Does an electron have a makeup

  • Thread starter ryn17
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In summary, the conversation discusses the possibility of an electron having an internal structure and the likelihood of it being cracked open. The general consensus is that according to the Standard Model of Particles and Interactions, the electron is a fundamental particle with no internal structure and an infinite lifetime. No experimental evidence or theory supports the idea of an internal structure for the electron. Some experiments have been done with electrons, but no evidence of any internal structure has been found.
  • #36
ryn17 said:
While this question might seem ignorant to some I have not yet come across any literature that addresses and solves it.
The question is, has anyone cracked open an electron to see what it is made of ?
One way people realized protons and neutrons were made of quarks was by measuring their dipole and quadrupole moments. I don't remember the details, but I've read that neutrons and protons have dipole and quadrupole moments they wouldn't have if they were indivisible, unlike electrons.
Physics news on
  • #37
ZapperZ said:
The problem here is that when someone talks about an electron absorbing a photon, we are talking about something like the photoelectric effect
Just a thought.
It's been a long time since the turn of the last century when the photoelectric effect was discovered.
It's also been a long time since I did Physics 101, but I suspect that's all they still teach there.
Problem as I see it is that almost anybody with an actual interest in science is going to be exposed to QM and new experimental data.
I'm going to guess that the reason you get this question a lot is because the new stuff apparently conflicts with what was taught in physics 101.
  • #38
ZapperZ said:
I disagree. Because if you say that an electron can absorb photon and then just walk away, you are giving only half of the picture also within QED, and this is also a misconception.

ZapperZ, I didn't advocate just saying "electrons emit photons" without further explanation. I specifically mentioned in my previous post, which you apparently failed to read, that if it's clear the person asking the question doesn't understand what a photon is and how it fits into QED, then the person answering the question should try to help them understand.

ZapperZ said:
We had another thread about someone asking if the HUP implies a violation of the conservation of energy. This is precisely the situation where a particle emit a virtual particle where during this period of time, there's "more" energy than there was before. So if you were to say "yes, an electron can emit a photon" and not qualify that at all with the rest of the story, you have just broken the conservation laws and imply that there is validity in claiming that this energy non-conservation is "real".

This is wrong. When an electron emits a photon in some virtual process, energy is always conserved. It is as plain as can be if you just look at the momentum space Feynman rules. Every line carries a definite momentum (this is, of course, an idealization), and every vertex comes with a momentum delta function. In other words, every process you can ever right down conserves energy. There is not any way around it in a Lorentz invariant theory. The reason why you don't see a free electron just emitting a photon is not because it would violate conservation laws. I can't even write down a process that would violate the conservation laws. You never observe this process because the electron and/or the photon are necessarily far from the mass shell precisely because the conservation laws are always satisfied.

ZapperZ said:
As with the issue of "relativistic mass", I'd rather err on the conservative side with regards to the context being asked. I will bet you that the person who made such a statement has no clue what QED is.

This is exactly why whoever answers the question ought to try and tell them a little bit about what QED really is if they don't know. Throwing the word photon doesn't help anybody understand anything.
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  • #39
marlon said:
So what you are saying is this : being off mass shell is not equivalent to virtuality. A virtual particle is off mass shell but an off mass shell particle is not always virtual. Correct ? If so, can you give me
an example of the latter case ?

marlon, I'm afraid you lost me here. As far as I know, virtual just means off the mass shell.

marlon said:
What i meant to say was that the interaction does not involve a photon and ONE electron. The electrons are conduction band electrons. This is a many particles situation.

In Compton scattering there is only one electron, right? I mean, Compton shot x-rays into some material, but the theoretical description makes no mention of the material. The essential part of Compton scattering is just some free electron which at lowest order absorbs a photon and then emits another.

marlon said:
Again, i understand your point but i object to the "lingo". One cannot just speak about an electron emitting a photon because most people (that sure as hell do not know about QED) will think of this situation as one electron emitting a photon while NOTHING ELSE is happening. This is not true.

