Disqualified in the photo contest

In summary, someone else took the photo you wanted to enter in the You're So Cold contest, you've already submitted one but have others that fit the theme you want to share, or you've previously touched up the photos with some editing software.
  • #176
I like to watch and photograph clouds. From my house, unfortunately, I have to deal with power lines out front. I also wish I could do this in time laspse.





Back when I was in high school, I used to put on sunglasses and lie in outside in the backyard or some quiet out of the way place and watch clouds form as they floated by.
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Physics news on Phys.org
  • #177
A beautiful creature -


She must now live at a local rapture center.

I much prefer nature in nature.

Butterfly is free - at the beach.

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  • #178
Astronuc said:
I like to watch and photograph clouds. From my house, unfortunately, I have to deal with power lines out front. I also wish I could do this in time laspse.





Back when I was in high school, I used to put on sunglasses and lie in outside in the backyard or some quiet out of the way place and watch clouds form as they floated by.

Astronuc said:
A beautiful creature -


She must now live at a local rapture center.

I much prefer nature in nature.

Butterfly is free - at the beach.


Nice shots Astro! Thanks for sharing:smile:
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  • #179
Almost disqualified! OW! (slapped on wrist).

THis was my first rubber eraser pic. The contest was three days old and no pictures, so I felt sorry for it and snapped this one quickly.

Then I thought of the Rubaway Rottweiler!
  • #180
This is the full shot of the tiny whirpool in the fountain outside of twisting_edge's office. The really large version is so aswesome that I'm planning to enlarge it and frame it, it just has such a peaceful feeling to it.

  • #181
I was considering this one for the current night shot.
This is the round castle at Palma and the shore line lights, taken from the deck of the USS JF Kennedy at anchor in the bay. You can see the wave action and the motion of the ship during the exposure.


I has been a favorite of mine for a long time, not so sure that it will be appreciated be all.
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  • #182
I like that. It's really hard to chose just one picture. I'd like to remove the rule that says you can only enter a picture once in the contest thread. I think that if your picture didn't win in one category, it should be allowed in another category.
  • #183
In the Mother's Day photo contest, I posted a picture of a mother pulling her two kids on a Radio Flyer wagon. It was not easy to notice that there were two kids there, because the one behind was bent over asleep. As they passed by me, I took another picture of the kids. The back one did move, but he/she was still VERY tired and slumped forward.


  • #184
Here is a small waterfall next to the trail my daughter (in pic) and I took last weekend.

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  • #185
moe darklight said:
This is a picture taken during my friend's goodbye party. she moved to Alberta to work, and we had a goodbye party for her at the local bar during karaoke night. it was a great night.

Anyway, this is a pic she took of me, she pressed "night mode" setting on my digital camera, which overexposes the frame, so any movement of the camera is recorded if you're not very still.

judging by the picture she had some trouble standing still :smile:


disqualified. neat pic though :cool:
  • #186
The Child Of Evo immitating her mother dancing to "walk like an Egyptian". See me in the "bad picture" contest.

  • #187
A day or two after the 'rock the boat' compo closed, there was a maritime festival down at the docks with quite a lot of restored historic boats. I didn't remember to take my camera but I snapped a couple of pics on my phone.

I missed an oppertunity for some quality shots, but never mind, there's always next year.
  • #188
ah! nooo! I'm 5 and a half hours too late for the photo contest!

this was a really disgusting soup I had in NY. it was the only thing I had around my dorm, and it was late at night and I didn't feel like going out and buying human food. My best friend called me while I was eating it and I was trying to describe to her how unfathomably disgusting in both taste and texture it was. We decided it would be easier if I just took a picture of the thing and put it up on my facebook (I filmed it too, because the thing moved like some sort of gelatin and bubbled and made gross mushy sounds).

"Puke Soup" (or, supposedly, lentil, according to the package)

  • #189
I forgot I had taken this picture until I drug it up recently. I missed the silhouette contest. It isn't as good as most of those, but I still like it. The photo was taken from the welldeck of an amphibious carrier as it was loading up Landing Craft Units to head for shore. It was a memorable moment for me because that would be the last time I was aboard that ship. It was my last few weeks in the navy and I was taking the LCU back to port.

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  • #190
Really cool picture Huckleberry!


Driving home this evening, I followed a thunderstorm. As I go near home the sun came out and there was an intense double rainbow. Unfortunately, but the time I got home and got to my camera, it was much less intense, but I managed to get an image.
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  • #191
Nice 'bows, Astronuc! Here's a shot of the cairn on top of Katahdin. My friend and his son joined our family group for this hike. In the background is the other peak of the mountain, and the people in the near background are starting out on the Knife Edge trail to that peak. It is a narrow trail with pretty sheer sides - people who are afraid of heights should probably avoid this trail. :eek:

  • #192
Knife Edge sounds pretty cool. The Balkans have similar trails.

