- #36
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This is an interesting discussion, and the OP raised an interesting point that BTW never occurred to me, but I think he's right!
Indeed, the internal energy of an ideal gas is function only of temperature:
u = u(T), and not of the other thermodynamical variable (pressure, entropy, density, whatever).
As pointed out before, u is the macroscopic version of the hamiltonian, and given that an ideal gas has no potential interaction energy, it is purely kinetic energy, which is purely determined by the temperature.
So, what if we use a gas bottle as a spring ? We can do that in two ways: we can do it relatively quickly (like, in looking at the oscillations of a weight on a piston), or we can do it slowly (fill a tank, and come back a few days later).
The first one is adiabatic, the second one is isothermal.
In the adiabatic case, the potential energy of the gas-spring is stored in the gas, and this is simply done by the increase in temperature. So this is the simple "storage of energy in the medium as 'potential' energy". Only, it is not really microscopically potential energy, but rather internal energy in this case ; nevertheless, macroscopically, we can call this the "potential energy of the gas spring" as long as we don't "look inside".
However, the isothermal case is more interesting. As pointed out by the OP (and I never realized this until reading his post ), the fact that there is still "pressure to do work" in the tank after an isothermal compression (with heat loss to the environment exactly equal to the amount of work done on the "spring") is a very peculiar property of gasses, and is a thermodynamic effect. The gas works indeed as a heat engine but we don't realize it!
If the expansion (the "work done by the gas spring"), after being at room temperature again, is adiabatic, then the gas TAKES energy from its own energy content, lowers its temperature to expand. Clearly, this can only be done if the gas is not at 0K! (that's why there are no ideal gasses at 0K). So we have the gas acting both as a heat engine, and as a heat reservoir.
If the expansion is slow, and isothermal, then the gas acts as a heat engine, but the environment acts as the heat reservoir.
But in both cases, the tank with compressed gas is a heat engine, which transforms heat into work. It is not the restoration of stored "potential" energy from the compression, as in a conservative force field.
Now, as to gravitational effects: the gravitational source is the internal energy, and will hence be given by u(T). That means that, during adiabatic compression, the gas heats, has more internal energy u, and will have hence a (minuscule) increase in gravitational mass, relativistically speaking. This is because the molecules are moving faster in the COG of the tank, and hence the relativistic mass will increase slightly.
When the gas cools, its weight will decrease (very very tiny effect in reality!).
When the gas will expand adiabatically, it will cool down below room temperature, and have even less weight (relativistically speaking).
So, indeed, in agreement with the OP, there is NO storage of energy in a compressed tank by the pressure. There is only a decrease in entropy, which allows a "one-shot" thermal engine to extract heat from the environment and to do work with it.
EDIT: I see that bgwowk said about the same (left the editor open on my computer and forgot to submit the text above... and went to a meeting).
Indeed, the internal energy of an ideal gas is function only of temperature:
u = u(T), and not of the other thermodynamical variable (pressure, entropy, density, whatever).
As pointed out before, u is the macroscopic version of the hamiltonian, and given that an ideal gas has no potential interaction energy, it is purely kinetic energy, which is purely determined by the temperature.
So, what if we use a gas bottle as a spring ? We can do that in two ways: we can do it relatively quickly (like, in looking at the oscillations of a weight on a piston), or we can do it slowly (fill a tank, and come back a few days later).
The first one is adiabatic, the second one is isothermal.
In the adiabatic case, the potential energy of the gas-spring is stored in the gas, and this is simply done by the increase in temperature. So this is the simple "storage of energy in the medium as 'potential' energy". Only, it is not really microscopically potential energy, but rather internal energy in this case ; nevertheless, macroscopically, we can call this the "potential energy of the gas spring" as long as we don't "look inside".
However, the isothermal case is more interesting. As pointed out by the OP (and I never realized this until reading his post ), the fact that there is still "pressure to do work" in the tank after an isothermal compression (with heat loss to the environment exactly equal to the amount of work done on the "spring") is a very peculiar property of gasses, and is a thermodynamic effect. The gas works indeed as a heat engine but we don't realize it!
If the expansion (the "work done by the gas spring"), after being at room temperature again, is adiabatic, then the gas TAKES energy from its own energy content, lowers its temperature to expand. Clearly, this can only be done if the gas is not at 0K! (that's why there are no ideal gasses at 0K). So we have the gas acting both as a heat engine, and as a heat reservoir.
If the expansion is slow, and isothermal, then the gas acts as a heat engine, but the environment acts as the heat reservoir.
But in both cases, the tank with compressed gas is a heat engine, which transforms heat into work. It is not the restoration of stored "potential" energy from the compression, as in a conservative force field.
Now, as to gravitational effects: the gravitational source is the internal energy, and will hence be given by u(T). That means that, during adiabatic compression, the gas heats, has more internal energy u, and will have hence a (minuscule) increase in gravitational mass, relativistically speaking. This is because the molecules are moving faster in the COG of the tank, and hence the relativistic mass will increase slightly.
When the gas cools, its weight will decrease (very very tiny effect in reality!).
When the gas will expand adiabatically, it will cool down below room temperature, and have even less weight (relativistically speaking).
So, indeed, in agreement with the OP, there is NO storage of energy in a compressed tank by the pressure. There is only a decrease in entropy, which allows a "one-shot" thermal engine to extract heat from the environment and to do work with it.
EDIT: I see that bgwowk said about the same (left the editor open on my computer and forgot to submit the text above... and went to a meeting).