Disney World PF Gathering and Tips for Disney Mania!

  • Thread starter ZapperZ
  • Start date
In summary: This couscous and tagine restaurant is quite popular and usually has a long wait. Try coming at night when it’s less crowded.9. Yacht Club at the Epcot resort – This club has a beautiful view of the fireworks show at Epcot. However, this is a “resort” so it’s quite pricey. You may be able to get in if you call the club in advance and ask if there are any openings.10. The Living Seas – Usually there are long lines for this aquarium, but it’s worth the wait. You get to see all kinds of neat fish and amphibians.
  • #2,591
Cybersteve said:
I accept the challenge!

I think I can remember the location, we always tried our luck but as some of the questions are US biased we never got too far!

I wonder if there are any high vantage points that might enable me to peek over the hoardings?

Terrific! Now I'm looking forward to your trip almost as much as you do! :)

Just make sure you don't put yourself in a dangerous situation, or break any rules! Don't want you to get thrown out of the park just because you wanted to get a good angle on a picture! :biggrin:

Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2,592
OK, we have a slew of rumors flying around here...

The first one, reported first by WDWmagic.com, is that Tusker House, a popular counter service eating place at Animal Kingdom, might turn into a character dining. I only have one thing to say to that:


Tusker House is one of the best counter service eating estabishment in ALL of WDW. Why couldn't they either build a new place (it's not as if they're lacking in space there) or take over another standard burger joint they already have? The unusually high quality of food offerings at Tusker House is a major attraction to many people who wish to have something beyond just burger and fries. Taking this away and making it into a sit down character meal is mind-boggling.

So Cybersteve, if you haven't had any meals at Tusker House, you may want to try it on this trip, or it will be gone from the way we know it.

The second rumor that has been reported at a number of places, is that the Epcot wand might finally go. The wand was added to Spaceship Earth for the mellennium celebration and stayed. Several places are reporting that the enginners at WDW have been instructed to find ways to take down the wand some time in 2007.

I know of many Disney purists who, for some reason, dislike the wand with passion. I don't mind it at all. In fact, I kinda like it, especially at night when it is all lit up. It adds light and collor to the globe. So if this rumor is true, I will be very sorry to see it go. My only consolation here is that I have taken tons of pictures of it, such as the one below.


  • #2,593
Osborne Family Spectacle of Dancing Lights

You saw the pictures both Moonbie and I took at last year's Osborne Family Spectacle of Lights at Disney-MGM Studios. This year, as I reported earlier, they have added synchronized dancing lights to their spectacle. The first of what promises to be a slew of videos from this are http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-6823335247663525204" . It's spectacular! (I just wish this guy learns to turn off the autofocus on his camcorder for shots like this.)

I almost wish that I am going this year! :( Moonbie, let's plan for the 2007/2008 holidays! Anyone else going?

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  • #2,594
Hi Zz this might be a silly question-What is this disney mania?
  • #2,595
Splash Mountain

It's no secret that my most favorite ride at The Magic Kingdom is Splash Mountain. However, we never attempted to videotape this ride for obvious reason - we don't want the camcorder to get wet. So as of now, we have no video of this attraction.

However, that doesn't stop others from videotaping this attraction. This is one of the http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-2319192226518923107" (I just wish he went easy on the closeup zoom). It is interesting to note that this came from a company that actually sells DVD's of fan-based video of various ride attractions at Disney theme parks. I mean, if this is what people would pay for, then the quality of the videos that *I* have produced compare quite well (maybe even better in some - see the Wishes video) with these videos.

Maybe I should produce my own DVDs and sell them! :biggrin:

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  • #2,596
ZapperZ said:
OK, Disney just pulled a fast one on me!

Still in the middle of editing the video for this trip, and I was editing our footage of Illuminations. If you've looked at my video of Wishes and an earlier version of Illuminations, you'd know that we like to replace the live sound with the actual music for those shows.

We videotaped Illuminations again on this trip, because our earlier version was taped last year in Sept. when the inferno barge was out of commission. As usual, I replaced the live sound with the actual music. Getting them to synchronize is usually the most tedious part of the whole thing, especially for Illuminations since it uses two different tunes.

