Disney World PF Gathering and Tips for Disney Mania!

  • Thread starter ZapperZ
  • Start date
In summary: This couscous and tagine restaurant is quite popular and usually has a long wait. Try coming at night when it’s less crowded.9. Yacht Club at the Epcot resort – This club has a beautiful view of the fireworks show at Epcot. However, this is a “resort” so it’s quite pricey. You may be able to get in if you call the club in advance and ask if there are any openings.10. The Living Seas – Usually there are long lines for this aquarium, but it’s worth the wait. You get to see all kinds of neat fish and amphibians.
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  • #1,962
ZapperZ said:
Oh, the mouse will adopt you any time, but it'll cost ya. It's called the Disney Vacation Club! :)

[Remember: Money Grabbing Mouse]

Since the Animal Kingdom Lodge seems to be a major selling point for some people, I thought I'd post more pictures from there, so here they are. Just think, you could see giraffes out of your hotel window each day!





An update on the Animal Kingdom Lodge: It just received the Florida Green Lodging certification on March 1st of this year. This certification is given to Florida lodging industry that tries to reduce its impact on Florida's ecology and wild life.


These were the steps that Disney's AKL took to receive the certification:


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  • #1,963
ZapperZ said:
An update on the Animal Kingdom Lodge: It just received the Florida Green Lodging certification on March 1st of this year. This certification is given to Florida lodging industry that tries to reduce its impact on Florida's ecology and wild life.


These were the steps that Disney's AKL took to receive the certification:



Disney's AKL is one of my favorite resorts. We've stayed there twice and had great experiences both times. This last time we stayed in one of the rooms that have the thatch roof balcony, at the end of the Zebra Trail. Do you know where I mean? I'd love to post a picture but I have no idea how to do that on this forum. If I can get a little help, I'd gladly post if people are interested.

Btw, have you guys done a Disney Trivia question of the day thing at all. Just thought it might be fun.
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  • #1,964
Ceramist-by-day said:
Disney's AKL is one of my favorite resorts. We've stayed there twice and had great experiences both times. This last time we stayed in one of the rooms that have the thatch roof balcony, at the end of the Zebra Trail. Do you know where I mean? I'd love to post a picture but I have no idea how to do that on this forum. If I can get a little help, I'd gladly post if people are interested.

Btw, have you guys done a Disney Trivia question of the day thing at all. Just thought it might be fun.

Have you stayed at the conceirge level? Supposedly, you get food/refreshments/snacks all day long there, and you get to go into Animal Kingdom very early in the day for the Sunrise Safari and breakfast.

As for uploading pictures, the best way (other than via attachments which will allow only a very small size) is to go to one of the free picture hosting site such as imageshack.us. Once you have uploaded a picture there, you'll get a url to make a directly link to that picture form any website. On here, you use the img command to imbed the picture into your posts. If you quote one of my posts that has pictures in it, you can see the syntax of the img command that you need.


P.S. I know this is a very long thread, but did you see my pictures from the DVC/Annual Passholder Preview of Expedition Everest this past January?
  • #1,965
Hey Moonbie. You and I may have seen our last ever Disney Stars and Motor Cars Parade at Disney/MGM Studios.

Rumors are running rampant that the parade is going to be replaced by a version of Disney's Block Party Bash that is currently running at the California Adventure theme park.

Humm... and we captured the whole parade on video too last time. Maybe I should edit it and sell it on e-bay when the parade is gone. :)

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  • #1,967
What? I actually thought Treasure Planet was good. You know what this says to me, don't listen to the critics. They are all full of it anyways. They are the ones who praised Brokeback Mountain I remind you.
  • #1,968
scott_alexsk said:
What? I actually thought Treasure Planet was good. You know what this says to me, don't listen to the critics. They are all full of it anyways. They are the ones who praised Brokeback Mountain I remind you.

Eh? I thought Brokeback Mountain was an excellent movie, one of the best ever. So that comparison of yours doesn't quite work with me.

And if I recall, when Treasure Planet came out, the review wasn't totally bad, but it wasn't as widely acclaimed as a Pixar movie. I just wished I had seen it when it was released then.

  • #1,969
I did not mean it that way, but I meant that they say movies are good that most people would not see. And in turn they say movies are bad that most people would say are good.
  • #1,970
scott_alexsk said:
I did not mean it that way, but I meant that they say movies are good that most people would not see. And in turn they say movies are bad that most people would say are good.

I wouldn't use that either. I've seen many movies that had good reviews that WERE good. I don't tend to go for the "blockbusters", although I do see a few in a particular year. I tend to go for more "meaningful" movie. If I want "mindless entertainment", I'd watch my old Disney cartoons and my Loony Tunes collection. :)

And I have, unfortunately, seen a few movies which got bad reviews, and guess what? They WERE bad! (Star Wars Episode I, II, and III anybody?).

I think what I'm trying to say here is that you can't use a movie critique's review for or against a movie. While I find that my taste seems to agree with Roger Ebert's often, it also isn't true all the time (I didn't like Swimming Pool as much as he did, but liked it more than my friends who hated it).