Next trip your way.
  • #193
Astronuc said:
Knife Edge sounds pretty cool. The Balkans have similar trails.

Next trip your way.
In some places, it's only a few feet wide (enough for single-file travel only) with sheer drops of over 1000 feet on either side. It's a good place to avoid on wet blustery days because you're totally exposed to the elements once you're out there and the wind can be relentless. I can't think of a prettier place to hike, though. If you get a clear, dry day (fall is usually the best bet for foliage colors and clarity of air) the views are spectacular. If you must keep moving, though, (impending bad weather, for instance) your only "views" will be of your next handhold/foothold.:bugeye:
  • #194
turbo-1 said:
In some places, it's only a few feet wide (enough for single-file travel only) with sheer drops of over 1000 feet on either side.
Cool! :cool:

When I was working iron, I was the one who unhooked the crane from the beams (rafters). It was fun in the wind. I would have to walk out carrying one end of a purlin (the other guy would be on a beam that was already fastened to a set of purlins), so I could stabilize the beam before unhooking the cable.
  • #195
Thanks for the pic Turbo, it is cool to finaly get to see something that I have only had mental images of for the last 35yrs. The last I saw of Hal, my navy buddy, was in Gitmo 1971. We used to spend a lot of time comparing Oregon and Maine. I hope, someday to spend some time (fall preferabley) in your beautiful state.
  • #196
My grandparents parrot "Pepe"

Monkey from de zoo!

One of my cats.

Sunset at the chascomus lake

Same lake, diferent day and different camera.

And this is my grandpa with virtual reality goggles!
  • #197
Nice pictures, Burnsys!

Cute kitty!
  • #198
This was taken about 50' from Ivan's office door:


We found this fellow in our house, moved him out and got some pics:


These were taken with my new camera, a Nikon d40 DSLR. This sure a nice improvement over the cameras I have been using. I have not got the 300mm Zoom lens yet, it is high on the wish list.
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  • #199
I've got a DSLR and 400 mm zoom on my list -

and a slew of physics, math and engineering textbooks,

and a kayak,

and a few other things.
  • #200
Andre said:
I'd change it to a super zoom digital camera, which exceeds 400mm equivalent, and useable without tripod thanks to state-of-the-art stabilization. Plenty of pixels, every function available and incredibly small and light-weight, ideal for hiking. It's all in one, no lenses to exchange. Low in bucks too.

For the highest optical performance, however, it's imperative to compare the several brands and models. as one of them is superior by an order of magnitude, I'd say. I'm not sure if I can call the brand and model (spamming?) But this picture is taken by that one, free hand, from a distance of about four-five feet at some longer zoom settings:

And a detail on original size:

note the absence of chromatic abaration in the sharp area (typical problem for extreme zoom lenses)
Andre - Very nice! Please share the brand and model.

I have cheap Kodak digital with auto-zoom and it drives me nuts (although it probably needs a new battery). The auto-zoom zooms in on objects other than the one in which I'm interested.

I'm something of a Canon fan, every since I got a Canon F-1 34 years ago. I much prefer manual zoom, which is a lot faster than auto-zooms. I also like to set the f-stop for depth of field.

However, with the quality of your images, I would certainly consider a super zoom digital camera.
  • #201
Some *outdoors* work done yesterday, playing with that camera at standard to wide angle:
36mm SLR equivalent (raw picture, no photoshopping):

Nette Bilder von der Burg Hohenzollern
  • #202
Okay, well the test reports I read weren't very mild on my camery, this was moderate and that was wrong and the others were much better in this and that. But one thing made up for all of that. The absolute superior lens, which is THE top brand. And that's what counts the most. Incredible that this camera is also about the cheapest of its sort. It's the Panasonic FZ8 with 12x zoom (6-72mm). It's bigger brother the FZ18 with 18x zoom was second on the short list. Size and weight were decisive here if it is to fit in a small bag.
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  • #203
A couple of photos I didn't enter in the statues contest:


Memorial in Holy Trinity Church.


The Guildhall, Hull.
  • #204
I have some really cute pictures of my cats but I can't find the time to find them, get them on a computer, email them to my laptop, and make a photobucket account.

And I work at home too!

EDIT: I found them!




The black one is Chocolate, and the grey/black one is Mocha.
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  • #205
  • #206
That is very cute, they must be BFF !
  • #207
awwwww, cute kitties. It is always great when they bond like that.
  • #208
Yey! That was the first time I successfully posted pictures on a forum!

EDIT: That was the first time I've posted one of MY picture on a forum!
  • #209
Disqualified for the orange contest:







Waiting for the butterfly contest.
  • #210
Love the second to last picture Andre!

Some extras from the 6 feet under contest:



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