Things were going very well during video editing until the very end! The part where the song goes "We go on..." and the sky turns bright with a flood of fireworks... whoa! They added about 3 seconds to it! The horns section that gets repeated 4 times in the original soundtrack is repeated FIVE times in the version we taped! So the fireworks went on 3 seconds too long. So my video is in synched with the actual music all through Illuminations up to the last 20 seconds of the show and then BAM. It goes out of synch!

I'm disappointed! While I do have tools to edit the original music to try to add an additional repeatition of the horns, this may not turn out as well and will take a lot of time to do. Drat!

I wonder how many people actually realize that Illuminations as it is now is 3 seconds longer than it was before? :) Not that it is a bad thing, mind you. It only causes problems for people like me.


Disney may have tried to get me, but I'm not letting them!

It took a while, but we finally managed to edit the music to add that extra 1-2 seconds in the final music accompanying Illuminations-Reflections of Earth. It is now available online.

So far, this is the best version of http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-6710208895411670287" that we have, which is my most favorite night time show anywhere in WDW. While it is good, I am still not 100% happy with it. This is a difficult show to videotape, especially when you have a fixed angle of view like what you get when you use a tripod. The show has a lot of things going on low to the water, and a lot of fireworks high up in the sky. You just can't cover all of them easily.

We hope to videotape this again on our next trip and use 2 camcorders - one for the wide-angle sky view to capture the fireworks, while the other for the tight show low, especially at the globe. Maybe we can edit that and get a better version of this awesome show.

Hope you like this one. It's spectacular and with the BEST music accompanying a fireworks anywhere!

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  • #2,597
The Thanksgiving pins are out in force. There are exclusive pins for Disneyland, and for Walt Disney World. So far, the ones being released at Disneyland are absolutely spectacular. Here are a couple of the very best ones.



  • #2,598
I'm getting the feeling that ZapperZ is having an affair with a Disney forum somewhere on the internet!
  • #2,599
JasonRox said:
I'm getting the feeling that ZapperZ is having an affair with a Disney forum somewhere on the internet!


You have it all wrong! I have been carrying out SEVERAL affairs with a number of Disney forums!


  • #2,600
ZapperZ said:

You have it all wrong! I have been carrying out SEVERAL affairs with a number of Disney forums!




Greg won't be happy.

Anyways, I've never been to Disner World or Land. When people tell me about it, it sounds awesome. One day, I shall go. :biggrin:
  • #2,601
JasonRox said:

Greg won't be happy.

That's alright. They all know that I have not been completely faithful. But at least, I am not cheating with another physics forum! o:)

Anyways, I've never been to Disner World or Land. When people tell me about it, it sounds awesome. One day, I shall go. :biggrin:

If you have to choose just one, I strongly recommend Walt Disney World. There's just a whole lot more to see and do there, and you can spend a week and do new things each day. Besides, I bump into a lot of Canadians there on any given trip, so obviously there's precedent! :biggrin:

In any case, the older you get, I think the MORE you tend to appreciate and notice the little details about the place, which most kids would be oblivious to. So the experience is certainly a lot richer as a mature adult. That of course does not apply to me since I become utterly immature when I get there - just ask Moonbie.

  • #2,602
ZapperZ said:
In any case, the older you get, I think the MORE you tend to appreciate and notice the little details about the place, which most kids would be oblivious to. So the experience is certainly a lot richer as a mature adult. That of course does not apply to me since I become utterly immature when I get there - just ask Moonbie.
Me?! I have no idea, I was too busy acting like a little kid to notice if you were being immature, remember? :biggrin:

2007 holiday season sounds like a good time to go! With any luck, one or more of the grants keeping me from enjoying THIS holiday season will get funded and I can enjoy the holidays next year. :biggrin:
  • #2,603
Moonbear said:
Me?! I have no idea, I was too busy acting like a little kid to notice if you were being immature, remember? :biggrin:

I remember it well. You were going to take a bite out of the chocolate carousel, and I had to restraint you!

