Discuss the World Cup 2010: England vs. USA

In summary, the most exciting match on June 12th is the England v USA match. I think both teams have a good chance of progressing from the group they're in, but I'm rooting for the US to win.
  • #211
zomgwtf said:
Yeah I did see that foul. I'm pretty sure it was clear that he was going after his legs and he DID only hit his legs. Unless we're talking about completely different situations...
Yes, we're talking about different situations. I'm thinking of a theater performance by Fabiano (and that was hardly the only one). There were close to a half dozen dives in the game (both sides included). I presume there'll be some video of it eventually - I looked on youtube and couldn't find anything more than the goals and the Kaka red card.
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  • #212
The World Cup is at stake and Brazil beat Ivory Coast fair and square. :biggrin: I didn't see any player whinning. Also, I have male friends, some play professional soccer, others professional ice hockey, and a few race cars. None of them are whimpies. As a woman and a big sports fan, I would have to say ice hockey is much rougher and dangerous, although the most dangerous is racing cars. Everyone I know, including myself, in my hometown is hoping Brazil WINS! :biggrin: Go Brazil Go!

You can browse through the photo gallery of the Brazil - Ivory Coast game .
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  • #213
Gokul43201 said:
Results, June 18, 19, 20:

Germany - Serbia (0 - 1)
Slovenia - USA (2 - 2)
England - Algeria (0 - 0)

Netherlands - Japan (1 - 0)
Ghana - Australia (1 - 1)
Cameroon - Denmark (1 - 2)

Slovakia - Paraguay (0 - 2)
Italy - New Zealand (1 - 1)
Brazil - Ivory Coast (3 - 1)Scoring Table
Member      June 18+19+20 Score      Cumulative Score
Dadface           1+o+1                   8
D H               0+2+2                   16
Bob               0+2+1                   13
Monique           1+1+2                   13
estro             1+1+1                   12
cristo            o+o+2                   13
zomgwtf           0+1+1                   10
lewdtenant        0+2+o                   3
rootX             0+o+o                   4
Borg              0+o+o                   0

I've dropped all participants with three consecutive no shows. And I changed the convention a little: o is for a no show or a late submission, and 0 is for all bad guesses. Dadface earns an unofficial top spot on this table because the o on his score might have been a 4, had it been submitted on time.

Gokul, my score should be 1+o+2 (prediction for 18 June in post #76)

Tomorrow's prediction:

Portugal - DPR Korea (1-0)
Chile - Switzerland (1-1)
Spain - Honduras (2-0)
  • #214
cristo said:
Gokul, my score should be 1+o+2 (prediction for 18 June in post #76)
Fixed now.

Others: Please check your scores. I had to go back and forth several times to collect and compare, so might easily have missed a few more.
  • #215
Kurdt said:
Brazil were awful.
Both teams were awful, starting with that two Hands of God goal.

This Hollywood garbage unfortunately still works to this day. It is what allowed Italy to come out of today with a draw and it is what allowed Ivory Coast to get Kaka sent off. Italy's PK was BS in my opinion. Kaka's sendoff was horrible. That is yet another argument for post-game video reviews of cards, both given and not given. I do not want in-game video reviews; it would detract from the flow. After the game, yes, with multi-game suspensions for simulations that change the outcome of the game or cause a player to be erroneously ejected.
  • #216
D H said:
Both teams were awful, starting with that two Hands of God goal.

This Hollywood garbage unfortunately still works to this day. It is what allowed Italy to come out of today with a draw and it is what allowed Ivory Coast to get Kaka sent off. Italy's PK was BS in my opinion. Kaka's sendoff was horrible. That is yet another argument for post-game video reviews of cards, both given and not given. I do not want in-game video reviews; it would detract from the flow. After the game, yes, with multi-game suspensions for simulations that change the outcome of the game or cause a player to be erroneously ejected.

So awful to you, DH, yet you continued to watch it to the bitter end.:smile: How many millions (?) of people world-wide watched the the game? You think they all think like you?:devil:
  • #217
ViewsofMars said:
So awful to you, DH, yet you continued to watch it to the bitter end.:smile: How many millions (?) of people world-wide watched the the game? You think they all think like you?:devil:

I guess it depends on what kind of football you're used to. Those kind of theatrics aren't regularly seen or tolerated in the UK. If people do put on a performance it is usually when there has been more than a brush of contact. The amount of times I saw a Brazilian player go down after being lightly brushed was ridiculous. The nation that made the game beautiful have really turned it ugly today.
  • #218
Kurdt said:
I guess it depends on what kind of football you're used to. Those kind of theatrics aren't regularly seen or tolerated in the UK. If people do put on a performance it is usually when there has been more than a brush of contact. The amount of times I saw a Brazilian player go down after being lightly brushed was ridiculous. The nation that made the game beautiful have really turned it ugly today.

