Did I Handle These Situations Well at the College Party?

  • Thread starter JG89
  • Start date
In summary, the speaker and his girlfriend went to a college party with a club-like atmosphere. While dancing, they both noticed guys staring at her and making her uncomfortable. The speaker calmly handled the situation and suggested that his girlfriend let him know if she ever feels uncomfortable in similar situations. He also asked for advice on how to handle these situations in the future. The response was that he handled it well and should continue to trust his girlfriend and not let other guys make him feel insecure.
  • #1
So last night me and my girlfriend went to a college party. The atmosphere was basically one like a club. Anyway, we were bumping and grinding on the dance-floor. There was a guy, who was seemingly drunk, that kept walking around staring at some of the girls dancing, trying to talk to a couple of them once in a while. He kept getting blown off. Anyway, about two or three times, he walked past my girlfriend while I was dancing with her from behind. Because this is a club, the room is tight and so he is right up in there, close to her face, and he's just basically just staring at her. I didn't want to start a fight over this, so I kept dancing. After he did it a couple more times, I said to my girlfriend, "that guy's creepy" and we both kind of laughed. After he did it another time, I turned my girlfriend around, so my back was to the guy. He walked by me, we both were staring at each other, he smiled then walked away and then buggered off for the rest of the night.

Anyway, fast forward a bit. We're still dancing in the same spot, bumpin' and grindin' with me behind her. There's a guy right in front of her dancing with another chick, and this guy is looking over at her, trying to give her seductive looks and smiling a bit. He does this a couple times, then looks up at me and sees me staring at him. We both shake hands, he gives one last look, then buggers off.

At the end of the night, I asked her if anything was bothering her, because she didn't seem herself. She was told me that while we were dancing there were a bunch of guys staring at her, and it made her really uncomfortable. I told her I didn't see these guys staring (I really didn't see them?) and next time she needs to let me know if someone is making her uncomfortable.

My question to you guys is, did I handle these situations well? I didn't want to throw a temper tantrum about these guys doing this, nor did I just want to sit back and watch it happen.

Also, me and my girl are going to her girlfriend's birthday party on April 2nd and her girlfriend's house, so any advice you guys give me for handling these type of situations, I can practice there.

Any advice? Thanks.

EDIT: If it's relevant, we've been together for 4 months.
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  • #2
It sounds like you were quite the gent, to be honest!

JG89 said:
At the end of the night, I asked her if anything was bothering her, because she didn't seem herself. She was told me that while we were dancing there were a bunch of guys staring at her, and it made her really uncomfortable. I told her I didn't see these guys staring (I really didn't see them?) and next time she needs to let me know if someone is making her uncomfortable.

Well, obviously it sucks that she felt uncomfortable but, at least in my opinion, if you're a girl dancing in a club, you've got to expect to be looked at! Since you noticed a few of these guys it's clear that you are not oblivious to the fact that people were staring. It could just be that your level of differentiation between "guys being guys" and "creeps staring" is different to hers. If this is the case, then your suggestion for her to tell you when she's uncomfortable is a good one. However, if it gets to the point where she's uncomfortable with any guy watching/looking at her, then perhaps you should start attending more intimate parties, or stop dancing!

Ultimately, though, I can't really give any good advice, since I wasn't there!
  • #3
Seems to me you handled it perfectly.

Continue to not be insecure about other guys around your girl. If they get too fresh she will let you know. Other guys will challenge your confidence in front of her. Be cordial, keep your cool, and it will show your confidence.

Don't be jealous or angry and act like a chump if you see her talking with other guys either. Trust shows the most confidence. Hopefully your girl is trustworthy, but if she isn't then the guy that wants her is doing you a favor by taking her off your hands.

FAQ: Did I Handle These Situations Well at the College Party?

1. How did I handle this situation?

As a scientist, I handled this situation by first gathering all relevant data and information, then analyzing it thoroughly. I also consulted with my colleagues and superiors for their insights and perspectives. Based on the available evidence, I then formulated a hypothesis and designed experiments to test it. I carefully documented my methodology and results, and I was open to adjusting my approach if necessary. Finally, I presented my findings and conclusions in a clear and objective manner.

2. What factors did I consider when handling this situation?

Some of the key factors I considered when handling this situation include the available resources (e.g. time, budget, equipment), the potential impact of my actions, the ethical implications, and the input of others. I also took into account any relevant laws or regulations, as well as the potential risks and benefits associated with different courses of action.

3. How did I overcome any challenges or obstacles?

In order to overcome challenges or obstacles, I utilized critical thinking skills and problem-solving strategies. I also sought input and advice from my colleagues and superiors, as well as experts in the field. I remained open-minded and flexible, and was willing to revise my approach as needed. Additionally, I stayed organized and prioritized tasks to effectively manage my time and resources.

4. What lessons did I learn from handling this situation?

One of the key lessons I learned from handling this situation is the importance of thorough research and preparation. I also learned the value of seeking input and considering multiple perspectives, as well as the benefits of being adaptable and resilient in the face of challenges. Additionally, I gained a deeper understanding of the subject matter and honed my scientific skills through this experience.

5. How did I ensure accuracy and objectivity in my handling of this situation?

To ensure accuracy and objectivity in my handling of this situation, I followed the scientific method and utilized reliable and validated sources of information. I also maintained a detailed record of my methodology and results, and sought feedback from my colleagues and superiors. I remained open to constructive criticism and was willing to revise my approach if necessary. Additionally, I strived to avoid any personal biases or preconceived notions that could influence my interpretation of the data.

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