2007 holiday season sounds like a good time to go! With any luck, one or more of the grants keeping me from enjoying THIS holiday season will get funded and I can enjoy the holidays next year. :biggrin:

Shall we make a very, very, very tentative plan for the first week of January 2008 like last time? I don't know if I have the patience to deal with record holiday crowds again if we go any earlier, even when I so am dying to see all the holiday specials. The Osborne spectacle should still be on at that time. We just need to go to all the resorts early on before they take those down, especially the Gingerbread house at the Grand Floridian.

Now, if only we can convince Evo to come along...

  • #2,604
Governor, You Had Just Won An Election, What Are You Doing Next?

Why, I'm going to Disney World!

If athletes can do that, why not politicians? The governor of Oklahoma is wraping up his election business after winning his re-election bid. And then, http://www.kotv.com/news/local/story/?id=113981" !

He'd better not do it on taxpayers expense, though.


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  • #2,605
It's A Small World

I posted a while back about the video that I uploaded on It's A Small World attraction at http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=3544915256512014256" in Walt Disney World. You'll see a number of major differences in both attractions. Which one is better is, I suppose, a matter of individual taste.

As with the earlier version, be warned that the tune can easily sticks in your head after just the first couple of minutes.


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  • #2,606
This is a http://www.mouseplanet.com/articles.php?art=ww061115ws" from MousePlanet on how Disney celebrates the various Mickey Mouse birthdays. At the very least, one now knows the official date of Mickey's birthday. There is also a wonderful essay attributed to Walt on what Mickey meant to him.

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  • #2,607
This site list the http://www.top500.org/list/2006/11/100" sites around the world. An impressive list indeed.

So why is this mentioned in a Disney thread? Look who is at #197!


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  • #2,609
neutrino said:
Are non-Disney-crazy members allowed to post here? :rolleyes:

Anyone can post here about anything Disney.

That is strange!

Edit: these news reporters should get on with the program. Epcot hasn't been called "EPCOT Center" since the mid 80's.

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  • #2,610
Cybersteve said:
We arrive on 7th November and leave 21st November.

Cybersteve and his family should be right in the middle of their vacation in Orlando. Hope they are having a blast of a time. He'd better have a long trip report when he gets back!


  • #2,611
Osborne Family Spectacle of Dancing Lights

OK, so http://www.laughingplace.com/Lotion-View-312.asp" is what we're missing for not going to Walt Disney World this holiday season! :cry: :cry:

I hope Cybersteve gets a few pictures (or even videos) of this.

It is truly spectacular. I hope it is even more spectacular next year!

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  • #2,612
Zz, we're going down December 4 through 10. I couldn't find it in the link; do you know if the light show will be on then?
  • #2,613
selfAdjoint said:
Zz, we're going down December 4 through 10. I couldn't find it in the link; do you know if the light show will be on then?

You lucky devil you.

Yes, ALL of the Christmas decorations, events, parades, festivities, etc. will be up by then, including the Osborne Lights. You may also want to consider a no-to-miss event, the Mickey Very Merry Christmas Party. This is a hard-ticket event where you go in the Magic Kingdom on a special night and get to see the special holiday parade, Holiday Wishes fireworks, etc... They have one on Dec. 4, 5, and 7 during your stay there. You can find more info http://disneyworld.disney.go.com/wd...ckeysVeryMerryChristmasPartySpecialEventPage"

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  • #2,614
ZapperZ said:
Y'know, I thought I write a rather good trip report of my "adventure" to Disney theme parks. I've had several people giving compliments at the report and the pictures that I uploaded.

However, in terms of charm, wit, cleverness, and cuteness, my report doesn't even come close when compared to the Tigger trip reports! This has got to be the most fun, and the most witty trip report I've ever come across. It's so adorable all the various adventures that Tigger got himself into!

You MUST read it! You must read http://forums.wdwmagic.com/showthread.php?t=95913"! And he's going again in a couple of weeks!


The http://forums.wdwmagic.com/showthread.php?t=114040" is out! In the degree of cleverness and amazing adventure, nothing can beat this! Don't miss it!

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  • #2,615
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  • #2,616
It's amazing how a "bad weather" in one place is good weather in another. :)

They must be expecting rather cold and chilly weather at Orlando today. Disney has canceled The Spirit of Aloha dinner show today at the Polynesian resort, and also closed Typhoon Lagoon, one of their water parks (the other water park, Blizzard Beach, is under renovation). The reason given is due to the unusually cold wather. Orlando is expecting, get this, a high of around 59 F (15 C) today.