I quite agree that one should not just say "electrons emit photons" without qualification, just as one should not say "electrons don't emit photons" without qualification. In one of my previous posts I suggested that much of the confusion comes from people just throwing the word photon around, so I think that when someone answers a question about photons, it's very helpful if they make an effort to promote some genuine understanding. This is all I would like to see happen.
  • #40
Feynman Says So

zz You say:And BTW, I resent the fact that you seem to imply that I am ignorant of QFT/QED treatment on this. This isn't about knowing the material. It is about what is the appropriate response when someone who has no clue of QFT and QED says that "an electron can absorb a photon" due to the misrepresentation of the atomic absorption phenomenon!
My apologies; indeed, I consider you to be a thoughtful and knowledgeable person.

As a final comment to bolster my case, I say, "If it's good enough for Feynman, it's good enough for me." In his "QED-The Strange Theory of Light and Matter" he says:

"The third basic action is: an electron emits or asorbs a photon ..."

This on p 91 in Chap 3 in which he discusses the basics of electron-photon interactions, as described by 3-point interactions.

  • #41
Physics Monkey said:
This is wrong. When an electron emits a photon in some virtual process, energy is always conserved. It is as plain as can be if you just look at the momentum space Feynman rules.

So, are you claiming that Feynman rules can be written only in momentum space?

Physics Monkey said:
Every line carries a definite momentum (this is, of course, an idealization), and every vertex comes with a momentum delta function. In other words, every process you can ever right down conserves energy.

Let's translate this into the position space representation. Now every line carries an indefinite position (this is, of course, an idealization), and every vertex must be spread over the entire universe. In other words, every process you can ever "right" down involves the whole damned universe.

Physics Monkey said:
There is not any way around it in a Lorentz invariant theory.

This is true, but it can also be interpreted another way. Perhaps Lorentz invariance is incorrect.

Physics Monkey said:
The reason why you don't see a free electron just emitting a photon is not because it would violate conservation laws.

Neither you nor anyone else truly understands why it is that we don't see free electrons emitting photons. The nature of even such a basic concept as "mass" is still quite mysterious.

Physics Monkey said:
I can't even write down a process that would violate the conservation laws.

This is at most, a limitation of the current foundations of physics. Certainly nature is not limited in this, any more than nature was limited by human assumptions that parity would be conserved. At a time when even things like "mass" are mysterious, it is more than presumptious to apply human limitations of imagination to nature.

Physics Monkey said:
You never observe this process because the electron and/or the photon are necessarily far from the mass shell precisely because the conservation laws are always satisfied.

Circular reasoning. You might as well say "shut up and calculate".

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  • #42
Now that reply was just nasty, Carl!

CarlB said:
So, are you claiming that Feynman rules can be written only in momentum space?

Of course not! When did I ever say this? All I said was that the conservation was obvious in the momentum space rules.

CarlB said:
Let's translate this into the position space representation. Now every line carries an indefinite position (this is, of course, an idealization), and every vertex must be spread over the entire universe. In other words, every process you can ever "right" down involves the whole damned universe.

So what? Yes, you have to integrate over all space in the position space Feynman rules. That goes part and parcel with allowing all values of momenta i.e. long wavelength modes. Thus, as you say, it is an idealization. Oh yeah, thanks for catching the typo.

CarlB said:
This is true, but it can also be interpreted another way. Perhaps Lorentz invariance is incorrect.

I don't deny it. It would be fascinating and wonderful if Lorentz invariance was found to be violated.

CarlB said:
Neither you nor anyone else truly understands why it is that we don't see free electrons emitting photons. The nature of even such a basic concept as "mass" is still quite mysterious.

