Does IQ really determine intelligence?

In summary, Orion1's IQ score is 131, indicating a high level of intelligence. This score is based on a scientific formula that compares their performance on the Classic IQ Test to others. Their Intellectual Type is identified as Visionary Philosopher, indicating a strong mix of math and verbal skills, as well as the ability to explain and predict patterns. However, the validity and accuracy of online IQ tests is questionable and should not be seen as definitive measures of intelligence. It is important to also consider other factors such as verbal, social, and emotional intelligence.
  • #1
Congratulations, Orion1
Your IQ score is 131

This number is based on a scientific formula that compares how many questions you answered correctly on the Classic IQ Test relative to others.

Your Intellectual Type is Visionary Philosopher. This means you are highly intelligent and have a powerful mix of skills and insight that can be applied in a variety of different ways. Like Plato, your exceptional math and verbal skills make you very adept at explaining things to others and at anticipating and predicting patterns. And that's just some of what we know about you from your IQ results.

What is your IQ?

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  • #2
What is this, a bragging contest? ;)

  • #3
I experimented with this so-called test some time ago. It seems that it has a ceiling score of around 150. It stops at there. I intentionally scored low on the test, to see if they would label me as either a Visionary Philosopher or a Visionary Mathematician. Well, they did. An IQ score of 97 gave me the title Visionary Mathematician. Weird huh?
  • #4
recon said:
I intentionally scored low on the test, to see if they would label me as either a Visionary Philosopher or a Visionary Mathematician. Well, they did. An IQ score of 97 gave me the title Visionary Mathematician. Weird huh?
Well, they were right...with a score like that, you'd have to be a visionary to imagine yourself as a mathematician. :wink:
  • #5
That test is stupid...It's ceiling is 168...I still don't understand why I took it...

It compared me to Einstein/Newton(or was that Da Vinci? anyways, I took it a long time ago)...

Anyway, go to, and take the test. That is a logic test, which ACTUALLY tests your intellingence. I got a 162.
  • #6
IooqXpooI said:
That test is stupid...It's ceiling is 168...I still don't understand why I took it...

It compared me to Einstein/Newton(or was that Da Vinci? anyways, I took it a long time ago)...

Anyway, go to, and take the test. That is a logic test, which ACTUALLY tests your intellingence. I got a 162.
That's the test, I'm assuming?
  • #7
I took that internet test and don't believe it represents a damn thing.My score was 9.I have to believe that my shoe size is larger than my IQ. :biggrin:
  • #8
IooqXpooI said:
Anyway, go to, and take the test. That is a logic test, which ACTUALLY tests your intellingence. I got a 162.

The test offers is NOT challenging and the IQ that it scores is too optimistic. Personally, I would say that the emode test is better, but also optimistic. Someone once said to minus off 20 points from your IQ score for most online tests to get your true IQ. But, then again, that's too pessimistic.
  • #9
IooqXpooI, why did you responde to yourself?

Oh, and I believe the ceiling for either test is dependent on your age, and possibly your gender. How old are you? It could be that some of the questions went right over my head, but I came to the conclusion that the ceiling for the emode test was around 140 at the age of 21. wanted my credit card, and anyone stupid enough to pay for a IQ test probably doesn't want to see their score. :biggrin:

I like these things because they are a challenge, but I am skeptical of their validity in measuring intelligence. Many of the questions would be much harder for me if I never learned tricks in school for solving such problems. Any dog can learn a trick. Conversely, there are problems that are difficult for me because I have never been exposed to thinking in such a manner.
  • #10
It is a terribly inflated test, unless you're in the upper limits. If you're a fairly well educated adult with a high IQ, you should get all of them except for the one that the test's authors got wrong.

  • #11
The best free online IQ test I have taken is at The classical intelligence test takes 45 minutes to an hour to complete. I see that they have a new updated version of the test. I haven't taken it yet, maybe I will tonight.

Go to and select Classical IQ test from the Top 5 tests listing on the right hand side.

These tests are always fun.

Here a description of the test:

Classical Intelligence Test - 2nd Revision

60 questions, 45-60 min

Number of credits required: 3 Question type:
Textual, numerical and visual problems; multiple choice of answers.

What it measures:
This IQ test measures several factors of intelligence, namely logical reasoning, math skills and general knowledge. It also measures your ability to classify things according to various attributes, and to see analogies and relations among concepts or things. It doesn't take into consideration verbal, social, or emotional intelligence.

What you get:
Introduction to IQ
General score: your Raw IQ score, plus your score adjusted for age and for gender.

Pattern recognition. measures the ability to make out patterns in a series of images, numbers, words or ideas.

Classification. measures the ability to discover the commonalities among collections of words, pictures, objects, etc. and the ability to organize them accordingly.

