Dreaming of a Better Life: Visualizing My Ideal Future

  • Thread starter FrancisZ
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In summary, "Dreaming of a Better Life: Visualizing My Ideal Future" is about the power of visualization in creating the life one desires. The author shares personal experiences and techniques for manifesting dreams and goals through visualization, emphasizing the importance of belief and taking action. Through the practice of visualization, one can create a clear vision of their ideal future and work towards making it a reality. The article also discusses the role of gratitude and positive thinking in this process. Overall, the article promotes the idea that by visualizing and actively working towards one's dreams, a better life can be achieved.
  • #1
Your "Dream Come True" thread

Now, to be perfectly straight with you all: I honestly don't consider myself very materialistic (or at least, I didn't used to be). As a matter of fact, I seriously thought for a long time about joining the church--maybe the Franciscans (pun not intended)--and about taking the vows. I honestly admire both nuns and monks (whether Catholic or Buddhist) immensely.

Still after 8 years of a lot of self-imposed denial, getting kicked around a lot, and not really having what I need even just to survive financially; I think I've pretty much had it with poverty all together.

I still don't really want anything extravagant, mind you--I just don't want to own things that break down constantly; or have to put up with situations that are insufficient for basic comfort. Frankly, I'm tired of worrying about stupid, stupid crap, when I could be working on important projects. I want to be helpful--and to make sacrifices where necessary--but I'm absolutely done with being abused.

So, suffice it to say: poverty--you're on notice![PLAIN]http://photos-e.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/200527_176600289052354_100001071534511_400591_368145_s.jpg And lately: all I can ever seem to think about is actually nesting, in a sense; and to get past the mundane inadequacies of my life.

Anyway, I just had this notion somehow: of posting some pictures of what I actually want (to literally visualize my dreams); and naturally, I encourage all of you to do the same. I consider it therapeutic, and psychologically purging; if not flagrantly crazy.

"But I can dream at least, can't I?"

Here then is a thread, maybe for your own personal rainbows & unicorns (if that's anyone's thing). I'll go first.
To live here:

[PLAIN]http://i824.photobucket.com/albums/zz168/FrancisBear/2062008_2.jpg?t=1299835378 To drive this car:

To wear this suit:
And maybe--if I'm able to get married some day also--I think I'd like to wear a tuxedo like this:

Incidentally, of late I find that I keep getting trapped at home on Saturdays (since we've been sharing a vehicle at the Ziegler's since December :cry:); and so, I usually end up somehow watching WE network programs with my mother and sisters (if this thread is any indication). :biggrin:

That is why, in conclusion, I'd just like to point out an observation I've made of wedding gowns on television...

Ahem: they never seem to have sleeves. And I happen to like sleeves.So dammit--in my personal unicorn world of happiness--they'll be sleeves on MY bride!


I like this old dress. I'm just say'in. Happy daydreaming folks. :wink:
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  • #2

I suppose I'm lucky,I have many dreams and most of them regularly come true.One of them is going to happen tomorrow night,a hot chicken curry with Bombay potatoes and naan bread.
  • #3

FrancisZ said:
Now, to be perfectly straight with you all: I honestly don't consider myself very materialistic (or at least, I didn't used to be).

Welcome to the darkside :wink: Have a nice day !

Money are just a tool to make your ends come true. They will make you happy.

FrancisZ said:
I like this old dress. I'm just say'in.


Im just say'in , what's in the dress is more important than the dress. And the dress should let her be seen by all :P

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  • #4

DanP said:
Welcome to the darkside :wink: Have a nice day !

Money are just a tool to make your ends come true. They will make you happy.

Im just say'in , what's in the dress is more important than the dress. And the dress should let her be seen by all :P


This reminds me of a 'nursery rhyme' about weddings 'n all ..

She offered her honour,
He honoured her offer,
So all night long,
He was on 'er and off 'er !

FZ - every silver lining had a cloud .. once :-)
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  • #5

I told my wife that since her wedding gown didn't have sleeves, we're not technically married. She immediately sent me into a dream state. In my dream I was reading math and physics books all the day long, because to me, poverty is not having the time to read.
  • #6

I think your dreams are far from materialistic, just the natural desire to have comfort without ostentation. Go for it!

@DanP: I need to take a cold shower.

@alt: :smile:
  • #8

Greg Bernhardt said:
I would like 10 million FF miles.