Not sure what you mean by "truly understands." I am talking about a theory that works really well, but the theory I'm describing isn't sacred or absolutely true or whatever. It's just the best we've got. I thought it was clear that I was explaining why we don't see real photons emitted by real electrons (with nothing else happening) according to the Standard Model.

CarlB said:
Everybody's got their limitations.

Absolutely! Still, the limitation here is not my personal failing, but a basic constraint of the Standard Model.

EDIT: I see Carl has changed his post a bit.
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  • #43
reilly said:
As a final comment to bolster my case, I say, "If it's good enough for Feynman, it's good enough for me." In his "QED-The Strange Theory of Light and Matter" he says:

"The third basic action is: an electron emits or asorbs a photon ..."

This on p 91 in Chap 3 in which he discusses the basics of electron-photon interactions, as described by 3-point interactions.


OK, but to quote from the same guy:

RPF said:
"A single free electron cannot emit one photon because of conservation
of energy and momentum, but if two electrons are near one another,
one may emit a photon which the other immediately absorbs"


"Quantum Mechanics permits the temporary existence of states, which,
if maintained, could not conserve energy"

The Theory of Fundamental Processes, Chapter 6, page 30. Richard. P.Feynman

So, yes, OK, but always differentiate between real and virtual,

Compton scattering: A real electron absorbs a real photon and becomes
a virtual electron until it emits a real photon and becomes a real electron
again.Regards, Hans
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  • #44
Physics Monkey said:

The only thing electrons do in QED is emit and absorb photons.

The essential point is "How real are virtual electrons and photons?"
Do they have a real physical meaning or are they mathematical

Something which makes me somewhat doubt the first is the duality
in hadronic scattering. The fact of the equivalence of very different
processes like:

--\ -- X -->/


------\ X

This equivalence is one of these arguments generally used for string
theory since the "tube" representations of these different processes
have identical topologies.

Well, I don't know. For me it remains a question if virtual particles are
for real or QFT's are just (very good) effective theories.

Regards, Hans
  • #45
The reason why you don't see a free electron just emitting a photon is not because it would violate conservation laws. I can't even write down a process that would violate the conservation laws.

Let us see;

free e <===> free e + real photon

Now go to the electron's rest frame and find that the above process does violate energy conservation.

For the very same reason, all eight (1st-order) QED processes are impossible.

This is why we say that FREE electron does not emit/absorb REAL photon.


  • #46
Maybe it's just me, but I wonder if a bound electron exhibits a severe assymetric wavefuction as opposed to a "free" electron.
And, perhaps, this distortion in a bound state favors photon absorption.
  • #47

Thank you for your comment. I agree that there is considerable subtlety to the whole situation, and I have tried to emphasize from the start that the statement "electrons emit photons" is really just part of a working language used by high energy physicists. After all, the electron and the photon are both defined in a perturbative fashion, and even "real" electrons aren't true energy eigenstates. Even if you don't worry about the physical meaning of virtual particles, there are all kinds of things such perturbative formulations miss. For example, there is the whole zoo of topological objects and all kinds of non-perturbative dynamics in QCD. So I'm not really trying to push for some kind of tyranny of virtual particles, I simply want to make sure people understand what place virtual particles have in the formalism.
  • #48
samalkhaiat said:
Let us see;

free e <===> free e + real photon

Now go to the electron's rest frame and find that the above process does violate energy conservation.

For the very same reason, all eight (1st-order) QED processes are impossible.

This is why we say that FREE electron does not emit/absorb REAL photon.




That's fine. My point was simply that in QED every process, virtual or real, always conserves energy. So in my mind it isn't really a question of conserving energy since energy is always conserved, and when I don't require photons and electrons to be on shell, I can get the QED processes. So coming at it from this angle, real electrons can't emit real photons because we require them to be on the mass shell. I freely admit that I'm saying the same thing, but I emphasize something different.
  • #49
Physics Monkey said:
Now that reply was just nasty, Carl!

Sorry for being nasty, you must have replied to my post before I edited out the worst parts.

