Drug Use Among Physics Majors: Trends & Implications

In summary, most of the physics majors I know at my school are smokers, drink alcohol, and occasionally use drugs. Just do it in moderation, and enjoy your hobbies and activities more!
  • #36
Kerrie said:
this kind of statement really urks me...have you ever done any studying as to who Charles L Dodson was?? he was a brilliant mathematician who desired to show children logic! his most famous books were a political satire of british politics. those posters and stickers that portray the catapillar on the shroom smoking a water pipe does this outstanding author no good.

I have to agree about that. My reading of Alice in Wonderland is of a story filled with lessons about morals and decision-making. Perhaps it is even a warning that today's society could use about not seeking quick fixes for their problems (this pill will make me taller...but how much taller, and what else might it do?).
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  • #37
Kerrie said:
this kind of statement really urks me...have you ever done any studying as to who Charles L Dodson was?? he was a brilliant mathematician who desired to show children logic! his most famous books were a political satire of british politics. those posters and stickers that portray the catapillar on the shroom smoking a water pipe does this outstanding author no good.

And this kind of statement irks me...or should I say"urks" ? Nevermind, I see that the U neighbors the I.

Being a bit of a "history of math and science" junkie, I do believe I know a little about Dodgson. In fact, I've read a couple of chapters from his "Treatise on Determinants" (which I could only find in microfiche format, in my library - and reading microfiche can give you a serious crick in the neck). I'm also aware of the rumors surrounding the supposed request by Queen Victoria (after she read Alice) for his other books, upon which she was sent his other mathematical works. And I call them 'rumors' because Dodgson himself denied them in a later book titled Symbolic Logic. Besides that, I'm aware that he was a satirist and caricaturist...and probable other things too.

So, yes, I'm aware that he was a mathematician (and lecturer of mathematics at some college). However, I wouldn't proclaim him a "brilliant mathematician" because I know of no new contributions that are attributed to him. Even his most renowned mathematical piece "Euclid and his Modern Rivals", only reviews and compares the works of other mathematicians, but never proposes anything new.

Now, the reason I brought this (the question of whether he used drugs) up was because I know a lot of folks who, being ill-versed in base representations other than decimal, read the part with Alice doing multiplication and think it's just wacko, but some (that are themselves drug users - like bad boy blue) have claimed that Dodgson was under the influence while he was writing.

I never claim to share this opinion myself, nor do I disavow it. I'm just curious if there's any kernel of truth to it. And I'm curious if this opinion is shared mostly by drug users.
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  • #38
if you were so aware of charles dodson was gokul, why did you even make a drug reference to him then?
  • #39

I too, got an endorphin rush from a sprained ankle. I was able to get home and into bed thanks to the numbing.

Poets have the highest rate of bipolar disorder and suicide for any profession.
  • #40
Loren Booda said:
How about Alfred Lord Tennyson and "Kubla Khan"? Was he addicted to opium? Kubla Khan is one of the greatest poems ever, imo. Who the heck interrupted his "dream"?

That was Coleridge. Tennyson lived a generation and a half later.
  • #41
Kerrie said:
if you were so aware of charles dodson was gokul, why did you even make a drug reference to him then?

What ?? :confused: I won't claim to be "so aware"...I just know a little bit from things I've read here and there. Nor did I make a "drug reference to him" - I was merely asking a question.

It seems to me, from your previous post, that perhaps there is an ongoing joke about Dodgson and drugs. I was aware of no such thing, until now.

As I said, before, I was only trying to establish if there was any truth to the story. I didn't know that this was some kind of well-known rumor that has been debunked. If you say that there is no truth to it, I'll accept that.
  • #42
Loren Booda said:

I too, got an endorphin rush from a sprained ankle. I was able to get home and into bed thanks to the numbing.

That makes you smarter than me. I used the endorphin rush to keep running around on the farm finishing up what I was doing when I sprained it, which meant making it worse in the process. I was actually feeling so loopy, I didn't feel competent to drive myself home, though being my right foot, should have done so before it started hurting.

Poets have the highest rate of bipolar disorder and suicide for any profession.

I'm not sure if this is true. Isn't there a thread around somewhere on that topic? I can't recall the outcome of the discussion or if it was definitely on PF or if it was another forum I visit.
  • #43
Kerrie said:
this kind of statement really urks me...have you ever done any studying as to who Charles L Dodson was?? he was a brilliant mathematician who desired to show children logic!

