Does 9th Grade Grades Affect University Admissions?

In summary, universities in the US do care about grades, but they also consider other factors such as extracurricular activities, SAT scores, and geographical diversity. To be competitive at top universities like MIT, Caltech, Northeastern, Berkeley, and UCLA, it is recommended to aim for a GPA of 90+ and participate in science fairs, math competitions, and summer science camps. While having a high GPA and SAT scores can increase your chances of getting accepted, it is important to also genuinely enjoy these activities and not do them solely for college admissions. Ultimately, admissions can be unpredictable and there is a certain level of randomness in the process.
  • #1
I need to know if universities care about grade in the 9th grade, because I've been a little off this year (blame the raging hormones) and my average is really bad (76% in term 1, I still didn't get the marks of term 2) but I'm pretty sure I can get 85+ next year but I'm worried about what universities will think. By the way if it helps I want to apply to MIT, Caltech, Northeastern, Berkeley, and UCLA, and I want to major in Physics.
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  • #2
You have plenty of time to create a package that Top Notch Universities are looking for. My advice to you is start right now getting as many A's, in as many classes as you can, (preferebly honors, but a mix of college prep and honors will do). Second be a part of as many club's and activities as you can. This can be a tie breaker sometimes for students who have similar grades and test scores. Last when the time comes you must prepare and do very well on the SAT. This being the case if your goals are high. If you are happy going to an average Universitiy (which is what I did) then a good GPA and a average SAT score should do the job. You are the right track, just give it your best and don't forget to enjoy the ride.

Good Luck!

  • #3
I am planning on starting to prepare for the SATs in the summer after my official exams(Brevet) I think I will get something between 1900 and 2100 sometimes I do the question of the day in math and I usually get it right (5/7). Thank you for the help.
  • #4
Awesome, if you can afford it a prep class may get you into that top 5 percent you may need to get into the eliete universities.
  • #5
we have a prep class at my school in grades 10, 11, 12, and it's obligatory.
  • #6
The good news is that if you do well in later years, a bad freshman year won't hurt you too much.

The bad news is that you probably need to aim a little higher than 85+ if you want to be competitive at the universities that you named. Think 90+, for the most part. (Also, keep in mind that at top US universities, grades can keep you out, but they can't get you in.)
  • #7
ok thanks for the advice I could easily get 90+ but arabic is like an anchor too me so I'm going to try to ace everything else.
  • #8
They care in the States, although I check with your college.
  • #9
Just to give you an idea about how competitive admissions are at some of those schools, this year MIT accepted just fewer than 10% of the total number of applicants that applied. However, while MIT only took 10% of these applicants, 25% of them were class valedictorians and just over 40% had a perfect score on the SAT II Math Subject Test.
  • #10
one of the guys who got accepted was called john yazbeck he's my friends brother he got full marks on math and chemistry SAT II, and got the highest grade in all of my country in his Bachalaureate exams.
  • #11
jgens said:
Just to give you an idea about how competitive admissions are at some of those schools, this year MIT accepted just fewer than 10% of the total number of applicants that applied. However, while MIT only took 10% of these applicants, 25% of them were class valedictorians and just over 40% had a perfect score on the SAT II Math Subject Test.

However, this could be misleading. Being a class valedictorian and getting an perfect score on the SAT II Math subject test certainly helps you get in, but people that don't have perfect scores get in, and some people who *do* have perfect scores don't. There is some randomness in the system, and also there are some factors that MIT looks at might get you in.

For example, MIT does try to make sure that admissions are balanced across geographical areas, so that not everyone comes from say, the northeast. Also if you happen to be unlucky to be in a place with awful public schools, but you can show some science/engineering talent despite this, then MIT does try to correct for that.
  • #12
Poker-face said:
Second be a part of as many club's and activities as you can. This can be a tie breaker sometimes for students who have similar grades and test scores.

It can be, but one problem with college admissions is that once people figure out that you have to do X to get in, people do X for the sake of getting in. Something that I've seen that I don't like is when people do lots of activities for the title, but actually don't do anything useful with the role.

Also science fairs and math competitions are useful. If there is some sort of high school summer science camp, this is also very useful. These are probably much more important than clubs.

The other thing is that you have to figure out if you *like* studying and doing these sorts of things. If you end up doing science fairs just for the college admissions and you don't really *enjoy* it, then this is not going to be good, but you are going to seriously regret going to MIT or Caltech if you do get in.
  • #13
From a college admissions standpoint, I don't think you should do lots of activities... only do a few, but do them very, very well.

Of course if you are interested in doing a lot of activities, do them! College admissions shouldn't be the purpose for everything in your life.
  • #14
For the record, I had a 4.0 and a perfect score on the Math SATII and I didn't get into Caltech. On the other hand, I only had a few extracurriculars.

Edit: Also, it doesn't really bother me anymore. I'm quite happy with where I'm at now.
  • #15
twofish-quant said:
The other thing is that you have to figure out if you *like* studying and doing these sorts of things. If you end up doing science fairs just for the college admissions and you don't really *enjoy* it, then this is not going to be good, but you are going to seriously regret going to MIT or Caltech if you do get in.

I love physics and math, and I love studying them, I want to go to math camp in the summer of 2011, I was going to compete in ascience fair this year but I didn't have time to prepare anything so I quit, and the reason I want to go to Caltech or MIT is to be with fellow intellectuals who have the same passion for math and physics as I do.
  • #16
anthonych414 said:
I need to know if universities care about grade in the 9th grade, because I've been a little off this year (blame the raging hormones) and my average is really bad (76% in term 1, I still didn't get the marks of term 2) but I'm pretty sure I can get 85+ next year but I'm worried about what universities will think. By the way if it helps I want to apply to MIT, Caltech, Northeastern, Berkeley, and UCLA, and I want to major in Physics.

To get back to the original question, while they certainly will look at your 9th grade scores, if your 10th through 12th grade scores are good being a little low in 9th grade isn't going to kill your chances
  • #17
Ok cool thanks for the help.

Related to Does 9th Grade Grades Affect University Admissions?

1. How important are 9th grade grades for university admissions?

9th grade grades are generally considered to be less important than grades in later years of high school. However, they can still have an impact on university admissions, as they provide a foundation for academic performance and show a student's potential for growth.

2. What if my 9th grade grades were not as good as my grades in later years?

If your 9th grade grades were not as strong as your grades in later years, it is important to show improvement and growth in your academic performance. Universities will also take into consideration any extenuating circumstances that may have affected your 9th grade grades.

3. Do universities only look at grades for admissions?

No, universities also consider other factors such as extracurricular activities, essays, letters of recommendation, and standardized test scores. However, grades are typically a significant factor in the admissions decision.

4. Can I make up for lower 9th grade grades in later years?

Yes, universities will take into account your overall academic performance, not just your 9th grade grades. If you show improvement in your grades and excel in later years, it can help offset any lower grades in 9th grade.

5. Will a bad 9th grade year ruin my chances of getting into a good university?

No, a bad 9th grade year will not necessarily ruin your chances of getting into a good university. Admissions decisions are based on a holistic review of your academic performance, extracurricular activities, and other factors. It is important to show growth and improvement in your grades over the course of high school.

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