My criticism needs to be considered in the light of the topic of this thread, namely the question of whether or not the electron has a makeup. While the standard model says it doesn't, it is a fact that a lot of people are working on theories that say it does.

Physics Monkey said:
It would be fascinating and wonderful if Lorentz invariance was found to be violated.

I wonder how many physicists really believe this. I don't think there is any better way to get a theory ignored than to base it on an assumption that is in violation of Lorentz invariance. Even if the theory produces the standard model as an effective theory (and therefore Lorentz invariance as an effective theory) very very few physicists will have anything to do with it.

  • #50
CarlB said:
Sorry for being nasty, you must have replied to my post before I edited out the worst parts.

No problem.

CarlB said:
My criticism needs to be considered in the light of the topic of this thread, namely the question of whether or not the electron has a makeup. While the standard model says it doesn't, it is a fact that a lot of people are working on theories that say it does.

Certainly. I must admit that none of my posts here have really been on that topic.

CarlB said:
I wonder how many physicists really believe this. I don't think there is any better way to get a theory ignored than to base it on an assumption that is in violation of Lorentz invariance. Even if the theory produces the standard model as an effective theory (and therefore Lorentz invariance as an effective theory) very very few physicists will have anything to do with it.

This may be true, I don't really know. Physicists do like their Lorentz invariance, and maybe because they've spent so long doggedly defending it against the anti-relativity nutjobs, some can't see the difference between nutjobs and serious researchers. Still, I read about new tests of Lorentz invariance and I hear more and more about Lorentz invariance violation, so I have to hope that most physicists aren't so bad. Either way, I'm young, and I do think it would be great to find a violation.
  • #51
Physics Monkey said:
I agree that there is considerable subtlety to the whole situation, and I have tried to emphasize from the start that the statement "electrons emit photons" is really just part of a working language used by high energy physicists.

But this is exactly the point that I've been trying to make here with regard to "context". The statement was not made by a "high energy physicist", and it isn't meant to be understood within that context. Being around them every single working day, I tend to know that this is not a common question that they would ask on a forum such as this. It is why I hesitate to include such discussion since it is actually not relevant to what that person had in mind, and what he can understand.

Not only that, there's plenty of opportunity for misunderstanding. We see that occurring all the time when we try to give a bit more than what they can comprehend - example: Casimir effects and why many think this is trivial and want to "extract energy" out of the vacuum state.

Again, as I've said when the issue of relativistic mass came up, responding to things like this must include the person asking or making that statement as a large part of the consideration. We simply cannot spew out answers that simply satisfy our knowledge without regards to how it will sound at the other end. If I'm talking to a high energy physicist (and this occurs very often), I'm sure you will know that there will be a different "tone" to the conversation than what I would do on here.

  • #52
Physics Monkey said:
This may be true, I don't really know. Physicists do like their Lorentz invariance, and maybe because they've spent so long doggedly defending it against the anti-relativity nutjobs, some can't see the difference between nutjobs and serious researchers. Still, I read about new tests of Lorentz invariance and I hear more and more about Lorentz invariance violation, so I have to hope that most physicists aren't so bad. Either way, I'm young, and I do think it would be great to find a violation.

The question of the substructure of the electron and Lorentz invariance are tied together by a theorem due to Coleman and Mandula which can be stated as:

"The Coleman-Mandula theorem, which states that space-time and internal symmetries cannot be combined in any but a trivial way ..."

This theorem, which divides the mysterious internal symmetry of the electron away from the symmetry of space-time which we are more or less familiar with, is a BIG obstacle to attempts to produce geometric theories that unite the particles. What happens is that when you try to write the elementary particles with a geometric interpretation you are forced to either (a) violate the Coleman Mandula theorem by making the relationship between particle symmetries and spacetime symmetries non trivial, or (b) explain away hundreds of particles that your theory predicts but that the experimentalists never see. Of course the argument of the Coleman Mandula theorem relies on perfect Poincare / Lorentz symmetry.

