Distance from earth an object would have to fall from to reach speed x

In summary, the conversation discusses the calculation of distance an object would need to be dropped from above Earth's surface in order to reach a given speed, neglecting air resistance. The equation for acceleration at any distance away from the center of Earth is presented, taking into account the inverse square law of gravity. The conversation then explores finding the velocity equation through integration, but notes that a dimensionless constant is needed for the equation to be correct. The correct equation for velocity is found to be v = Sqroot(2 * G * Me *(r - Rs)/(r * Rs) ). The conversation also touches on finding the true gravitational potential energy using the equation KE = 1/2 * m * v^2.
  • #1
big G = G = 6.674E-11 N(m/Kg)^2

Mass of Earth = Me = 5.972E24 Kg

Radius of Earth = Rsurface = Rs = 6.371E6 metres


Okay so I was interested to know how you would work out the distance you'd need drop an object from (above the Earth's surface), for it to reach a given speed (neglecting air resistance).

Here's what I've got so far:

We know Force = F = G *(Mass of object 1 * Mass of object 2)/radius^2 = G * Mm/r^2

F = mass * acceleration = m*a

F/m = a

a = G * m/r^2

This is an equation for the acceleration of the object at any distance away from the centre of the Earth (considering Earth as a point mass for distances < Rs), taking into account the inverse square law of gravity.

Right now it would be handy to have a in terms of t, so we could integrate to get an equation for v = velocity (units m/s). But instead we have it in terms of r (units metres).

So I thought I might be able to integrate a in terms of r away to get something with the units (m/s)^2, which I thought might give us v^2. which we could square root to get an equation for v in terms of r? But I wasn't sure if that is correct/if I had overlooked some concept which means it isn't giving me what I wanted.

Here's the integration I did:

a = G * Me/r^2

v^2 = G * (integralOf(m/r^2)dr for the range lower limit = Rs to upper limit = r) = G * ([-(Me/r)] for the range Rs to r)

so v^2 = G * (-Me/r - (Me/Rs) = G * Me*(r - Rs)/(r * Rs)

so v = Sqroot( G * Me *(r - Rs)/(r * Rs) )

with a rearrangement

( (r*Rs) * v^2 )/(G*Me) - r = -Rs

r * ( (Rs*v^2)/(G*Me) ) - 1 ) = -Rs

r = -Rs/( ( (Rs*v^2)/(G*Me) ) - 1 ) )

Now I have tested this out and it wasn't correct (too far out to be correct when I compared it for the constant acceleration model given by the suvat equations).

But I did notice that if you do this (using suvat equations):

a = 9.81 acceleration

s = r = displacement in metres

u - start velocity = 0 m/s (metres per second)

v^2 = 0^2 + 2*a*s

v = Sqroot(2*a*s) you obviously get the right answer for constant acceleration, but what they're doing here is multiplying a by a distance vector to get v^2, which makes me think my decision to integrated above should have been okay (since integration find the area under a curve, which is like multiplication of the axes).

Then I noticed that if you divide the right hand side of that suvate equation by Sqroot(2), you get extremely similar answers to my previous equation:

v = Sqroot( G * Me *(r - Rs)/(r * Rs) )

So I multiplied the RHS of my variable acceleration equation by Sqroot(2) and it seems to be right. But I'm not sure where I went wrong in the first place!

New equation:

v = Sqroot(2 * G * Me *(r - Rs)/(r * Rs) )

So I do the rearrangement for r again and get (thinking it will work this time):

r = -Rs/( ( (Rs*v^2)/(2*G*Me) ) - 1 ) )

Now it works! That value of r is including the Earth's radius, so you need to minus 6.371E6 to get the distance about the Earth surface :).

What I actually want help with READ :P:

BUT I'm still not sure where that factor of 2 came from. I think it may have come from the integration, but the power of r in my initial equation for acceleration, was -2, which you increase to -1, then divide by the new power (being -1, not 2). Any clarification will be appreciated. Thanks!


Okay so I thought I'd also have a go at trying to find out the true gravitational potential energy, considering the inverse square nature of gravity.

I just subbed the equation for v^2 into KE = 1/2 * m * v^2 :).

So true GPE = 1/2 * m * (2 * G * Me *(r - Rs)/(r * Rs) ). If you want it relative to the centre of the Earth make Rs 0, or if just for when the object hits the Earth's surface make Rs = 6.371E6 :).
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  • #2
"So I thought I might be able to integrate a in terms of r away to get something with the units (m/s)^2, which I thought might give us v^2. which we could square root to get an equation for v in terms of r? But I wasn't sure if that is correct/if I had overlooked some concept which means it isn't giving me what I wanted."