That is shorts weather up here in Chicago at this time of the year!


  • #2,617
Pictures of http://www.laughingplace.com/Lotion-View-316.asp" around Disneyland. It certainly appears to be a very magical place to be during this time of the year.

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  • #2,619
Happy Thanksgiving!


  • #2,620
"National Thanksgiving Turkey, you have just been http://www.laughingplace.com/Latest.asp?I1=ID&I2=1533" by the President from having your head chopped off and become the thanksgiving dinner. What are you going to do next?"

"Why, I'm going to Disneyland, of course! Gobble, gobble!"

The National Thanksgiving Turkey will be the Grand Marshall at Disneyland's Thanksgiving parade, and live the rest of its natural life at the Happiest Place on Earth. What a deal!

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  • #2,621
Pictures and videos of the holiday parade at Disney-MGM Studios.


This particular parade may not be around that much longer. This is because this is the holiday variation of the http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-88514796030123509" , the regular parade at Disney-MGM Studios, and that parade is rumored to on the chopping block some time soon, to be replaced with a different parade.

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  • #2,622
We're back, actually we have been for a couple of days but I've been dealing with some domestic crises.

Now, I have to report that I(we) completely failed in the mission set, not only did I not get pictures of the ex-Millionaire location at MGM but the pictures I did get of other Disney locations and events are rubbish. :redface:

Here's my excuses:
My wife decided we needed a new camera and so we left our existing one at home and purchased a pretty, red one at the airport. Not my choice but as she pointed out she always ends up carrying it and so she should have what she wated!
However she failed to find out how it workd properly and so what should have been pictures ended up being videos and vice-versa!

Unless you want to see a video of the ground with the soundtrack of my wife saying "This Bl***y things not working!" I can see no point in providing links.
I could cheat and provide old pictures but I'm sure you Disney experts would find me out!

My other reason for failing is that we as a group decided to use up all our existing Disney days and not buy anymore this year. This meant that our only visit to MGM was a hop to the Aerosmith ride and Terror Towers.

We filled our days up with visits to Typhoon Lagoon (until the weather got too cold) Pleasure Island, Busch Gardens (at last! although it was freezing cold) Seaworld and lots of afternoons where we sneaked into OKW.
We also got to see a lot of Orlando and Kissimmee that we've never seen before.

We'd all been under stress for different reasons throughout the year so the remainder of our time we just spent lounging by our pool and planning which restaurant to visit for dinner!

So once again, sorry to dissappoint you but we had a great time and are looking forward to next year when we hope to have at least one Grand Villa at OKW!
  • #2,623
Drat! I was so looking forward to your pictures. :(

In any case, I am glad you had a wonderful time. You didn't say if you got to see the new Osborne Spectacle of Dancing Lights. Please say you did, because it would be ashame if you missed it.

If you are planning on going next year, and you're going to be there in mid-late Sept., you might bump into us!


  • #2,624
I'm afraid we missed the Osborne Spectacle of Dancing Lights but at least that gives us an excuse to go next year.

Our plans for next year are to go last week in September and the first week in October but from previous visits I'm sure that our plans will change many times before then.

We found it much too cold this year. Although the daytime temperatures were in the mid 70's the nights were too cold for most of us.

Will you be staying at OKW next year?
  • #2,625
Cybersteve said:
I'm afraid we missed the Osborne Spectacle of Dancing Lights but at least that gives us an excuse to go next year.

Our plans for next year are to go last week in September and the first week in October but from previous visits I'm sure that our plans will change many times before then.

We found it much too cold this year. Although the daytime temperatures were in the mid 70's the nights were too cold for most of us.

Will you be staying at OKW next year?

We haven't decided yet. We will be staying at OKW for our May/June trip, but we are leaning towards going back to our "home" at Saratoga Springs for the Sept. trip. Still, if you're there at the same time as us and you're staying at OKW, you're almost in the same neighborhood! We could make an excuse to visit each other simply by doing pool hopping.



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