In my own case, I found a very simple theory for the underlying structure of the fermions, one where the particles show up quite naturally with no excess states to explain away. And it is in extreme violation of both the Coleman Mandula theorem and Lorentz invariance. And of course physicists don't want to hear about it.

But when I srcrubbed all the obvious violations of Lorentz invariance from the theory and left it as just a phenomenological comment on the lepton masses and mixing angles it got attention, because now it could be rewritten using the (Lorentz invariant) Higgs mechanism:

Compare the complexity of the above to the original:

The complexity is the consequence of requiring that Lorentz symmetry be exact "all the way down", this despite the complete lack of experiments done at infinite energies. So the issue becomes one of dueling simplicities.

Relativity is an elegant and simple theory of spacetime, but it implies an inelegant and complicated theory of elementary particles, one with no particular relationships between the different particles. And yet the elementary particles exhibit remarkable coincidences and their masses are related by very simple functions.

  • #53
CarlB said:
"The Coleman-Mandula theorem, which states that space-time and internal symmetries cannot be combined in any but a trivial way ..."

But when I srcrubbed all the obvious violations of Lorentz invariance from the theory and left it as just a phenomenological comment on the lepton masses and mixing angles it got attention, because now it could be rewritten using the (Lorentz invariant) Higgs mechanism:

Compare the complexity of the above to the original:

Can you please cite the journals where these papers have been published? Thanks.

  • #54
Hans de Vries said:
Originally Posted by reilly

As a final comment to bolster my case, I say, "If it's good enough for Feynman, it's good enough for me." In his "QED-The Strange Theory of Light and Matter" he says:

"The third basic action is: an electron emits or asorbs a photon ..."

This on p 91 in Chap 3 in which he discusses the basics of electron-photon interactions, as described by 3-point interactions.


OK, but to quote from the same guy:

Originally Posted by RPF

"A single free electron cannot emit one photon because of conservation
of energy and momentum, but if two electrons are near one another,
one may emit a photon which the other immediately absorbs"


"Quantum Mechanics permits the temporary existence of states, which,
if maintained, could not conserve energy"

The Theory of Fundamental Processes, Chapter 6, page 30. Richard. P.Feynman

So, yes, OK, but always differentiate between real and virtual,

Compton scattering: A real electron absorbs a real photon and becomes
a virtual electron until it emits a real photon and becomes a real electron

Regards, Hans

Levels of the game -- different audiences , different takes, different issues.

  • #55
reilly said:
Levels of the game -- different audiences , different takes, different issues.


Yeah, but it shows that you pick and choose what to quote, which is why I seldom play that game. So let's stop quoting Feynman (or anyone else for that matter) on this issue just to support some point.

  • #56
nrqed said:
It seems to me legitimate to say that electrons do emit photons
And if so, why couldn't electrons also absorb photons if they can emit ones?


You are right. The emission and the absorption of radiation by the atomic electrons are completely symmetrical processes.

Any way, the emission/absorption of photons by electron does not imply any substructure for the electron.


  • #57
ZapperZ said:
When an electron is in a field, be it in electric or magnetic field, it can easily interact with those fields and emits photons
The more accurate and symmetrical statement would be;
when an electron is in em field, it can interact with it and emits/absorbs photons.

I see this almost every week whenever we try to accelerate and decelerate bunches and bunches of "free" electrons in a particle accelerator.

What you see is the radiation from the accelerated electrons. These electrons are NOT free, rather they are interacting with accelerating field.

A FREE electron is an electron that is not in interaction with any field apart from its own field. This FREE electron does not emit/absorb photon.

For the same reason (violating energy, momentum and angular momentum conservation), a single photon can not "emit/absorb" electron-positron pair.

However, in the presence of an extra agent, like the field of the nucleus, the electron is nolonger free and can emit/absorb photon.