Making analogies. measures the ability to find the relationships between elements of things (words, numbers, images, etc.) otherwise unlike.

Arithmetic. measures a branch of mathematics that generally deals with the nonnegative real numbers and with the application of the operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division to them.

General Knowledge. measures awareness of things that are generally well-known.

Logic. measures the ability to make deductions that lead rationally to a certain probability or conclusion.

Popular for personal interest, HR testing, and educational purposes.

Validation study:
Sample size: 352,000 in 3rd phase of validation

Statistics performed:
Descriptive stats and reference values/norms; correlations with various factors; reliability (Spearman-Brown split-half, Guttman split-half, Cronbach alpha), criterion-related validity (concurrent validity, method of contrasted groups, correlation with other standardized tests); construct-related validity (internal consistency, inter-correlations of subtests, factor analysis, convergent and discriminant validity)
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  • #12
IQ is a great philosophical discussion, however this topic is more along the lines of General Discussion unless we can turn it philosophical :)
  • #13
I am unable to answer several problems from the Queendom test:

Q51. Which one of the following five is least like the other four?
Horse - Zebra - Deer - Moose - Eland

Q41. Napoleon lost his final battle at
Moscow - Waterloo - Leipzig - Berlin - Paris

Q36. Julius Caesar

a) died of natural causes.
b) was killed in a riding accident.
c) was killed in a battle.
d) committed suicide.
e) was murdered.

Q29. Which one of the following five is least like the other four?
Liberal - Democrat - Conservative - Presbyterian - Socialist

Q26. Which one of the following five is least like the other four?
Milkshake - Juice - Gin - Whiskey - Milk

and several picture continuation problems.
  • #14
recon said:
I am unable to answer several problems from the Queendom test:

Q51. Which one of the following five is least like the other four?
Horse - Zebra - Deer - Moose - Eland

Q41. Napoleon lost his final battle at
Moscow - Waterloo - Leipzig - Berlin - Paris

Q36. Julius Caesar

a) died of natural causes.
b) was killed in a riding accident.
c) was killed in a battle.
d) committed suicide.
e) was murdered.

Q29. Which one of the following five is least like the other four?
Liberal - Democrat - Conservative - Presbyterian - Socialist

Q26. Which one of the following five is least like the other four?
Milkshake - Juice - Gin - Whiskey - Milk

and several picture continuation problems.


Deer has four letters, the rest have 5.
Waterloo was Napolean's last battle.
Caeser was murdered.
Milkshake is a composite drink, the rest can be poured straight out of the bottle.
  • #15
recon said:
Q51. Which one of the following five is least like the other four?
Horse - Zebra - Deer - Moose - Eland

Horse would be the least like the others because it is the only one that is also considered domesticated, and is used for work.

recon said:
Q29. Which one of the following five is least like the other four?
Liberal - Democrat - Conservative - Presbyterian - Socialist
Presbyterian, it is a religion.
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  • #16
Evo said:
Horse would be the least like the others because it is the only one that is also considered domesticated, and is used for work.

Your answer would be best if they were asking about animals. They are not. They are talking about words. Of course, they didn't bother to tell you that now, did they? These tests are very tricky when it comes to things like this. I have seen variants where they will subtly alter questions. In one case, they wrote out words of various tools and asked which didn't belong. The answer was knife because it started with "k" while the others, spoon, screwdriver, saw and shovel, all started with "s". They had the same question, but with pictures of the tools instead of words, and the answer was spoon because it had no blade.

These types of questions are particularly frustrating when you are smarter than the test's author. You start thinking,"I know what I believe is the best answer, but is the guy who made up the test smart enough to know it is the best answer?" It then becomes possible that you know the answer, but pick the wrong one because you misjudged the author's intelligence.

I, personally, would consider horse to be a perfectly valid answer to that question. Since there are two valid answers and the only way to distinguish which is "better" is to psychoalalyze the test's author, I would not use such a question.

  • #17
Njorl said:
Your answer would be best if they were asking about animals. They are not. They are talking about words. Njorl
Well, the trick, as you said, is to understand what they are wanting. You may be right. The question does not ask which word is least like the others, nor does it ask which animal is least like the others. Usually you can get a feel for what they're thinking from other questions in the test. I only scored 158 last time I took this test, (down significantly from when I had a real IQ test at age 11 :frown: ), so maybe I missed that one. :frown:

They could be looking for a word difference, but that seems too obvious and simple and doesn't make you really think what could be different between such similar animals. Of course I haven't retaken the new version of the test, perhaps this question is lumped in with other word questions?

