Doubts regarding Electromagnetic fields

In summary: You are getting ahead of class. For example, you can learn about the Kramers-Kronig relations and the differences between real and imaginary parts of the index of refraction once you have finished some classical mechanics and E&M. This is not a race. You can't learn everything at once. You are correct in your understanding of fields and EM waves, but you are jumping ahead of yourself. In summary, the electromagnetic field is a physical quantity that takes a value at every point in space(-time) and follows Maxwell's equations to describe how disturbances in the field propagate. It is not a force, but can give a force on a charge. Fields in general carry both energy and momentum. The energy gained by the
  • #1
Dexter Neutron
I read in a book that Electromagnetic fields propagate at speed of light and carry energy and momentum.
Let's take electric field for example. Electric field is none other than a force per unit coulomb.So

1.How could a force(here field) move as force has no property of moving as force causes motion and it is the object which moves not the force?

2. How(Why) does a force carries energy because it is not something that contains energy?It is the matter that contains energy not the force.

3. If I am wrong and force contains energy than when oscillating magnetic field induces another electric field from where does the excess energy of electric field comes?

4. If an oscillating charge produces an EM wave then does the charge loses its kinetic energy?Does it means that if I "kick"(giving velocity) a charge at rest it is accelerated and radiates EM waves so does it comes to rest after radiating EM waves?

5. Are EM wave just a sort of magnitude waves that is fields don't propagate but it is the change in magnitude of field which propagates?

Please explain in good detail and don't expect me to understand higher level mathematics(hamiltonian etc) as I am just a High School Student.
Try to answer all of my question please these doubts are eating my brain off :-p.
Physics news on
  • #2
A field in itself does not move. By definition, a field is a physical quantity that takes a value at every point in space(-time). The electromagnetic field follows Maxwell's equations that, among other things, describe how disturbances in the electromagnetic field propagates.

The 1/r^2 force belongs to a family of static solutions to Maxwell's equation and there is nothing in it that is propagating.

1. The EM field is not a force. It can give a force on a charge, but it is not a force in itself.

2. The question is based on the misconception in 1. The EM field is not a force, it is an EM field. Fields in general carry both energy and momentum.

3. Normally we would speak of the energy in the EM field as a whole, which does not change unless you add or remove energy due to interactions with matter. If you really want to separate them, the energy gained by the electric field would be lost by the magnetic.

4. An accelerating charge produces EM radiation. Once moving at constant velocity it will no longer do so and so will continue to move at that velocity unless acted upon by another force. The energy you have to use to accelerate the charge to that velocity is the kinetic energy of the particle plus the energy of any radiation generated during the acceleration phase.

5. It is unclear what you mean by "magnitude" waves, but your description seems more or less fine, as described above.
  • #3
1.The force felt by one charge due to another situated some distance away is not instantaneous.It takes some time for one charge to influence another kept some distance away.And hence the reason we say EM waves travels at certain speed in a medium.
2&3.When a charge produce EM waves it creates a potential all around it.Any charge nearby has a potential due to the EM wave.When you keep two electrons nearby they will attract each other.Due to the attraction they will accelerate towards themselves.You could ask from where they gained their new K.E.It is the EM wave that gave them the new K.E. Hence we say EM waves carry energy.
Momentum is a direct result from the above.I don't understand what you mean by"where does the excess energy of electric field come from"
4.It will lose its K.E if some other particle comes to interact with the EM wave.No it won't come to rest if there is nothing else to interact with it.
5.Exactly,as my understanding goes its the change in the magnitude of the field that propagates
  • #4
Orodruin said:
By definition, a field is a physical quantity that takes a value at every point in space(-time).
What this magnitude(value) signifies?This magnitude can give us force but if it itself is not a force then what is the significance of this magnitude?Is this magnitude something very real/physical or just a man made concept?

Orodruin said:
Fields in general carry both energy and momentum.
Does this means that if a field lies in a space energy also independently lies in the same space? Is this energy same as Zero Point Energy?What is the physical significance of momentum?like a force causes motion, energy is associated to field what is physical significance of momentum?