The problem here is that when someone talks about an electron absorbing a photon, we are talking about something like the photoelectric effect where an object absorbs a photon, for real, or an atom absorbing a photon, causing an electronic transition. In each of these processes, for conservation laws to be preserved, a bunch of things are required. In a photoelectric effect, the lattice ions are required to provide the recoil momentum. In an atomic transition, it requires the electronic orbit to change by + or - 1 angular momentum dictated by the selection rule. In other words, something simply cannot just swallow a photon that easily.

You seem to have no problem in saying that an intracting electron can emit photon, Yet you think that such electron can not absorb photon! This is absurd. Both these processes are determind by the same physics and math.
Indeed, the "detailed balancing" equation ( the relation between emission and absorption rates in Fermi's golden rule) expresses symmetry between emission and absorption of radiation.

1) When you excite the H-atom by shining light on it:

i) Do the energy and angular momentum of its nucleus (proton) change?
ii) Do the energy and angular momentum of the coulomb field change?
iii) Do the energy and angular momentum of the electron change?
YES, they do change by exactly the same amounts carried by the
incident photon.

2) When we calculate the absorption rate by the golden rule, we plug in Hamiltonian which describes the interaction between the electron and the incident photon.
3) It is the electron's charge (not the zero charge of the atom) that appears in the absorption rate.
4) It is the electron's mass that appears in the interaction Hamiltonian.

For these (and some two more) reasons, one can say;

It is the atomic electron (not unspecified ghost in the atom) that absorbs, eats or swallows the incident photon.


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  • #58
ZapperZ -- Yes, I'll use one quote for beginners, and quite another for professionals. In some quarters that might be called "teacher's perogative." I defer to thousands of instances of physicists great and ungreat alike defying rigor to talk about "absorption and emission" -- this group includes virtually all of the founders.

As I said, I guess I should retract my dissertation and inform my professors that I and they were wrong to treat the photon-electron interaction with such a mistaken and cavelier attitude. This attitude has been in place, at least, since Bloch and Nordsieck did their seminal paper on the InfraRed Divergence, back in 1937 -- to make matters worse, their work shows that there is no elastic scattering of charged particles -- there is always radiation -- and that to make sense of this, the perturbation series must be summed in the low-photon-energy limit

All of Feynman's key papers use the concepts of emission and absorption; as does Dirac's book, as does ... They are talking figuratively, and, I'm sure, assume that people knowledgeable about physics will naturally understand the limitations of English when applied to mathematics, and know that the pros will not be greatly disturbed by a missing dot over an i or two.

I invite you to accept my Virtual Challenge(new thread.) Then we can have a far more informed discussion by looking at a specific problem in great detail.

  • #59
samalkhaiat said:
What you see is the radiation from the accelerated electrons. These electrons are NOT free, rather they are interacting with accelerating field.
A FREE electron is an electron that is not in interaction with any field apart from its own field. This FREE electron does not emit/absorb photon. For the same reason (violating energy, momentum and angular momentum conservation), a single photon can not "emit/absorb" electron-positron pair.
However, in the presence of an extra agent, like the field of the nucleus, the electron is nolonger free and can emit/absorb photon.

At what point do you consider an electron interacting with photons to not be "free particles". Note that I put the word "free" in quotes in the statement that you are responding. Would you consider an RF radiation of 1.3 GHz to be a "EM field" while UV radiation of 5 eV to be "photons"? If that's the case, then would you like to google on laser accelerators, because I can tell you that the basic physics of this, and RF accelerating structure is almost identical.

In the beam-loading experiment, there isn't ONE electron, nor is there ONE photon. A "absorption" is entirely due to electron bunches that are being accelerated, meaning it because the kinetic energy. The accelerating charges also radiate, and this, along with the original RF, causes the resulting field that we measure to be slightly modified, giving the tell-tale sign of "beam loading". This signal is different when no electron bunches are present.

