Do Objects with Different Masses Fall at the Same Rate in Air?

In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of free fall in air and how it differs from free fall in a vacuum. It also explores the role of mass and aerodynamic drag in determining the acceleration and terminal velocity of objects. The question of whether terminal velocity is a gradual process or a precise speed limit is also raised. The conversation ultimately concludes that the acceleration and velocity of objects in free fall will vary depending on their mass and aerodynamic properties.
  • #1
I've tried finding this in the forums elsewhere, but can't seem to find the answer I'm looking for. So here's my dilemma...

There are two objects, object X and object Z, that are the same volume and shape. However, object X has a greater mass than object Z.

Objects X and Z are both dropped out of a stationary helicopter tens of thousands of feet in the air. During free fall, because of the difference in mass, X will eventually reach a terminal velocity of 300 m/s and Z will eventually reach a terminal velocity of 200 m/s.

Do each of the objects fall side by side at a constant rate of gravity (10m/s^2) until Z reaches it's terminal velocity of 200 m/s, at which point object X continues on accelerating at 10 m/s^2 until it comes to it's own terminal velocity of 300 m/s? Or do both objects fall at different rates of acceleration? In other words, because of air resistance, does one object fall at a rate faster than the other?

I understand that in a vacuum all objects, regardless of mass, fall at the exact same rate. However, when objects fall in air they begin at a rate of 10 m/s^2 and eventually reach a terminal velocity, which is a rate of 0m/s^2.

If each object began at a rate of 10 and ended at a rate of 0 would this decrease in rate occur in the form of exponential decay? Or would acceleration remain constant until terminal velocity was reached, at which point acceleration would just drop off to 0?

The place where I'm getting confused is this: I've been told that all objects, regardless of mass, fall at the same rate - even in air. But since objects X and Z are falling in air and are of different masses, they have terminal velocities which are NOT the same.

So as each of these objects approaches it's terminal velocity wouldn't the force caused by air resistance gradually increase and, therefore, gradually and exponentially cause free fall acceleration to decrease from 10 m/s^2 to 0 m/s^2? And if this is the case doesn't this mean, since both X and Z begin at a speed of 0 m/s but end at two different speeds, that they would fall at different rates of acceleration (aka NOT fall side by side)?

Or is terminal velocity a sort of "threshold" when it comes to free fall acceleration in air? Would X and Z continue to accelerate side-by-side at 10 m/s^2 until the threshold of terminal velocity was reached for each respective object, thus dropping the rate of acceleration off to 0?

Perhaps a simpler way to ask it is this: is terminal velocity something that is gradually settled into as the increasing velocity of free fall gradually creates an exponential increase in upwards air resistance? Or does the density constant of the air mean that all objects (given their individual cross-sectional area and mass) have a precise speed limit? And does each object free falling in air travel at the constant rate of gravity as they approach their "speed limit" - halting all acceleration once this speed limit is reached?

I'm clearly missing something here. It's been a while since I sat in a Physics classroom, but even then most of the equations we learned about free fall didn't account for air resistance. So I'm not sure.
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  • #2
The acceleration will depend on the (a) mass, and the (b) aerodynamic drag.

Because (a) is never the same in both cases, (although (b) could be, if you designed them to have the same aeroynamic drag), the acceleration is not the same.

You could achieve (b) being the same for both masses if they are, for example, two balls of the same size but of different material (lead v plastic).
  • #3
the usualsolution to this problem is to take the air resistance as proportional to either the velocity or to the velocity squared. Then the total force on the object is the sum of the gravity force (=m*g) plus the friction (=-k*v). then the acceleration is (g-(k/m)*v). (or g-(k/m)*v^2). Integrate this with respect to time to get an equation for velocity vs time. Then you can vary k and m as you wish to see how they affect the velocity.
  • #4
Cyrus said:
The acceleration will depend on the (a) mass, and the (b) aerodynamic drag.

Because (a) is never the same in both cases, (although (b) could be, if you designed them to have the same aeroynamic drag), the acceleration is not the same.

You could achieve (b) being the same for both masses if they are, for example, two balls of the same size but of different material (lead v plastic).
He stated this as a given. The two objects are same shape and volume.
  • #5
search wiki for 'terminal velocity' - it has an integration of the 'v-squared' equation showing the hyperbolic tangent form of the result. You can plot it with different masses to see the variation in shape.
  • #6
DaveC426913 said:
He stated this as a given. The two objects are same shape and volume.

:blushing: I admit, I didn't feel like reading such a long thread. So I gave a general answer.
  • #7
Haha. I apologize for the long thread, but I felt it necessary to do so in order to keep from getting generic answers about the basic differences between free fall in a vacuum and free fall in air
  • #8
Cyrus said:
:blushing: I admit, I didn't feel like reading such a long thread. So I gave a general answer.
I learned a new TLA* for geekdom: tldr (Too long. Didn't read.)

*Three Letter Acronym**

**Actually, this is an ETLA - or Extended TLA

FAQ: Do Objects with Different Masses Fall at the Same Rate in Air?

1. What is the definition of free fall in air?

Free fall in air is the motion of an object falling towards the ground due to the force of gravity, without any other forces acting on it. This means that the object is only affected by the acceleration due to gravity and does not experience any resistance or drag from the air.

2. Is free fall in air the same as terminal velocity?

No, free fall in air is not the same as terminal velocity. Terminal velocity is the maximum speed that an object can reach when falling through the air, when the force of air resistance equals the force of gravity. In free fall, the object is still accelerating and has not yet reached its terminal velocity.

3. How is the acceleration of an object in free fall in air calculated?

The acceleration of an object in free fall in air can be calculated using the formula a = g - (k/m)v, where g is the acceleration due to gravity, k is the drag coefficient, m is the mass of the object, and v is the velocity of the object. This equation takes into account the effects of air resistance on the object.

4. Does the shape or size of an object affect its free fall in air?

Yes, the shape and size of an object can affect its free fall in air. Objects with a larger surface area will experience more air resistance and therefore have a lower terminal velocity. Additionally, objects with a streamlined shape will experience less air resistance and reach their terminal velocity faster than objects with an irregular shape.

5. Can an object experience free fall in air on other planets or in space?

Yes, an object can experience free fall in air on other planets or in space, as long as there is a gravitational force acting on it. However, the acceleration due to gravity and the effects of air resistance may be different in these environments, which can affect the object's motion. On planets with a lower gravitational pull, an object may experience free fall at a slower rate, while in space where there is no air, an object will not experience any air resistance during free fall.

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