Since there are two valid answers and the only way to distinguish which is "better" is to psychoalalyze the test's author, I would not use such a question.
Yep I agree.
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  • #18
For me, the test was rather unfair as I originate from a rather primitive Asian country (not Singapore or Hong Kong). I can say with confidence that 90%, perhaps even more, of the people here wouldn't know who Julius Caesar was, much less how he died. We don't know much about US politics (socialist, etc.) as well, because why would you bother to if you're on the other side of the world and especially when your government is not a democracy? Our history lessons are mostly to do with Asian history. Napoleon Bonaparte is NEVER mentioned in our history textbook. And alcohol is virtually banned in my country, so I wouldn't know the difference between gin, wine and martinis. Also, I've never had a milkshake. :(

What's an Eland anyway? It might go by another name in this part of the world.
  • #19
The importance of familiarity of fundaments to the assessment of g

recon said:
For me, the test was rather unfair as I originate from... ...the people here wouldn't know... We don't know much about...
  • Every kind of mental test and every mentally demanding activity, as required in school and in most occupations, is to some degree loaded with g. If one wants to assess a person's level of g, it is more efficient, of course, to select highly g-loaded tests, provided they are otherwise appropriate for the person in terms of having familiar fundaments. Obviously, a highly g-loaded test given in the Tamil language would be wholly inappropriate for a typical American, although it may provide a valid assessment of g for a native of Madras, India. A highly g-loaded nonverbal test, one based on figural relations for example, could be equally appropriate for both the American and the Madrasi, assuming, of course, that its fundaments are familiar to both.
Arthur R Jensen. The g Factor. p36.

What's an Eland anyway? It might go by another name in this part of the world.
Main Entry: eland
Pronunciation: 'Elðnd, -,land, -laa(ð)nd
Function: noun
Inflected Form: plural eland or elands
Etymology: Afrikaans, elk, eland, from Dutch, elk, from obsolete German elen, elend, from Lithuanian elnis; akin to Old High German elaho elk - more at ELK

: either of two large African antelopes of the genus Taurotragus bovine in form and having short spirally twisted horns in both sexes: a : the common dark fawn-colored eland (T. oryx) of southern and eastern Africa the male of which sometimes attains six feet in height and weighs 1500 pounds b : the larger dark-striped giant eland (T. derbianus) restricted to western equatorial Africa
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  • #20
recon said:
For me, the test was rather unfair as I originate from a rather primitive Asian country (not Singapore or Hong Kong). I can say with confidence that 90%, perhaps even more, of the people here wouldn't know who Julius Caesar was, much less how he died. We don't know much about US politics (socialist, etc.) as well, because why would you bother to if you're on the other side of the world and especially when your government is not a democracy? Our history lessons are mostly to do with Asian history. Napoleon Bonaparte is NEVER mentioned in our history textbook. And alcohol is virtually banned in my country, so I wouldn't know the difference between gin, wine and martinis. Also, I've never had a milkshake. :(

What's an Eland anyway? It might go by another name in this part of the world.
The test would be very difficult for you recon, if you haven't been exposed to the type of information that is on the test, there is no way you can know the answers. At least you now have been exposed to information you would not have known otherwise, so maybe this has helped broaden your view of the world.

This is why IQ tests given to other cultures is often unfair in judging intelligence. Even if you show symbols to someone, if they have never been exposed to the type of reasoning that we have about the differences we are taught to recognize, they may not understand what the questioner is wanting.
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  • #21
Someone on another board raised what I thought was a good question.
Q2 on tickle's classic IQ test:
Which one of these five is least like the other four?

I would answer kangaroo, because it travels mainly on two legs, while all the others travel mainly on four legs, or, two of the kangaroo's "legs" are much shorter than the other two, and are used more like "arms" than "legs". Same idea.
But this person had answered donkey, because it is sterile. Some quick research tells me that it's actually the mule (the offspring of a donkey and horse/zebra/donkey cousin) that is sterile, and female mules aren't even *always* sterile. But, more to the point, what if one of the animals listed was sterile? Would this be a "more correct" answer, and why?
The kangaroo is also the only marsupial, which, if this were the reason for choosing the kangaroo, would seem to be on the same level as the sterility of the mule- both are "reproductive" differences.
So what makes the correct answer correct, for these comparison questions?
Happy thoughts
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  • #22
How could a "logic" test be "tricky"? Isn't that a contradiction in terms?
For it to be "logical', its questions cannot be ambiguous.
1+1=10 could be either correct or incorrect, depending on the system (ex. base b positional system) in which the calculation is made.
If a logical question has more than one answer, those answers must be equal/equivalent, yes?
Happy thoughts
  • #23
honestrosewater said:
Someone on another board raised what I thought was a good question.
Q2 on tickle's classic IQ test:
Which one of these five is least like the other four?