You'd be a marked man Greg... every hand turned against you, eye's glittering luridly with lust for your miles. I'd hunt you like game if I thought the kill would net me 10mil FF miles! :-p

First Class... mmmmmm...
  • #9

My dream... I want to be able to learn any foreign language as though I were born to it.
  • #10

I have everything. Actually, my wife and I are considering vehicle-consolidation. She would take over my Subaru Forester, we'd sell the Nissan pickup and the Subaru Legacy sedan, and I'd buy a car-based pickup with enough cargo-space to make runs to the transfer-station/recycling center every couple of weeks. So far, the Honda Ridgeline looks like a likely suspect.
  • #11

I want this Jeep.

And this fireplace:

In this mountain cabin:
  • #12

FrancisZ said:

To live here:

To drive this car:

To wear this suit:


So, what's stopping you? Get an education, a good job, and make it happen! The only real way to put your poverty on notice is to claw your way out of it, step by agonizing step...
  • #13

BobG said:
I want this Jeep.

And this fireplace:

In this mountain cabin:
I have 2 AWD vehicles and a 4x4 Pickup, a wood-stove that heats our little log home easily, a really great garden-spot with a Kubota 28 hp diesel to till it and spread amendments. Most importantly, I have a loving wife, and a dog that is too sweet for words. At this point in our lives, we are looking to consolidate and simplify, not to accumulate more stuff. As long as we can get diesel for the tractor and gasoline for the cars and generator, we can ride out about anything that nature can throw at us.

If the Federal Reserve stopped giving away taxpayer money at practically no interest so that interest rates would rise to levels of about 5 years ago, that would be a "Dream Come True" because our savings would once again start generating income from interest.
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  • #14

Making money is easy, and there are jobs that require minimal education that pay very well. It just depends on whether you want a job that pays well, or if you care what you are actually doing.

Dreaming big is indeed good for you. Luckily I'm working towards my dream right now. I want to go back to school and finish my BS in Mech. Engr. I've been working in a chemical plant for 5 years and saving, so that I could go back without any debt. I started with two classes this spring, and while I'm still working now, every day could be my last. I'll be back full time in the fall.

BTW, I got here because I spent too much time early on chasing unicorns.
  • #15

S_Happens said:
BTW, I got here because I spent too much time early on chasing unicorns.

A least, did you managed to mount one ? :smile:
  • #16

FrancisZ said:
Now, to be perfectly straight with you all: I honestly don't consider myself very materialistic (or at least, I didn't used to be). As a matter of fact, I seriously thought for a long time about joining the church--maybe the Franciscans (pun not intended)--and about taking the vows. I honestly admire both nuns and monks (whether Catholic or Buddhist) immensely.

I too considered the priesthood... until I discovered sex! :biggrin: By puberty all such notions had been washed away by hormones and primal lust. But I agree with your perception of priests and nuns. On the average, they are truly extraordinary people.

Can't say enough good about setting goals. My experience has been that goals are only realized when clearly identified, visualized, and then accepted in the heart as inevitable. The biggest obstacle to success in life is often the mind.

I would stress that friends and family are often the first to tell you that failure is inevitable. Believe in yourself and ignore the rest. It was surprising to discover that many people who allegedly care about you, will expend great effort to convince you that success is not possible. You can't fly like an eagle if you're hanging with turkeys!
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  • #17

Dadface said:
I suppose I'm lucky,I have many dreams and most of them regularly come true.One of them is going to happen tomorrow night,a hot chicken curry with Bombay potatoes and naan bread.
Curry is stronger than Charlie Sheen--it'll melt pretty much anything (and not just a face).
DanP said:
Welcome to the darkside :wink: Have a nice day !