I honestly didn't see what you saw. I didn't see anything ugly. Kurdt, my point to DH was strictly dealing with the reality that people enjoy watching awful (or ugly) things and continue to do so, then complain about it. I find that very interesting. I myself would leave a stadium if I wasn't enjoying a game even if it cost a $100 a seat. I'm fasinated why men in particular see the "awful" yet continue to indulge in it. :eek: It sends a signal to women like myself that they dislike awful or ugly things though enjoy it because they still watch the game to the end. Something of that sort. I have to run now.
  • #219
D H, I think that if they used video replay during the game it would probably make things better. They would just have a group of people watching the video feeds from various angles, they already use headsets to discuss amongst themselves. If a ref decides to go to a replay for a final decision then it would be his call. Simple.
  • #220
Portugal - North Korea (1 - 0)
Chile - Switzerland (0 - 1)
Spain - Honduras (2 - 0)
  • #221
Whoa! Almost forgot predictions for tomorrow's games:

Portugal - North Korea (2 - 0)
Chile - Switzerland (1 - 0)
Spain - Honduras (2 - 0)
  • #222
Kurdt said:
The nation that made the game beautiful have really turned it ugly today.
That nation also was one of the key developers of the theatrics that can make the game at times rather ugly. Pele played a big part in formulating both the beautiful and ugly sides of the modern game. I love the flowing style and the creativity perfected by Brazil and by Ajax. Watching Brazil play can be beautiful at times, but at times like today, not so much.
  • #223
D H said:
That nation also was one of the key developers of the theatrics that can make the game at times rather ugly.

I thought that's what he was talking about. Now I need to know in what other way you thought they made the game ugly
  • #224
That game turned ugly in the 51st minute when the ref allowed Fabiano's double hand of god goal. Brazil pretty much dominated the game, both in playing well and in theatrics. Ivory Coast eventually caught on that this ref was not doing a good job and was easily deceived. The last ten minutes were particularly ugly, thanks to Ivory Coast and to the ref. Ivory Coast play during those last ten minutes was rather brutish and filled with theatrics.

I do admit that some amount of theatrics is necessary. That a player went down and stayed down is the quintessential signal to a referee that some transgression of the rules may have occurred. Even an attempt to trip an opponent, whether successful or not, is supposedly a violation of rule 12. However, referees are quite unlikely to make a call if the fouled player merely stumbles a bit. The fouled player has to go down.

The problem then is not the theatrics per se. The problem is the use of theatrics in a situation where no foul occurred. Simulation is the unintended consequence of FIFA's movement since the 1960s or so to turn what was a brutish game into the beautiful game it is supposed to be now. We now have the technical means to detect simulation, at least after the fact. I would like to see post-game reviews of televised games used much more often in premier-level professional games and international competitions. Levy heavy fines and suspensions for players and for teams. FIFA does on the very rare occasion fine players after the fact, but this is usually a slap on the wrist. Rivaldo received such a slap on the wrist eight years ago. To stop simulation the fines have to be harsh.
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  • #225
There are many ways this beautiful game can turn a bit ugly. Bob mentioned the West Germany - Austria debacle. Today's Portugal - North Korea game is another way. The first half was good. Somewhere in the second half Portugal figured out how to crack the North Korean defense. Portugal then proceeded to crack it wide open, 7-0 final. Because of the group play tie breaker rules, Portugal needed to win this big because the second team to advance from this group of death may well come down to goal differential.
  • #226
Predictions for 6/22:

Uruguay-Mexico (2 - 1)
South Africa-France (3 - 0)
South Korea-Nigeria (2 - 1)
Argentina-Greece (3 - 0)
  • #227
Borg said:
South Africa-France (3 - 0)

Not disputing this, but wow.

Question: Is there any correlation between how tone deaf a team is when singing their anthem and how well they perform? (Chile and Switzerland just vied for which side is more tone deaf.)
  • #228
Predictions for tomorrow's matches, before I forget:

France - South Africa (1-1)
Mexico - Uruguay (1-2)
Greece - Argentina (1-3)
Nigeria - Korea (South) (0-3)
  • #229
Borg said:
South Africa-France (3 - 0)

Would be nice for the organizers ! Not even sure whether the French team will show up :-p
  • #230
D H said:

Not disputing this, but wow.