I would answer kangaroo, because it travels mainly on two legs, while all the others travel mainly on four legs, or, two of the kangaroo's "legs" are much shorter than the other two, and are used more like "arms" than "legs". Same idea.
But this person had answered donkey, because it is sterile. Some quick research tells me that it's actually the mule (the offspring of a donkey and horse/zebra/donkey cousin) that is sterile, and female mules aren't even *always* sterile. But, more to the point, what if one of the animals listed was sterile? Would this be a "more correct" answer, and why?
The kangaroo is also the only marsupial, which, if this were the reason for choosing the kangaroo, would seem to be on the same level as the sterility of the mule- both are "reproductive" differences.
So what makes the correct answer correct, for these comparison questions?
Happy thoughts
Kangaroo is the only correct answer. It is marsupial, it doesn't have hooves, it travels and stands on 2 legs. It uses it front paws for eating and grooming.
  • #24
So what makes the correct answer correct, for these comparison questions?

The question: Which one of these five is least like the other four?

The cow is the only one sacred to Hindus.
The kangaroo is the only one I haven't seen in person.
The donkey is the only one in Pinocchio.

Are those not "correct" reasons?
  • #25
honestrosewater said:
So what makes the correct answer correct, for these comparison questions?

The question: Which one of these five is least like the other four?

The cow is the only one sacred to Hindus.
The kangaroo is the only one I haven't seen in person.
The donkey is the only one in Pinocchio.

Are those not "correct" reasons?
This is why I am against IQ tests. I do not believe that IQ tests are an accurate reflection of intelligence. Even the tests that are non verbal are flawed. Just because a symbol has a common meaning in the western world, in other societies, it may not be looked at the same way, have the same significance, be something recognized in the environment in which they are raised, etc...

A non-verbal IQ test that was widely given to S. African tribesmen in the 1920's included "common universally known" things such as two people playing tennis, but the net was missing. The correct answer was to draw in the missing net. Obviously the tribesmen had never heard of tennis and had no idea what to do.
  • #26
IQ... what is that? Waste of time?
  • #27
You should know personally that you are smart. When you study, or read books, you should recognize your intelligence.
  • #28
Intelligence vs. Intellect...

a. the ability to learn or understand from experience; ability to acquire and retain knowledge; mental ability.

b. the ability to respond quickly and successfully to a new situation; use of the faculty of reason in solving problems, directing conduct, etc. effectively.

c. in psychology, measured success in using these abilities to perform certain tasks.

Intelligence Quotient: (IQ)
. a number indicating level of intelligence, obtained by multiplying the mental age by 100 and dividing by the chronological age.

[tex]I_q = \frac{100 A_m}{A_c}[/tex]

[tex]A_m = \frac{I_q A_c}{100}[/tex]

Intelligence Test:
. a standardized series of problems progressively graded in difficulty, intended to test an individual's intelligence.

He lived rather in a fair 'intelligence' than any friendship with the favorites. - Clarendon.

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  • #29
G factor as mental age

Orion1 said:
Intelligence Test:
. a standardized series of problems progressively graded in difficulty, intended to test an individual's intelligence.
  • Main Entry: intelligence test
    Function: noun

    : any of various tests consisting of standardized questions and tasks designed to determine the mental age of the person examined or his relative capacity to absorb information and solve problems : a test designed to measure capacity to learn apart from actual achievement — compare ACHIEVEMENT TEST, APTITUDE TEST
  • #30
My favorite of the "one is different" questions are the ones where one and only one choice has something in common with all the other choices. Then, by virtue of its unique similarity, it is different.

  • #31
Njorl said:
My favorite of the "one is different" questions
Odd man out.
  • #32
Most online IQ tests, I would say 90% of them are very inaccurate so I wish people wouldn't quote online IQ scores. Many give inflated scores and even worst, many of them have nothing to do with intelligence but book knowledge instead. If you want to know your true IQ score you should get it professional tested by a psychologist using official IQ tests such as Stanford-Binet.
  • #33
IQ tests are rigged.
  • #34
Can someone tell me please, if your IQ is in the top 1% what score would that be about?
  • #35
Conversion of population percentile scores to IQ scores

Laser Eyes said:
Can someone tell me please, if your IQ is in the top 1% what score would that be about?
That would be an IQ at or above the 99th percentile. On a normal curve, the 99th percentile is standard deviations from the mean. If we use the Stanford-Binet's 16-point standard-deviation, then a score at the 99th percentile would equal 138 IQ points ((16 x 2.35) + 100). If we use the WAIS's 15-point standard-deviation, then a score at the 99th percentile would equal 135 IQ points ((15 x 2.35) + 100).
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