Money are just a tool to make your ends come true. They will make you happy. Im just say'in , what's in the dress is more important than the dress. And the dress should let her be seen by all :P
Leaves nothing to the imagination Dan. Besides--I really do like sleeves.
alt said:
FZ - every silver lining had a cloud .. once :-)
I like that--that's clever.
Jimmy Snyder said:
I told my wife that since her wedding gown didn't have sleeves, we're not technically married. She immediately sent me into a dream state. In my dream I was reading math and physics books all the day long, because to me, poverty is not having the time to read.
Since the popularization of the internet, pretty much all I do in my spare time IS read.
nismaratwork said:
I think your dreams are far from materialistic, just the natural desire to have comfort without ostentation. Go for it!
I certainly will try.
Greg Bernhardt said:
I would like 10 million FF miles.
Ah! You'd just end up losing your luggage eventually. And who needs to go through the anal probe every time you want to fly to Disneyland anyway.
turbo-1 said:
I have everything. Actually, my wife and I are considering vehicle-consolidation. She would take over my Subaru Forester, we'd sell the Nissan pickup and the Subaru Legacy sedan, and I'd buy a car-based pickup with enough cargo-space to make runs to the transfer-station/recycling center every couple of weeks. So far, the Honda Ridgeline looks like a likely suspect.
Can I interest you in a "slightly" used El Camino? :biggrin:

Mech_Engineer said:
So, what's stopping you? Get an education, a good job, and make it happen! The only real way to put your poverty on notice is to claw your way out of it, step by agonizing step...
I honestly have my BS in Physics thus far. But I've been sidetracked for about 8 years.
S_Happens said:
Making money is easy, and there are jobs that require minimal education that pay very well. It just depends on whether you want a job that pays well, or if you care what you are actually doing.
That's exactly the trade off I hate having to make: I really liked teaching; but it just isn't sensible anymore. I can't support myself on $30k-$40k when I am actually working (and I'm not honestly at the moment). I have to help get my younger sister through school as well.
Dreaming big is indeed good for you. Luckily I'm working towards my dream right now. I want to go back to school and finish my BS in Mech. Engr. I've been working in a chemical plant for 5 years and saving, so that I could go back without any debt. I started with two classes this spring, and while I'm still working now, every day could be my last. I'll be back full time in the fall.
I admire that, honestly, very much.
BTW, I got here because I spent too much time early on chasing unicorns.
Ivan Seeking said:
I too considered the priesthood... until I discovered sex! :biggrin: By puberty all such notions had been washed away by hormones and primal lust. But I agree with your perception of priests and nuns. On the average, they are truly extraordinary people.

Can't say enough good about setting goals. My experience has been that goals are only realized when clearly identified, visualized, and then accepted in the heart as inevitable. The biggest obstacle to success in life is often the mind.

I would stress that friends and family are often the first to tell you that failure is inevitable. Believe in yourself and ignore the rest. It was surprising to discover that many people who allegedly care about you, will expend great effort to convince you that success is not possible. You can't fly like an eagle if you're hanging with turkeys!
I know exactly what you mean.
  • #18

Look at the TIRES on that thing!

Hmmm... if you had a '61 mustang... now that would be ccchhhhaaaat.
  • #19

nismaratwork said:
My dream... I want to be able to learn any foreign language as though I were born to it.
Seconded. No miento.

Another dream of mine is for there to be more than 24 hours in a day so I can get more stuff done.
To accomplish that we'll set some asteroids on near-tangent collision courses with Earth...
  • #20

FtlIsAwesome said:
Seconded. No miento.

Another dream of mine is for there to be more than 24 hours in a day so I can get more stuff done.
To accomplish that we'll set some asteroids on near-tangent collision courses with Earth...

Why do I get the sense that you should be banned from PF on the ground that the more you learn, the closer you come to becoming an Evil Overlord? :smile:
  • #21

nismaratwork said:
Why do I get the sense that you should be banned from PF on the ground that the more you learn, the closer you come to becoming an Evil Overlord? :smile:
You don't have to worry about me, I'm doing research for the evil megavillian Overlord in my story. To write a good character you have to start thinking like the character, put your mind into the character.

Mwahahaha. See?

Anyway, if I'm banned for being a real Evil Overlord, I'll just come back as another user (due to the EO philosophy requires breaking PF rules in case of banishment). And I'll still be able to read everything without an account.
  • #22

FtlIsAwesome said:
You don't have to worry about me, I'm doing research for the evil megavillian Overlord in my story. To write a good character you have to start thinking like the character, put your mind into the character.

Mwahahaha. See?

Anyway, if I'm banned for being a real Evil Overlord, I'll just come back as another user (due to the EO philosophy requires breaking PF rules in case of banishment). And I'll still be able to read everything without an account.

True, just do me a favor and give me a clean death? No sharks... :biggrin:
  • #23

Did you say sharks?

I like sharks.
  • #24

FtlIsAwesome said:
Did you say sharks?

