Digital Cameras: Recording Progress on Drawing in One Day

  • Thread starter zoobyshoe
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In summary: and then it's gone for a while. I think it has a lot to do with how I process my images: I work extremely fast, and I don't always take the time to clean up my lines.
  • #316
DanP said:
Donno man, I would pay for a piece like the "Evo Evening". I really like it.
Certainly, good for you and me. I was thinking of Zoob's sanity.
Science news on
  • #317
Trippy good stuff man. Trippy good.
  • #318
zoobyshoe said:
Evo Evening:

Hmph. I don't see the resemblance.
  • #319
The rendering of the face that is blowing the fruitlike smoke is absolutely brilliant. She is a confident and mature woman. While the embedded face in smoke is her reflection when she was young and struggling (void of dark-blue background), but she was always happy because she was protected by a bubble that shielded her.

That's just my two cents. I'm sure everyone has a different interpretation.
  • #320
waht said:
That's just my two cents. I'm sure everyone has a different interpretation.

Yeah, that's the beauty of it. A piece of art "speaks" different things to different ppl.
I think its great.
  • #321
GeorginaS said:
Smoke and Mirrors is gorgeous, Zoobyshoe. It's magical.

Thanks much!

waht said:
The rendering of the face that is blowing the fruitlike smoke is absolutely brilliant. She is a confident and mature woman. While the embedded face in smoke is her reflection when she was young and struggling (void of dark-blue background), but she was always happy because she was protected by a bubble that shielded her.

That's just my two cents. I'm sure everyone has a different interpretation.

Glad you like it, waht. The stories and interpretations that occur to people in reaction to these drawings are often extremely interesting.
  • #322
DanP said:
You are quite talented. You should consider trying to make some money from your art IMO.
Get a small expo or something going on.
DaveC426913 said:
Don't doooo eet!
DanP said:
Donno man, I would pay for a piece like the "Evo Evening". I really like it.
DaveC426913 said:
Certainly, good for you and me. I was thinking of Zoob's sanity.

Thanks DanP!

Dave, I don't know what you're on about. How would selling them put my sanity at risk?
  • #323
MotoH said:
Trippy good stuff man. Trippy good.

Thanks much Mr. Moto!
  • #324
zoobyshoe said:
Thanks DanP!

Dave, I don't know what you're on about. How would selling them put my sanity at risk?

Just my opinion. If I put my artwork on the line by trying to make money doing it, I fear it would become a drag and destroy the joy I get from doing it.

I interpreted this
You should consider trying to make some money from your art IMO.
as 'start doing art for money', as opposed to simply 'put a price tag on existing pieces'.
  • #325
DaveC426913 said:
Just my opinion. If I put my artwork on the line by trying to make money doing it, I fear it would become a drag and destroy the joy I get from doing it.

I interpreted thisas 'start doing art for money', as opposed to simply 'put a price tag on existing pieces'.
Don't worry. I turn down commissions all the time for things I have no interest in doing. People ask me to design tattoos, logos, and to draw their girlfriends from snapshots. Such 'art for money' projects would be joyless, as you suspect. On the other hand I'm not adverse to exhibiting and selling the stuff I already do anyway.
  • #326
I am now the proud owner of two Zoobyshoes! I'm so excited. I can't wait to get them home. :smile:

Edited to add: erm two Zoobyshoe art pieces, not Zobbyshoe the person.
  • #327
GeorginaS said:
I am now the proud owner of two Zoobyshoes! I'm so excited. I can't wait to get them home. :smile:

Edited to add: erm two Zoobyshoe art pieces, not Zobbyshoe the person.

Whew, Georgina, you gave me a scare...I don't think Zoobies are domesticable!
  • #328
GeorginaS said:
I am now the proud owner of two Zoobyshoes! I'm so excited. I can't wait to get them home.

It's illegal to own them in the U.S. but I guess the laws are different in Canada.
  • #329
Math Is Hard said:
It's illegal to own them in the U.S. but I guess the laws are different in Canada.

All of the laws are different in Canada. Including gravity. You should see! :biggrin:
  • #330
waht said:
The rendering of the face that is blowing the fruitlike smoke is absolutely brilliant. She is a confident and mature woman. While the embedded face in smoke is her reflection when she was young and struggling (void of dark-blue background), but she was always happy because she was protected by a bubble that shielded her.