But it would be utterly silly for me to say "Ah ha! I have proof that electrons can absorb photons in this observation!". This was my point in bringing up this particular example that I have seen myself.

  • #60
samalkhaiat said:

1) When you excite the H-atom by shining light on it:

i) Do the energy and angular momentum of its nucleus (proton) change?
ii) Do the energy and angular momentum of the coulomb field change?
iii) Do the energy and angular momentum of the electron change?
YES, they do change by exactly the same amounts carried by the
incident photon.

2) When we calculate the absorption rate by the golden rule, we plug in Hamiltonian which describes the interaction between the electron and the incident photon.
3) It is the electron's charge (not the zero charge of the atom) that appears in the absorption rate.
4) It is the electron's mass that appears in the interaction Hamiltonian.

For these (and some two more) reasons, one can say;

It is the atomic electron (not unspecified ghost in the atom) that absorbs, eats or swallows the incident photon.



Of course the proton in the hydrogen atom can absorb a photon, as can any nucleus in general. That's required by gauge invariance, and is reflected in the electromagnetic interaction term in field theory. However, the probability for such absorption is small, at least for photons within the frequency range of the hydrogen spectra.

Given as I am to homework: show that the nuclear photon absorption amplitude is generally much smaller than the electronic photon absorption amplitude for hydrogen. (Hint: recoil is important. And, to keep things as simple as possible, consider both absorption and emission. Why? And then, go back and evaluate the correctness of all samalkhaiat's points in light of your calculations.)

  • #61
ZapperZ said:
At what point do you consider an electron interacting with photons to not be "free particles".
At NO point. Since it is interacting. Therefore it is NOT FREE.
Free electron is a solution of the free Dirac's equation (with zero on the right hand side)
Note that I put the word "free" in quotes in the statement that you are responding.
Why do you call it "free". Is "Free" for experimental physicists means "not free" for theoretical physicists?

Would you consider an RF radiation of 1.3 GHz to be a "EM field" while UV radiation of 5 eV to be "photons"? If that's the case, then would you like to google on laser accelerators, because I can tell you that the basic physics of this, and RF accelerating structure is almost identical.

EM-Field, when quantized, is equivalen to photon field. Your numbers does not change this fact.

The accelerating charges also radiate,
The accelerated charge is an interacting charge. Yes it does radiate.This is a classical fact proved by Maxwell's.

Without offering any reason, You said that the atomic electrons do not absorb photons.
I (like few thausands of physicits) say they do and I gave you my reasons in my last post.

So tell us, when you excite an atom by shining light on it, What are your reasons for saying that the atomic electrons do not absorb the incident photon?


  • #62
samalkhaiat said:
Without offering any reason, You said that the atomic electrons do not absorb photons.
I (like few thausands of physicits) say they do and I gave you my reasons in my last post.

So tell us, when you excite an atom by shining light on it, What are your reasons for saying that the atomic electrons do not absorb the incident photon?



Er... where did I say that??!

  • #63
ZapperZ said:
Can you please cite the journals where these papers have been published? Thanks.

The articles by Yoshio Koide and me (Carl Brannen) were only completed in late April or May of this year so it's too early to say "have been published". As of now, I believe that the only article scheduled to be published that uses my neutrino mass predictions is that by Mohapatra and Smirnov in the November 2006 Annual Review of Nuclear and and Particle Science, Vol. 56. The present version of this paper is here (look for an update in a month or so):

That this article will include the new neutrino mass predictions is from private communication from Alexei Smirnov; maybe he will change his mind. Dr. Smirnov mentions my name, presumably with regard to the neutrino masses, at his recent seminar talk in Munich [see page 10]:

The above link is from here:

Uh, I should mention that the acrobat file takes such a long time to download that you are better off saving it to your computer rather than trying to open it up with your browser.

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  • #64
ZapperZ said:
Er... where did I say that??!

