- #71
Mark Harder
- 246
- 60
"ftl" ?naima said:In the path integral are there ftl paths?
"ftl" ?naima said:In the path integral are there ftl paths?
faster than lightMark Harder said:"ftl" ?
It seems to me, a non- physicist with an admittedly rudimentary knowledge of, but some experience using, QM, that these "weird" notions in QM are really physical interpretations, as in the "Copenhagen Interpretation", of an essentially mathematical framework for predicting physical observations. Intuitive understandings of classical mechanics were relatively easy to make. Waves and fields could be pictured. Even spacetime curvature can be pictured. But these intuitive pictures couldn't be extended to include quantum realities, so new physical explanations had to be invented. The Copenhagen interpretation is one of these. Perhaps out of ignorance, I am skeptical of these pictures. Someday, I will learn more QM and perhaps I will arrive at a physical intuition that satisfies me.phinds said:I agree w/ all of bhobba's statements but I think I do see what you are getting at and yes, other than your mis-statement about your being able to travel at the speed of light, you are right. These weird things are possible (but one at a time, not all together ... it's a statistical thing) but almost all paths are so utterly improbably that they can be ignored for all practical purposes. I'm not sure that changes the weirdness of QM but it's also clear that you have a distorted view of QM so it may well change what YOU view as the weirdness of QM.
PeterDonis said:As for "not real", either a path is in the integral or it isn't. What does "real" have to do with it?
phinds said:I agree w/ all of bhobba's statements
Joel A. Levitt said:How do you define PARTICLE?
How do you understand the FTL transmission of information observed in recent entanglement experiments?
Mark Harder said:Does entanglement require the transmission of information
Thanks, Bill. BTW, what does "Ballentine" refer to, a textbook?bhobba said:No it does not.
Its a statement about correlations like if you have a pair of different coloured socks - put on on and you know what colour the other is automatically - Google Bertlmann's socks.
I vaguely remember reading that early in my readings on QM but it seemed unreasonable and didn't stick. Thanks for pointing that outbhobba said:I suspect I have goofed here. Peter has corrected me, and its exactly in the area I often stress - namely what is real.
Even in QFT you include FTL and other normally not allowed things - that they are not classically allowed and in that sense are not real doest mean didly squat as far as what is included in the path integral.
Mark Harder said:Thanks, Bill. BTW, what does "Ballentine" refer to, a textbook?
this works if you model the double slit experiment using boolean logic as well. I was curious as to weather I could treat a double slit as an OR gate. the output of the OR gate is the sum of the two binary streams entering each input (which there are two of). if you plot the relative positions of the '1's in the output in relation to each other you get something resembling an interference pattern. So it is the sum of the superposition of the two inputs. It seams that the universe is very 'logical'Nugatory said:That's not how the double-slit experiment works; the particle is never either a particle or a wave. Search this forum for some discussion of why "wave-particle duality" is misleading for more informatiuon.
The sum-over-all-paths approach produces the right answer when you include all the possible paths through both slits and include none of the paths that are blocked by the screen.
I certainly have to improve my overly generalized approximation. Also, what is meant by a "nonzero amplitude"?PeterDonis said:No, they don't. The particles that create the field are virtual particles (more precisely, in the appropriate approximation, the field can be viewed as being mediated by virtual particles--but there are field phenomena that cannot be modeled in this approximation), and virtual particles have a nonzero amplitude to travel faster than light. (They also have a nonzero amplitude to move slower than light even if they are massless--for example, virtual photons have a nonzero amplitude to move slower than light. Virtual particles that move in a way that violates the usual energy-momentum relation for their particle type are called "off-shell", and they must be included to get the right answers out of the path integral.)
Atomic squire said:IAlso, what is meant by a "nonzero amplitude"?
An excellent explanation, but how do scientists observe that the nonexistent "particles" can move faster than the speed of light if they are, by definition, nonexistent? Do they measure fluctuations in the field associated with them, or do they arrive at the conclusion with mathematics?bhobba said:In Quantum Field Theory an important object is the propagator which is a complex number who square gives the probability of something happening - such is known as an amplitude. Non zero amplitude means there is a probability of that happening.
Atomic squire said:how do scientists observe that the nonexistent "particles" can move faster than the speed of light if they are, by definition, nonexistent?
Atomic squire said:Do they measure fluctuations in the field associated with them, or do they arrive at the conclusion with mathematics?