Anyhow, Disney's Shaggy Dog was released yesterday and Roger gave it only 2 stars. It has been getting rather lukewarm review almost universally here. Do you think this is a movie you WILL like and deserves 4 stars?

  • #1,972
ZapperZ said:
Hey Moonbie. You and I may have seen our last ever Disney Stars and Motor Cars Parade at Disney/MGM Studios.

Rumors are running rampant that the parade is going to be replaced by a version of Disney's Block Party Bash that is currently running at the California Adventure theme park.

Humm... and we captured the whole parade on video too last time. Maybe I should edit it and sell it on e-bay when the parade is gone. :)


With the rumors of the possibility that this parade is going to end, I'm going to post a series of pictures from Disney Stars and Motor Cars Parade taken just this past January.




  • #1,973
Disney Stars and Motor Cars Parade - Pt. 2

Just who is this fella?



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  • #1,974
:smile: That image of the guy in the car in the SS uniform with the flags just isint right :smile:
  • #1,975
Disney Stars and Motor Cars Parade - Pt. 3




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  • #1,976
Disney Stars and Motor Cars Parade - Pt. 4 (Final)

Last series of pictures from this parade at Disney/MGM Studios that is rumored to be on its last leg.




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  • #1,977
Just because you have one extremely successful and popular theme park, doesn't mean building one right next to it will be equally popular. We saw this with Disney's California Adventure, and we're seeing it with Tokyo's DisneySea.

A terrific article on Tokyo's DisneySea and what they're doing to increase its popularity can be found here:


A lot is riding on the Tower of Terror that is supposed to open sometime this year.

  • #1,978
ZapperZ said:

:eek: WTF is that thing?!
  • #1,980
For those of you who couldn't fully see the Wishes fireworks show at the Magic Kingdom because you sat way too close to the castle (you know who you are), this is a video of the full fireworks.


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  • #1,981
A short notice. If you missed the first airing of this, you may want to see it or record it.

History Channel is going to re-run the Modern Marvel episode on Walt Disney World again tonight, March 12, at 11 pm Eastern. This, as I recall, was a VERY good show, and I believe should be out on DVD soon, if not already.

  • #1,982
Is it Spring Break already?

They're releasing this pin on Wednesday at WDW, and it's a gorgeous one.


  • #1,983
Yep, it's spring break. One of the grad students is heading to Disney on Wednesday. I'm not going to ask her to spend her entire time there shopping, but if you really love that pin (or one or two others) I might be able to ask her to pick them up while there.

I won't promise she's a reliable source, but I can at least ask and if she doesn't flake out, she might actually remember to get them while there.
  • #1,984
That's for the offer, Moonbie, but my cast member friends owe me a huge favor when I bought them in with me for the DVC member preview of Expedition Everest. So I already have them buying me a few pins already, although they are drawing the line at 20. :(


I wish I get spring break. I so need one right now.

  • #1,985
Oooh... The Post Office is going to release a new Art of Disney stamps!

The release party will be held at Epcot on April 21. The new stamps are gorgeous! That Lady and the Tramp stamp alone is worth getting the whole set.


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  • #1,986
BusinessWeek Online reports on the lovefest at the last Disney shareholders meeting.


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  • #1,987
Hey Moonbie, you don't have any of your grad students over there going on a Disney cruise, do you? I don't mind getting one of this pin.


  • #1,988
Nope...grad students can't afford cruises. I never got to take a spring break when I was a grad student...they're spoiled now!
  • #1,989
Moonbear said:
Nope...grad students can't afford cruises. I never got to take a spring break when I was a grad student...they're spoiled now!

I haven't had a spring break since I was a grad student either. In fact, many a year where I didn't even know it was the middle of a spring break, since I was always away from campus. The end of the semester was also meaningless other than the annoying "exams" when I was still taking classes.

Maybe that's why I'm into Disney with such passion. I'm trying to get back all those missing years! Or maybe I'm just regressing back into my childhood. At this rate, I should be 9 years old some time at the end of this decade.


Zz <sucking his thumb>
  • #1,990
Ugh! My camera lens is filthy!

Night shots like this brings out all the flaws... Too bad, this would have been such a nice picture.


  • #1,991
This is a terrific site:


It uses Google Map to show the entire Walt Disney World resort, including a clear boundary of the resort. You can also click several items to see where they are located. Don't expect to see much of the backstage area though - those have never been seen even using the regular Google Earth.

  • #1,992
The release of the Easter pins have begun. This is the first of many Easter pins for this year. This was relesed today at WDW.


  • #1,993
ZapperZ said:
The release of the Easter pins have begun. This is the first of many Easter pins for this year. This was relesed today at WDW.


Hey, finally, Tink doesn't look evil...she looks drunk! Must be all the spring break fun. :smile:

I don't even get a break from teaching during spring break. The med students are given a different week than the rest of the university for spring break, so while everyone else has a week off from teaching, I don't. :frown:
  • #1,994
A school in Alabama received a windfall of costumes from Disney!


Sometime, Disney does some good.


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  • #1,995
The future of Disney Magical Express will be decided some time soon.


Considering that this is a service the guests really want, a service that has revolutionized how people travel, is being copied by other resorts and hotels, etc.. it is silly if Disney is forced to stop it.

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