Did The Passion Fail to Address the Spiritual Suffering of Jesus?

In summary, the conversation discusses the lack of spiritual depth in the film "The Passion of the Christ" and the focus on physical suffering rather than the more significant spiritual suffering of Jesus. There is also a mention of using actual Jews to play the roles of Jews in the film, but using the wrong tribe. The conversation then shifts to the question of whether we need more layers of the Jesus myth and the importance of taking responsibility for our actions and living by the Golden Rule.
  • #1
I'm not a Christian, but my opinion is that the focal point of the story (or myth) of Jesus was almost entirely absent in this film.
I thought "the Passion..." failed to even marginally address the depth of spiritual suffering related in the story of Christ. While it was realistic in that it portrayed the physical pain graphically, people have physically suffered far more greatly since antiquity. And of course this human trend will probably continue ad infinitum.

Cinematically, I thought Judas came across as suffering far more spiritual torment than Jesus, who was taking on something just a little bit more, uh, spiritually cumbersome than Judas? Why were those spiritual images (goblins and the like) that haunted Judas so conspicuously absent in most scenes where Jesus suffered (especially toward the end, when God abandoned him)? I’d expect there might have been something akin to a thousand pesky demonic creatures fetched Jesus way. I kept anticipating Christ to get targeted by strong and disturbing cinematic images– especially as he hung on the cross bearing the sins of the world. The testimony to his physical trauma seemed far more evident in this film than the psychic trauma of his separation from all that is good in the world. Maybe a couple whacked out evil sonsa*****es couldn've shrieked at him from all sides as the nails were driven through him, shouting that God is dead and “Hey man you’re going to rot in Hell!” or something. Maybe also have some stars falling from the sky or whatever and, you know, Satan all up in his face somehow ...anything highlighting the spiritually challenging and daunting sense of abandonment and spiritual sacrifice involved that appeared (for me) to be missing in the story.

Instead it was a medley of physical abuse punctuated by a couple of mere 2-second frames of Satan staring in Christ's direction, ie. the scene w Satan holding a child presumed to represent him w his Mother M. and another scene involving a snake. Gee how harrowing. My belief is that "the Exorcist" was twice as spiritually involved than this piece of film.

As I sat in the theater, listening to some ppl sniffing and weeping as the Son's noodle-wet dangling flesh was repeatedly blasted off his back, I could guess that more than a couple audience members maintained taut ecstatic erections from all that action; the application of all those crude and wonderfully exotic torture devices. It’s probably some of what is driving the sales.

One quick sidenote: I found it amusing that the Mel chose actual Jews to play the roles of the Jews ...but the wrong tribe. He used Ashkenazi instead of the Sephardic Jews. And Jesus likely resembled the actor portraying Simon.

Anyhow, I'd be interested to know other's opinion on this. Most ppl I know do not agree w me at all.
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  • #2
Originally posted by Semper000
Why were those spiritual images (goblins and the like) that haunted Judas so conspicuously absent in most scenes where Jesus suffered (especially toward the end, when God abandoned him)?

If you mean when he said, "My God why have you forsaken me?" He wasn't saying that God abandoned him, he was quoting scripture. It is the first line of Psalm 22. This Psalm is traditionally recited in times of adversity.
  • #3
the commercial value of this venture aside, it seems evident that the glorification of christ was the artistic agenda.

do we need more layers of this myth?? in all probablity, there was a person named jesus and he was a wise rabii. in fact, he may have had a very important messgae to deliver for that time. i suspect that the message has been corrupted over time.

i am a christian and believe it is time for us to become aware that we are responsible for our actions and enjoy their consequences, with or without a religious dogma. we don't need outdated material to guide us. the golden rule lives whether or not christ spoke the words.


Related to Did The Passion Fail to Address the Spiritual Suffering of Jesus?

1. What is "The Passion missed the boat"?

"The Passion missed the boat" is a phrase often used to describe a missed opportunity or failure to capitalize on something important.

2. Where did this phrase originate?

The phrase is believed to have originated from the biblical story of Noah's Ark, in which those who did not board the ark missed the opportunity for salvation.

3. How is this phrase used in the scientific community?

In the scientific community, this phrase is often used to describe a missed opportunity for groundbreaking research or a failure to keep up with advancements in a particular field.

4. Can you provide an example of "The Passion missed the boat" in science?

One example could be the failure of Kodak to capitalize on digital photography technology, despite having invented the first digital camera in 1975. This missed opportunity ultimately led to the decline of the company.

5. Is there a way to avoid "The Passion missed the boat" in science?

While it may be impossible to avoid all missed opportunities, staying informed and adaptable, as well as actively seeking out new developments and advancements, can help to prevent falling behind in the scientific community.

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