And then photograph them in the nude. Repressed pedophile or not? I don't think it matters as long as he kept it repressed. He remains a fine author. Just like Heidegger, a Nazi, remains a fine philosopher. Sorry to sidetrack.
  • #44
cragwolf said:
And then photograph them in the nude. Repressed pedophile or not? I don't think it matters as long as he kept it repressed. He remains a fine author. Just like Heidegger, a Nazi, remains a fine philosopher. Sorry to sidetrack.

I know he was a fine photographer, but nude pictures? Can you provide any proof? Also, you can't necessarily use today's society standards to judge him. What if in that time nude photographs were acceptable? Anyhow, let's not get this off topic. I was merely stating that there is no link between Charles Dodgson and drug use.
  • #45
How bad are cigars?

You don't inhale them (apart from a couple of mistaken times). And if you wash your mouth, you can't possibly get any infections inside your mouth or on your lips. How often does one have to smoke cigars to have an impact?

I drink alchohol occasionaly. I see what is wrong about getting drunk, but sometimes i can't resist it. Moderate drinking (or moderate heavy drinking) is OK in my pov. As long as you can learn to control yourself. :)
  • #46
Is it OK in your pov because it's what you do, or do you have an objective rationale?
  • #47
Kerrie said:
I know he was a fine photographer, but nude pictures? Can you provide any proof?

It's pretty common knowledge. There are 4 nude photographs still in existence. You will find them in one of these two books (I forget which):

Many other nude photographs were destroyed when he died (I believe this was his wish). You can read some articles on the subject http://www.ahcca.unimelb.edu.au/screenscape/alice.htm.

Also, you can't necessarily use today's society standards to judge him. What if in that time nude photographs were acceptable?

I'm not judging him. I don't have enough information to judge him.
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  • #48
I don't understand why people would like to see cannabis legalised, but not any other drug. This completely irrational.

All drugs should be legal IMO. Prohibition causes far more damage than the drugs themselves. Also, these damn prohibitionists should stop spreading lies (it only creates distrust amongst the general public), for example with ecstacy, it does not create holes in your brain or drain your spinal fluid!
  • #49
Bad_Boy_Blue said:
I don't understand why people would like to see cannabis legalised, but not any other drug. This completely irrational.
All drugs should be legal IMO.

Your taking it a little too far there, there is a big difference between smoking cannabis and doing cocaine, or other drugs. All drugs should be legal?, you must be nuts, i support cannabis but NEVER any other drug such as heroin extacy, cocaine, or anything of that nature.
  • #50
Bad_Boy_Blue said:
I don't understand why people would like to see cannabis legalised, but not any other drug. This completely irrational.

All drugs should be legal IMO. Prohibition causes far more damage than the drugs themselves. Also, these damn prohibitionists should stop spreading lies (it only creates distrust amongst the general public), for example with ecstacy, it does not create holes in your brain or drain your spinal fluid!

Dude - there is a BEEEG differenc ebetween weed and other "hard" drugs. I know guys who smaoke weed everyday but have NEVER EVER touched anything harder because they know about what everything else can do to u!

Anyway, after reading the posts here, I've been dumbstruck! how the hell do you get "high" on poetry?? Hell, I've read some literary pieces in my life which have astounded me but, hell, it's nothing like the high you get from being drunk or stoned.

My experiences - well, I haven't done any hard drugs. I live in Durban so if I ain't a smoker, something is wrong esp. since the best weed comes from here (Durban Poison). It is a relaxant and I know a lot of guys esp. engineeing students, who smoke regularly (ie. once every one or two weeks). I do know people who smoke more often but I'll tell you their fate after exams :biggrin:
It is illegal here but all you need to know is who to get it from and where to smoke. If you do it discreetly, nobody minds.

Also, when I was in school - we were doing experiments for inorganic chemistry. I just finished doing the experiment but there was like 10min till the class ended. Soooo...my friend and I did some arbitrary mixing...Needless to say, because of the fumes, the English paper I wrote in the next period was the moste interesting test I've ever wrote (parlty coz the words were moving in funky directions!) Quite nice...
  • #51
Anyway, after reading the posts here, I've been dumbstruck! how the hell do you get "high" on poetry?? Hell, I've read some literary pieces in my life which have astounded me but, hell, it's nothing like the high you get from being drunk or stoned.