Question: Is there any correlation between how tone deaf a team is when singing their anthem and how well they perform? (Chile and Switzerland just vied for which side is more tone deaf.)

Just a guess. France seems determined to throw everything away by skipping practice and other unprofessional behavior. If they decide not to show up or the refs take away an early French goal, South Africa could take advantage of it. I'm sure that South Africa doesn't want to be the first home country eliminated in the first round either.

That, plus my very first post in this thread that I don't know anything about this sport. :-p
  • #231
France - South Africa (0-2)
Mexico - Uruguay (0-0)
Greece - Argentina (0-2)
Nigeria - Korea (South) (1-1)
  • #232
France - South Africa (1 - 0)
Mexico - Uruguay (1 - 1)
Greece - Argentina (0 - 2)
Nigeria - South Korea (1 - 0)
  • #233
Borg said:
Just a guess. France seems determined to throw everything away by skipping practice and other unprofessional behavior. If they decide not to show up or the refs take away an early French goal, South Africa could take advantage of it. I'm sure that South Africa doesn't want to be the first home country eliminated in the first round either.

That, plus my very first post in this thread that I don't know anything about this sport. :-p

They skipped out on the pracitces etc. because one of their players was sent home by the French football association and they do not agree with it. He had gotten into a dispute with one of the coaches and someone had went and 'told' on him.
  • #234
I like those scores! :biggrin: Spain should have scored more goals, but 2-0 was fine by me. Poor Pique, he looked awful with all the tape and swelling in his face.
  • #235
France - South Africa (1-0)
Mexico - Uruguay (1-1)
Greece - Argentina (1-2)
Nigeria - South Korea (2-1)

The group a matches don't even matter. South Africa and France are done for unless they win by a huge margin, which is unlikely.
  • #236
Monique said:
I like those scores! :biggrin:
Yeah, I kinda like those scores too.

I don't know what to do with France - South Africa tomorrow. My gut says that South Africa will play for honor and France will play for merde. My brain says "who knows?" I see a huge variance in the potential outcomes. A tie between Mexico and Uruguay shuts both South Africa and France out. I'll have to get my predictions in a bit later.
  • #237
D H said:
I don't know what to do with France - South Africa tomorrow. My gut says that South Africa will play for honor and France will play for merde. My brain says "who knows?" I see a huge variance in the potential outcomes. A tie between Mexico and Uruguay shuts both South Africa and France out. I'll have to get my predictions in a bit later.

That's what I was thinking too.
  • #238
France - South Africa (0-1)
Mexico - Uruguay (0-0) (zero cards!)
Greece - Argentina (0-3)
Nigeria - Korea (South) (1-2)
  • #239
Results, June 21:

Portugal - North Korea (7 - 0)
Chile - Switzerland (1 - 0)
Spain - Honduras (2 - 0)

Scoring Table
Member      June 21 Score      Cumulative Score
D H               5                   21
Monique           5                   18
Borg              4                   04
cristo            3                   17
Bob               3                   16
Dadface           3                   11
zomgwtf           2                   12
estro             o                   12
lewdtenant        o'                  03

A high scoring day, both on the field, and in the back seat.
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  • #240
France - South Africa (2-3)
Mexico - Uruguay (1-1)
Greece - Argentina (0-3)
Nigeria - South Korea (1-2)

Group A: Uruguay and Mexico advance
Group B: Argentina and South Korea advance
  • #241
I'd really love to see a 100-0 for South Africa-France. Since all is lost (say France qualifies, it will then get its head cut by Argentina), if I was Lloris I'd took the chance of being the best scorer in world cups of all time. Score 100 goals against his team... that would be awesome to watch, this would make history. Let's hope the game turn this way and that a goal keeper becomes the best scorer ever in world cups.
  • #242
2-0 already for SA!

The prediction for tomorrow, before I forget:
Slovenia - England (0 - 2)
USA - Algeria (1 - 0)
Ghana - Germany (0 - 1)
Australia - Serbia (0 - 2)
  • #243
Borg said:
South Africa-France (3 - 0)

D H said:

Not disputing this, but wow.

Monique said:
2-0 already for SA!

Da da da dum
Da da da dum...

  • #244
France scored. Arrrgh!
  • #245
Big day tomorrow. :bugeye::bugeye:

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