I like sharks.

I should have remembered the end of the first season of, 'The Wire'. :wink:
  • #25

Ok, I don't know that show.
  • #26

nismaratwork said:
Why do I get the sense that you should be banned from PF on the ground that the more you learn, the closer you come to becoming an Evil Overlord? :smile:
Wait a minute, I already am an Evil Overlord. :biggrin:
  • #27
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  • #28
DanP said:
A least, did you managed to mount one ? :smile:

And then some...


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  • #29

FrancisZ, you just became the guy I wish I would have married if I met his current self 15 years ago (though I like my fair lady's gloves better than your sleeves, probably because it keeps things covered but has a naughty feel... and goes better with a tiara, which maybe everyone should have once, but I never did, and what might be my wish).

Honestly, it's a sad thing that our society claims to value education, but does not sufficiently pay educators (like we value life but there's little/no support for families of children born disabled -- especially, here in the bible belt south, if they are not baptist). I don't think it would have been like that 60 years ago. My husband's ex-wife's dad (who has become "Grandpa" to us all) was in education, and made a fine living. I feel like for our family, for every step forward, there's two backward -- though we're in it for the long haul (and our slightly planned, slightly unplanned "wouldn't it be nice to have a little girl?" has been the best thing that ever happened to us -- don't give up on your honest good-hearted dreams!).

I will pray (in my ex-patriot Catholicism) for your wishes (and yours too BobG! for to each his own, and I've lived too many lives and seen the appeal of both, made my decisions and will stick to them for the happinesses they do give).

What do I wish or dream for?
A magic wand, to wave over our abode with my four sleeping soul-mates (and two cats), and grant them health and security through their days, so that they might pursue happiness as best they can. and maybe I'd like a neck massage. and a warm cookie. Or even just some pumpernickel toast (but just the bread will have to suffice... I have sleeping soul-mates that awaken on the smell of toasting).
  • #30

FtlIsAwesome said:
Ok, I don't know that show.

Hmmm... at some point in the first season a main character is told by his boss that he got his (the boss) current job by telling his superiors the one job he DIDN'T want, when asked about a transfer. The same happens to this character at the end of the first season.

@S_Happens: Oooh.. sparkly meat!
  • #31

@Ivan: That looks like a cross between fun, abject terror, exhilaration, and violent dry heaves. :wink:
  • #32

physics girl phd said:
FrancisZ, you just became the guy I wish I would have married if I met his current self 15 years ago ...

Do you regret your current marriage ? Thinking to the man who should/could have been, but there is not, to "would if I could" and so on ... is only detrimental to present and what you actually have.
  • #33

nismaratwork said:
@Ivan: That looks like a cross between fun, abject terror, exhilaration, and violent dry heaves. :wink:

It was so intense that I was physically incapable of driving for hours afterwards. My wife had to drive me home! I was into some serious adrenalin overload! The fact that I'd never flown a plane before surely contributed signifcantly to the thrill.

I met another guy who did it, but his opponent threw up and passed out. My opponent and I went three for three.

I HIGHLY recommend it to anyone who loves a thrill; esp for non-pilots. At about $800, it is very affordable and more fun than sex.
  • #34

I didn't have to pay, but I have flown with a Maine Warden Service pilot during field-training. He knew that the warden trainees, trainers, and I had consumed a "few" beers the previous evening, and he did his best to induce a reaction in me. I was only interested in getting high-quality aerial photos of the island where we were training. I told him where the bald eagle nest was on the island and he flipped the plane on its side right over the nest so I could shoot straight out the window down into the nest. It was only a Cessna 185, but those babies are capable of some pretty serious maneuvers.
  • #35

Ivan Seeking said:
It was so intense that I was physically incapable of driving for hours afterwards. My wife had to drive me home! I was into some serious adrenalin overload! The fact that I'd never flown a plane before surely contributed signifcantly to the thrill.

I met another guy who did it, but his opponent threw up and passed out. My opponent and I went three for three.

I HIGHLY recommend it to anyone who loves a thrill; esp for non-pilots. At about $800, it is very affordable and more fun than sex.

Sounds like a lot of fun... reminds me of an old friend who used to make the point:

"Better than sex... well.. it's better than mediocre sex. Most sex isn't great sex, and X, Y, or Z is better than average sex." :smile:

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