Hey, they're high on life man; high on life... :rolleyes:

I expected responses based on external chemical induced highs.
  • #52
cragwolf said:
It's pretty common knowledge. There are 4 nude photographs still in existence. You will find them in one of these two books (I forget which):

Reflections in a Looking Glass : A Centennial Celebration of Lewis Carroll, Photographer

Many other nude photographs were destroyed when he died (I believe this was his wish). You can read some articles on the subject http://www.ahcca.unimelb.edu.au/screenscape/alice.htm.

I'm not judging him. I don't have enough information to judge him.

thanks, so what is your reason for bringing up this point in relation to this thread?
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  • #53
I think the point was something like : "a brilliant mathematician does not, a non-drug user imply".
  • #54
You guys obviously don't know how many drugs are in existence. Recreational drugs are not limited to cocaine, meth and heroin.

But anyway, if you smoke weed (instead of using a vaporiser) it is far more physically harmful than using heroin and various other drugs.
  • #55
Bad_Boy_Blue said:
All drugs should be legal IMO. Prohibition causes far more damage than the drugs themselves.
I agree with you that prohibition is a source of far greater pain and problems in this country that the drugs themselves.

Furthermore, in a country where we are supposedly free, I believe that the government has no business pretending that it is trying to protect its citizens from themselves.
  • #56
Bad_Boy_Blue said:
But anyway, if you smoke weed (instead of using a vaporiser)
What is a vaporizer?
  • #57
decibel said:
i support cannabis but NEVER any other drug such as heroin extacy, cocaine, or anything of that nature.
I see that you are from Canada. I really don't know much about traditions in Canada.

In the U.S., we pretend and tell the world about how we are a free country, and that people have liberty here. Therefore, to me the most important point is that making laws to restrict liberties is not the repsonbility of a government that pretends that it is all about liberty.

Whether or not you like drugs, whether or not you use drugs, whether or not you would dump your best friend the instant you find that he has ever used a drug is your business. In the U.S., people should have the right to use drugs without having to deal with criminals in order to obtain them and without the fear of life-altering action by the government that pretends that it is protecting them.
  • #58
Frankly, I don't understand people who claim not to understand why anyone would ever want to try a drug. Might as well ask, why would anyone ever want to watch a funny movie, or travel to an exotic land?

Drugs alter the character of one's mind in ways that are by and large not accessible otherwise. They can provide experiences that are novel, entertaining, or even profound-- many times in orders of magnitude well beyond what one experiences in day to day life. To ask why anyone would ever want to try a drug is essentially like asking why anyone would ever want to seek out entertaining or profound experiences, especially in novel ways.

Of course there are dangers involved, and of course altered states are not for everyone. Personally, I would never want to go skydiving, but I can understand why other people might, and I can even endorse it as long as it's carried out with the proper precaution. Unfortunately, one can't really endorse drug use with a right mind in today's world-at-large-- but this is a consequence of the absence of the kind of environment that would promote proper levels of precaution, safety, knowledge, and respect (such as exists for skydiving) more than anything else. The right kinds of drugs used in the right kinds of circumstances can provide extremely valuable and rewarding personal experiences, well beyond what most can fathom. It's just a matter of some enlightened society creating and enforcing that proper kind of environment. Until that happens, the predictable pattern will continue: we'll inevitably continue to have people playing with fire unsupervised, and some of them will inevitably burn themselves, and the critics will inevitably remind us that fire is to be avoided at all costs. What good can come out of fire, after all?
  • #59
Prometheus said:
I see that you are from Canada. I really don't know much about traditions in Canada.

In the U.S., we pretend and tell the world about how we are a free country, and that people have liberty here. Therefore, to me the most important point is that making laws to restrict liberties is not the repsonbility of a government that pretends that it is all about liberty.

Whether or not you like drugs, whether or not you use drugs, whether or not you would dump your best friend the instant you find that he has ever used a drug is your business. In the U.S., people should have the right to use drugs without having to deal with criminals in order to obtain them and without the fear of life-altering action by the government that pretends that it is protecting them.

An example of a vaporiser would be a light bulb with the cap taken off. The cannabis (or another substance that has a sufficiently low boiling point) is placed inside the inverted bulb, which is then heated with a lighter from underneath. The bulb is heated until the psychoactive cannabinoids (e.g. THC) vaporise, which can then be inhaled using some sort of metallic tube (such as a piece of an aerial).