Sure. But remember that for EVERY dimensionless constant "k", the quantity k*v^2 has the right dimensions!

Thus, without knowing which "k" is the right one, you won't get the right answer.The factor 1/2 is the one appearing in the quantity called "kinetic energy",
  • #3
arildno said:
"So I thought I might be able to integrate a in terms of r away to get something with the units (m/s)^2, which I thought might give us v^2. which we could square root to get an equation for v in terms of r? But I wasn't sure if that is correct/if I had overlooked some concept which means it isn't giving me what I wanted."

Sure. But remember that for EVERY dimensionless constant "k", the quantity k*v^2 has the right dimensions!

Thus, without knowing which "k" is the right one, you won't get the right answer.The factor 1/2 is the one appearing in the quantity called "kinetic energy",

Thanks for the reply. I'm still not sure where I went wrong. I'd have thought that is my acceleration equation was correct, then as long as I integrated everything properly my v^2 equation should still be correct, because I'd have though that the division part of integrating would have sorted out any constant factors?

Also where is the 1/2 that is appearing you speed of? It is a factor of 2 that appears, which is the reciprocal of 1/2. But I haven't used the KE equation. I know that KE = 1/2 m v^2 can be derived using F = ma, which I did use.

Any more explanation would be appreciated :).
  • #4
Here's the integration I did:

a = G * Me/r^2

v^2 = G * (integralOf(m/r^2)dr for the range lower limit = Rs to upper limit = r) = G * ([-(Me/r)] for the range Rs to r)

so v^2 = G * (-Me/r - (Me/Rs) = G * Me*(r - Rs)/(r * Rs)

Step by step

a = GM/r[itex]^{2}[/itex]

a dr = GM dr / r[itex]^{2}[/itex]

a = dv/dt

Subst and re-arrange

vdv = GM/r[itex]^{2}[/itex] dr

Integrate, yielding

v[itex]^{2}[/itex]/2 = -GM/r

v[itex]^{2}[/itex] = -2GM/r

Now you have the 2 ( and the square root of 2 )

Take your limits or r from r1 to r2 where r1>r2 and you should come up to your good equation.
  • #5
256bits said:
Step by step

a = GM/r[itex]^{2}[/itex]

a dr = GM dr / r[itex]^{2}[/itex]

a = dv/dt

Subst and re-arrange

vdv = GM/r[itex]^{2}[/itex] dr

Integrate, yielding

v[itex]^{2}[/itex]/2 = -GM/r

v[itex]^{2}[/itex] = -2GM/r

Now you have the 2 ( and the square root of 2 )

Take your limits or r from r1 to r2 where r1>r2 and you should come up to your good equation.

Thank you very much! So my mistake was to presume that I could jump from:

a dr ----> v^2

because the units matched up :P. Well this was fun and definitely helped me brush up on my maths :)!

Regards, Greg.

FAQ: Distance from earth an object would have to fall from to reach speed x

What is the formula for calculating the distance an object would have to fall from to reach a certain speed?

The formula for calculating this distance is d = (1/2)gt^2, where d is the distance, g is the acceleration due to gravity (9.8 m/s^2), and t is the time it takes for the object to fall.

How does air resistance affect the distance an object would have to fall from to reach a certain speed?

Air resistance can decrease the speed at which an object falls, therefore increasing the distance it would have to fall from to reach a certain speed. This is because air resistance creates a force that opposes the force of gravity acting on the object, slowing it down.

What is terminal velocity and how does it impact the distance an object would have to fall from to reach a certain speed?

Terminal velocity is the maximum velocity that an object can reach while falling due to the balance between gravitational force and air resistance. As the object reaches terminal velocity, the force of air resistance increases, making it more difficult for the object to accelerate. This means that the distance the object would have to fall from to reach a certain speed would be shorter at terminal velocity compared to a lower speed.

Does the mass of an object affect the distance it would have to fall from to reach a certain speed?

No, the mass of an object does not affect the distance it would have to fall from to reach a certain speed. The only factors that affect this distance are the acceleration due to gravity, the time it takes to fall, and any external forces such as air resistance.

What other factors besides gravity and air resistance can impact the distance an object would have to fall from to reach a certain speed?

Other factors that can impact this distance include the shape and density of the object, as well as any external forces such as wind or surface friction. These factors can affect how quickly an object falls and how much air resistance it experiences, ultimately impacting the distance it would have to fall from to reach a certain speed.

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