PeterDonis said:A particular type of excitation of a quantum field.
Reference, please?
my2cts said:Not having read but a few of the previous 82 posts I will give my answer the original question.
The quantum particle is described by a wave function which obeys a wave equation.
That wave function will use every 'path' to get to its destination. The amplitude there is the sum of all amplitudes reaching the position.
This is just a form of the Huygens principle.
Joel A. Levitt said:Requested Reference Re: Recent experimental demonstrations of the FTL transmission of information between entangled entities --
Challenging preconceptions about Bell tests with photon pairs
Authors: V Caprara Vivoli, P Sekatski, J -D Bancal, C C W Lim, B G Christensen, A Martin, R T Thew, H Zbinden, N Gisin, N Sangouard
Journal: Phys. Rev. A 91, 012107 (2015)
Joel A. Levitt said:Would you please provide a more detailed response to "How do you define PARTICLE?"
Joel A. Levitt said:Peter Donis:
Would you please provide a more detailed response to "How do you define PARTICLE?"
Any measurement of one of a pair changes its state and therefore the state of the other. This is the FTL transmission of information. Unfortunately, it isn't all that useful, because the prior state of the second member wasn't known.Nugatory said:You are seriously misunderstanding this paper if you believe that it suggests that FTL information transfer is possible. It is discussing some of the mathematical niceties around the well-known fact that spacelike-separated measurements of entangled pairs will demonstrate non-local correlations; it says nothing to challenge the equally well-known fact that these correlations cannot be used to transmit information.
Joel A. Levitt said:Any measurement of one of a pair changes its state and therefore the state of the other.
can the double slit be thought of as a 'phase filter'. the distance between the slits determans what phases it will filter?vanhees71 said:If this idea makes sense, then it's rather a "quantum or gate". That's the very point of the discussion of the double-slit experiment! The particle distribution behind the double slit is not the naive sum of the particle distribution behind each single slit, but there's an interference term. In the former days this was taken as a hint for what the physicsts called "wave-particle duality", which is a highly misleading concept, but in this case it's a good buzz word to describe what's really happening in the mathematical description of particles going through a double slit: It shows some analogy to the behavior of classical waves (no matter which ones you consider, e.g., water waves or the electromagnetic field/light) running through openings.
Of course, the meaning of the waves is quantum theory completely different from the classical analoga: It describes a probability amplitude. Shooting a single particle through a double slit will never result in an extended interference pattern at the detection screen but a single point. You cannot predict with certainty, where such a particle will hit the screen, but shooting many single particles through the double slit, however, reveals a distribution resembling the interference pattern of waves' intensity. Mathematically the analogon is quite direct: The probability amplitude is described by the Schrödinger equation which leads to wavelike solutions, and its modulus squared is the probability distribution where the particle will hit the screen.
Excellent!vanhees71 said:As stressed before, an electron is one quantum (formally it's a one-particle Fock state). This means it's neither a classical particle nor a classical wave but can only described by quantum theory. There's no simpler way to describe it that is entirely correct. The wave-like and particle-like properties are only consistently described by quantum theory, and you cannot describe it in some simpler way.
You cannot say, the electron takes a certain way or that it takes every possible path at once. What you calculate with the Schrödinger equation or, equivalently, with the path integral is a socalled propagator, which is a mathematical description how the state (a highly abstract mathematical object) evolves in time, given the state at some initial time and the interactions (forces) of the particle with the experimental setup (in this case with the double slits). The result is a probability distribution that the electron makes a mark on the detection screen. You an make this probability distribution visible by performing the experiment very often with the same initial state of each electron and the same experimental setup. All we can say is that up to know the predictions of quantum theory are confirmed by the so made observations. You cannot expect more from the natural sciences than such a successful description of objectively observable facts about (certain aspects of) nature. Particularly, it never answers and also never aims to answer the question, "what's really going on". The reason is, that you cannot even precisely define, what you mean by this question. It's highly subjective, depending on your personal experience in life. It takes time to get used to the very unfamiliar way of thinking when it comes to the realm of nature requiring quantum theory to describe it. The intuition is due to quite abstract ideas, and you can only grasp its meaning by looking at it in different applications to get a kind of intuition for these highly abstract ideas.
brianhurren said:can the double slit be thought of as a 'phase filter'. the distance between the slits determans what phases it will filter?
Joel A. Levitt said:Excellent!