This allows you to smoke weed without having to inhale any smoke. The high is subjectively different, as the ratio of other cannabinoids to THC is altered (this prevents me from having to use heroin, benzos or GHB to reduce paranoia, as I don't get that when using this smoking technique).

Another interesting point is that it is far more efficient than smoking with a joint or pipe. You can use a very small amount of weed and still get completely off your face.

When making cannabis paraphernalia, remember to not use aluminium foil (alzheimer's disease).


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  • #60
Let's not start telling people how to make illegal drug paraphanalia, ok?
  • #61
And how's life without these elaborate, escapist rituals?
  • #62
Evo said:
Let's not start telling people how to make illegal drug paraphanalia, ok?

I thought it would be tolerated, since it will directly reduce the harm done to one's self while using cannabis.

It isn't illegal to own or use a vaporizer.
  • #63
While this is true, there are too many youngsters roaming these boards with no clue about what's going on.

If discussing specific methods and techniques, it would be inappropriate, unless all the backgound information including the pros and cons of short and long-term neurological/physiological effects of the specific method described are also provided. Just my thought. I wouldn't like impressionable youngsters to follow instructions without having access to the whole story.
  • #64
While this is true, there are too many youngsters roaming these boards with no clue about what's going on.

Probably because they're all high as fu**. :cool:
  • #65
Bad_Boy_Blue said:
An example of a vaporiser ...
Thanks for the insight.
  • #66
Gokul43201 said:
If discussing specific methods and techniques, it would be inappropriate, unless all the backgound information including the pros and cons of short and long-term neurological/physiological effects of the specific method described are also provided.
Please don't feel offended when I tell you that this is the most ridiculous thing I have read in quite a while. You are making not only impossible demands, but quite ridiculous demands, and quite foolish as well. You seem to have a major problem, which you are venting here.

Just my thought. I wouldn't like impressionable youngsters to follow instructions without having access to the whole story.
Get real. No one ever has access to the whole story about anything ever. You are introducing impossbile and unrealistic demands as a pretense in order to achieve your otherwise also unattainable goal.

My question to you is why are you so categorically against the recreational use of drugs by anyone?
  • #67
Prometheus said:
My question to you is why are you so categorically against the recreational use of drugs by anyone?

don't assume this, it IS inappropriate for the methods of using illegal drugs to be discussed in a public forum where people under the age of 18 are reading. having this information so public would give PF a bad reputation and perhaps have the parents disallow our younger members to read. if you care to share your methods, do so in a PM :rolleyes:
  • #68
Prometheus said:
Please don't feel offended when I tell you that this is the most ridiculous thing I have read in quite a while. You are making not only impossible demands, but quite ridiculous demands, and quite foolish as well. You seem to have a major problem, which you are venting here.

Get real. No one ever has access to the whole story about anything ever. You are introducing impossbile and unrealistic demands as a pretense in order to achieve your otherwise also unattainable goal.

My question to you is why are you so categorically against the recreational use of drugs by anyone?

Not only am I not against the recreational use of drugs (show me where I've vented this opinion), I'm for the legalization of it. And I've made this clear in previous discussions on the matter.

If, on this forum, I was teaching someone, say, how to synthesize Yttrium Barium Copper Oxide ... it would be negligent of me, if I didn't mention the hazards of improperly handling rare Earth oxides (which are toxic), and the care needed when annealing the sinter at high temperatures. Now, even if the question was raised by someone with experience in synthetic inorganic chemistry, for whom this might seem trivial, my post will be read by others - especially school kids that frequent this site - with little knowledge in the area. I simply don't want such folks to think that nothing will go wrong if you strictly follow the recipe.
  • #69
Prometheus said:
Please don't feel offended when I tell you that this is the most ridiculous thing I have read in quite a while. You are making not only impossible demands, but quite ridiculous demands, and quite foolish as well. You seem to have a major problem, which you are venting here.
Sorry, I have to disagree. It is very inappropriate to be teaching people how to use illegal drugs on this forum. I cannot think of one single positive about it, or why it would be in line with what this forum is about.
  • #70
Gokul43201 said:
Not only am I not against the recreational use of drugs (show me where I've vented this opinion), I'm for the legalization of it. And I've made this clear in previous discussions on the matter.
I am sorry that I misunderstood your viewpoint and that I responded to the misrepresentation as I did.

I still greatly dislike and disapprove of your other point, but I do apologize for this error in my understanding.

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