Orodruin said:
4. An accelerating charge produces EM radiation. Once moving at constant velocity it will no longer do so and so will continue to move at that velocity unless acted upon by another force. The energy you have to use to accelerate the charge to that velocity is the kinetic energy of the particle plus the energy of any radiation generated during the acceleration phase.
It means that if i push a charge the energy of radiated EM wave is not equal to the kinetic energy achieved.Am I right?
Orodruin said:
5. It is unclear what you mean by "magnitude" waves, but your description seems more or less fine, as described above.
A wave is a moving disturbance. A sound wave is a wave of pressure which means pressure at a point changes repeatedly. By magnitude waves I mean that magnitude of field changes at a point repeatedly and the change of magnitude propagates not the field. (Due to lack of knowledge I was unable to explain it properly so I used the term magnitude wave)
  • #5
All concepts are "man made".
  • #6
Dexter Neutron said:
Is this magnitude something very real/physical or just a man made concept
All concepts in every scientific theory are man made concepts. They are mental models that we use to describe the behavior of the world around us. We use these concepts and rely on them because when we perform real physical experiments, the results that we get match the theory very closely. So while they are man made they are compared very closely to real physical experiments.

For the rest, you are in high school and should focus on simple models, like Newtonian mechanics and maybe circuits. You cannot truly understand a theory without the math, and deeper theories require more advanced math.
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  • #7
Dexter Neutron said:
What this magnitude(value) signifies?This magnitude can give us force but if it itself is not a force then what is the significance of this magnitude?Is this magnitude something very real/physical or just a man made concept?
All physics concepts are man-made. The validity of using those concepts to describe nature is tested by performing experiments.

Dexter Neutron said:
Does this means that if a field lies in a space energy also independently lies in the same space?
Energy is not a substance, it is a property of fields and other types of matter.
  • #8
Joyal Babu said:
1.The force felt by one charge due to another situated some distance away is not instantaneous.It takes some time for one charge to influence another kept some distance away.And hence the reason we say EM waves travels at certain speed in a medium.
This is a gross oversimplification. The ##1/r^2## behaviour of the Coulomb law is a static solution and for a static solution there is no such thing as traveling disturbance. In order to take such things into account, it is necessary to use the full Maxwell's equations.

Joyal Babu said:
2&3.When a charge produce EM waves it creates a potential all around it.Any charge nearby has a potential due to the EM wave.When you keep two electrons nearby they will attract each other.Due to the attraction they will accelerate towards themselves.You could ask from where they gained their new K.E.It is the EM wave that gave them the new K.E. Hence we say EM waves carry energy.
Momentum is a direct result from the above.I don't understand what you mean by"where does the excess energy of electric field come from"

The EM potential is not only present when the charge is producing an EM wave. The electrostatic attraction between two electrons does not have so much to do with a traveling EM wave as it does with the static Coulomb solution to Maxwell's equations. These statements are misleading at best.

Joyal Babu said:
4.It will lose its K.E if some other particle comes to interact with the EM wave.No it won't come to rest if there is nothing else to interact with it.
This is outright wrong. The particle that creates an EM wave loses energy and momentum to the EM field. Once this has occurred, whatever happens with the produced EM wave does not change the state of the producing particle.
  • #9
Dexter Neutron said:
It means that if i push a charge the energy of radiated EM wave is not equal to the kinetic energy achieved.Am I right?
The energy provided by the push, is equal to the energy of radiation plus the kinetic energy achieved. Very little energy (from the push) will become radiation (less than 1%), most of the energy will become kinetic energy. This follows if you do the math.
  • #10
Dexter Neutron said:
Electric field is none other than a force per unit coulomb.
You're mixing a physical quantity with a unit of measure.
You may have force divided by charge, or Newton per coulomb.

Joyal Babu said:
When you keep two electrons nearby they will attract each other.
Two electrons will repel each other.

Related to Doubts regarding Electromagnetic fields

1. What are electromagnetic fields and how are they created?

Electromagnetic fields are a combination of electric and magnetic fields that are created by the movement of charged particles. They can occur naturally, such as with the Earth's magnetic field, or they can be artificially created by man-made devices.

2. Are electromagnetic fields harmful to human health?

The effects of electromagnetic fields on human health are still being studied and debated. While some studies have shown potential negative impacts, such as increased risk of cancer, others have not found a clear link. The World Health Organization states that more research is needed to fully understand the potential risks.

3. How do I protect myself from electromagnetic fields?

To reduce exposure to electromagnetic fields, you can limit your use of electronic devices, especially close to your body, and keep a safe distance from power lines and other sources. You can also use protective shielding, such as special cases for cell phones or EMF-blocking clothing.

4. Can electromagnetic fields affect electronic devices?

Yes, electromagnetic fields can interfere with electronic devices and cause them to malfunction. This is why certain areas, such as hospitals and airplanes, restrict the use of electronic devices. It is also important to properly shield sensitive equipment from strong electromagnetic fields.

5. Are there any regulations or guidelines for exposure to electromagnetic fields?

Yes, there are various regulations and guidelines set by governmental agencies and international organizations, such as the FCC and the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection. These guidelines aim to limit exposure to electromagnetic fields to levels deemed safe for human health.

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