That's just my two cents. I'm sure everyone has a different interpretation.

DanP said:
Yeah, that's the beauty of it. A piece of art "speaks" different things to different ppl.
I think its great.
To me, she is inhaling. Reminds me of the '70s.
  • #331
Sorry to keep bragging, but Zoobies in the house!


  • #332
GeorginaS said:
Sorry to keep bragging, but Zoobies in the house!


Looks great, Georgina!
  • #333
Very cool!
  • #334
Thank you LisaB and MIH! I was really thrilled to find out that we can order prints of the wonderful portraits in this thread. I need to decide which others I'd also like to have.
  • #335
Those would be the ones I would like to have, with maybe an "Evo Evening" in there. Very nice GeorginaS.
  • #336
dlgoff said:
Those would be the ones I would like to have, with maybe an "Evo Evening" in there. Very nice GeorginaS.

I keep looking at the wall thinking it could easily stand -- and look really spiffy with -- two more. I think so. They're really compelling and keep catching my eye.
  • #337
The important question is: that door, does lead to the bathroom in which I will be shaving them legs?
  • #338
GeorginaS said:
I was really thrilled to find out that we can order prints of the wonderful portraits in this thread.

Do they come signed? As soon as I have a new car I need to furnish and decorate my place. A genuine Zoob over the.. uh.. tv? might be a good addition.
  • #339
Thanks for posting the pic, Georgina. Your choice of frames is exactly how I frame those particular pieces: plain black trim. I'm glad you're happy with the prints. I really didn't know what kind of job they do on them.

(My computer is not working so I haven't been posting. Am having to use the pay computers at La Souris Perdue, so I must limit my time online.)
  • #340
Dave: What makes you think that door leads to a bathroom? Hmmmm? (And I haven't forgotten my search for that experiment reference. It's still bothering me. I'll find it.)

SA: The wonders of modern technology. Now artists can share prints of their work without the huge capital outlay of having to arrange for giant print-runs. So Zoobyshoe has the images uploaded to a site that does the printing in the quantities the buyer asks for, including doing just one or two. The prices are extraordinarily reasonable. The print quality is excellent on thick Kodak paper with a nice finish. They do a really good job. However, the prints go directly from the printer to the customer, so Zoobyshoe couldn't sign it personally unless it shipped to him first and then to you. The original work is signed but not the subsequent print.

And so, yes, Zoobyshoe, your choice of site is excellent. They do everything right. I'm assuming that people can message you if they'd like more details?
  • #341
Happy Birthday, Zoobie! Hope it's a good one. You have to share it with MIH and my crazy Aunt.
  • #342
It isn't often i'll go through every single page of a 22 page thread (especially when i have exams coming up that i should be studying for haha)...but it was totally worth it! Thanks very much for sharing your work, looking forward to seeing more in the future :smile:
  • #343
Happy Birthday, Zoob! :smile: You're an important ingredient in this community. I wish you a year of fulfillment and exceeded expectations.
  • #344
GeorginaS said:
Dave: What makes you think that door leads to a bathroom? Hmmmm?
Maybe I've got my scope at the wrong angle. I'll try another rooftop.
  • #345
GeorginaS said:
And so, yes, Zoobyshoe, your choice of site is excellent. They do everything right. I'm assuming that people can message you if they'd like more details?

Yes indeed!

Thanks for the birthday wishes everyone! I celebrated by having another tooth extracted, so now I'm a bit fuzzy on vicoden. Hope to have my computer fixed soon.
  • #346
zoobyshoe said:
...having another tooth extracted...Hope to have my computer fixed soon.
Are these related? If so, you're doing something wrong.

Ba. Zinga.
  • #347
Zoobyshoe, is it possible to order prints of your artwork?

Edit: Just found the answer.
  • #348
KrisOhn said:
Zoobyshoe, is it possible to order prints of your artwork?

Edit: Just found the answer.

Yes, but I am not sure if putting the link right here would violate any PF anti-spam regulations or not.
  • #349
Oil Spill
  • #350
Great zoob!

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