constant velocity, and second with acceleration. Let’s notice one more thing. First method of information transfer has its maximum, speed of light. Should the second one have its maximum? Should there be maximal possible acceleration/force in nature?
It's hard to answer that until we have a clear quantitative definition of "information transfer" so that we can calculate its maximum. However, I will note that:
1) The external observation also depends on acceleration. If you look outside the elevator and see only things at rest relative to you, as opposed to accelerating relative to you, you have no reason to infer the existence of any forces or gravitational effects.
2) For a given acceleration (or deceleration, in the case of the elevator smashing into the earth) the force is proportional to the mass as well as the change of speed, so the force can be made arbitrarily large even though the change in speed is limited. Thus, there's no reason to expect a speed limit to lead to a force limit. (There are some issues with the definition of "speed" here as well).
Why would inertial reference frames be any special compared to non-inertial, and don’t have the property of maximal information transfer?
Inertial frames are special because the laws of physics are especially simple and mathematically tractable when you use an inertial frame to assign coordinates (when you are "in an inertial frame" to use more natural but somewhat sloppy terminology). Thus, we teach physics and solve problems using inertial frames (possibly augmented with a "fictitious force") because it's the easiest way of understanding the physics and using it to solve problems. Other approaches work just fine, but are more work and often contribute no new physical insight.
  • #4
This thread is closed due to personal speculation which has been deleted

FAQ: Detecting Earth in an Elevator: Thought Experiment

1. How is it possible to detect Earth while in an elevator?

The thought experiment of detecting Earth while in an elevator is a theoretical exercise that explores the concepts of gravity, acceleration, and inertia. It is not possible to actually detect Earth while in an elevator as the elevator is moving with the same acceleration as the Earth, making it appear as though there is no gravity acting on the elevator.

2. What is the significance of this thought experiment?

This thought experiment helps to illustrate the concept of relative motion and how our perception of gravity can be affected by our frame of reference. It also highlights the importance of understanding the laws of physics and how they apply to different scenarios.

3. Can this thought experiment be applied to other situations?

Yes, the principles explored in this thought experiment can be applied to other scenarios where an object is in motion and there is a change in the frame of reference. It can help us understand how objects interact with each other and how forces can be perceived differently depending on the observer's perspective.

4. Is there a practical application for this thought experiment?

While this thought experiment may not have a direct practical application, it can help scientists and engineers better understand the principles of motion and gravity. These principles are crucial in fields such as space exploration and transportation technology.

5. Are there any real-life examples of this thought experiment?

One real-life example that is often used to explain this thought experiment is the experience of astronauts in space. When in orbit, they are essentially in a state of free-fall, just like the elevator in the thought experiment. This is why they appear to be weightless as there is no noticeable force of gravity acting on them.

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