1) In post#13 you said;
"But an electron does NOT absorb photon! You're confusing an atom absorbing photon via electronic transition..."

In post #20, I corrected the first part of your statement by saying;

"Free electron does not absorb or emit photon."

Then, I asked you the following question about the second part;
":smile: So what is it in the atom, other than electron, that absorbs and emits photons?:smile: "

2) Post#24, You said;
"...they are confusing an atomic transition to mean an electron absorbing that photon."
That photon? You clearly meant that the atomic electron does not absorb the transition-causing photon. Does it not?

3) In post#25 you said;

"Correct." to somebody who claimed;

"it's not the electron itself that absorbs the photon,"

4) You also made similar statements in post #32 & 35.


  • #65
samalkhaiat said:
ZapperZ said:
1) In post#13 you said;
"But an electron does NOT absorb photon! You're confusing an atom absorbing photon via electronic transition..."

Then you've read MORE than what I wrote. I was emphasizing that someone who says that an electron can absorb a photon is often thinking of an atomic absorption, and confusing THAT phenomenon with an electron absorbing a photon, when in fact it is the whole atom that is responsible.

I believe I've made more than enough assertion on this in this and other threads that I have never ever claim that an atom cannot absorb or emit a photon. This would be silly.

I hate to think you wasted all your effort directing this at me.

  • #66
Physics Monkey said:
In Compton scattering there is only one electron, right? I mean, Compton shot x-rays into some material, but the theoretical description makes no mention of the material. The essential part of Compton scattering is just some free electron which at lowest order absorbs a photon and then emits another.

Indeed, the associating Feynman diagram just needs one electron. But, what i meant to say is this : Compton scattering is a , err, "dangerous" example because people who refer to electrons absorbing photons really refer to atoms aborbing photons and thereby boosting up an electron to a higher discrete energy level. I am sure you will agree on the fact that these processes are quite different in nature (for example if you compare the discrete electronic energy levels to the energylevel of a free electron).

  • #67
marlon said:
Indeed, the associating Feynman diagram [for Compton scattering] just needs one electron.

In addition to your accompanying remarks, one might note that the electron in the middle portion of the diagram (after absorbing the incoming photon and before emitting the scattered photon) is virtual. That's a different sort of thing from a real electron absorbing a photon and recoiling as a real electron, which is impossible.
  • #68
ZapperZ said:
Can you please cite the journals where these papers have been published? Thanks.

Apparently, my neutrino mass formula is now officially mentioned "in the peer reviewed literature" here:

I guess I should admit that I haven't actually read the above article. But I fairly sure I'm referenced in it because I just got my first DNS hit from someone clicking through the article to my web page. I'll drive over to the local university and see what it looks like.

By the way, I've been enjoying watching DNS hits enough that I've decided to not publish other than on my own web pages. After all, it's not like it's going to hurt my career or anything.

  • #69
CarlB said:
Apparently, my neutrino mass formula is now officially mentioned "in the peer reviewed literature" here:

I guess I should admit that I haven't actually read the above article.

Very expensive journal, but the article is the one of Mohapatra & Smirnov, of course:

Neutrino Mass and New Physics
R.N. Mohapatra, A.Y. Smirnov
Annual Review of Nuclear and Particle Science. Volume 56, Page 569-628, Nov 2006

We review the present state and future outlook of our understanding of neutrino masses and mixings. We discuss what we think are the most important perspectives on the plausible and natural scenarios for neutrinos and attempt to throw light onto the flavor...Did you got time to go pub crawling with Yoshio?
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  • #70
Ok, this might sound strange, but the electron is not neutral (like the atom for example), so if the entire electron has negative charge and no internal structure, how does it maintain it's existence as an entity. I'm imagining a sphere created out of magnets...they would repel each other and the whole particle would disintegrate. This obviously does not happen to the electron, so where am I wrong? :)