Drugs for Closest Feeling to Being in Love?

In summary: I think it's more physiological than anything else.I can remember once noticing her and acting so uncontrollable that people might have thought I was on drugs or something. I just couldn't control myself at the time, I was acting very irrationally. At the time, I was thinking whether being on drugs gave you the same uncontrollable feeling. However during those love moments, I don't get any sexual...feelings at all. I think it's more physiological than anything else.In summary, drugs such as ecstasy or viagra can give you a feeling similar to the "aw shucks, you guys are all so great! love-the-world variety". However, true love is more physiological than
  • #1
I am nieve in many ways. This is enitrely an innocent question from an innocent and curious person.

Which drug (legal or illegal) gives the closest feeling/effect to a human of being in love?

I guess there still recquires somoene that you desire present for the effect to occur? Or maybe only a picture of them will do? Or maybe it dosen't recquire anyone present? But then who are you in love with?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
I don't know of any drug that simulates the "feeling of being in love".
  • #3
It's called 'chocolate'.
  • #4
For me it's angus beef burgers at Hardee's. I would gladly give up chocolate for their hamburgers.
  • #5
For me, it's cheesecake with a little bit of whipped cream (the good quality stuff), and some raspberry stuff drizzled on it. It genuinely makes me feel all lovey. It was only after I had that the first time at a restaurant when I understood how people talk about a food being an aphrodisiac.
  • #6
The feelings induced by drugs are nothing like the wonderful feeling of falling in love. Love is so much better!
  • #7
Wish I had some right now ... this girl messed me up :( Life would be different.
  • #8
My http://www.erowid.org/chemicals/mdma/mdma_faq.shtml#effects" is that MDMA / ecstasy gives you a feeling not of romantic love but of the “Aw shucks, you guys are all so great!” love-the-world variety.

Also, dilation of the pupils is a http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/abstract/132/3423/349" . They'll actually photoshop the pupils of models appearing in advertisements to achieve this effect. So if someone's taking a drug that does the same thing it might make you think they've falling in love with you.
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  • #9
Illegally, from what I've heard, ecstasy. Legally (and naturally) I'd say its the real "Love Drug" oxytocin.
  • #10
Viagra, of course.
  • #11
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  • #12
Seriously, Viagra goes against evolution. If your so old you can't get it up (or just impaired), then you don't need to be screwing.
  • #13
binzing said:
Seriously, Viagra goes against evolution. If your so old you can't get it up (or just impaired), then you don't need to be screwing.

That might be true if humans just made love for procreation. Humans also have sex for pleasure.
  • #14
binzing said:
Seriously, Viagra goes against evolution. If your so old you can't get it up (or just impaired), then you don't need to be screwing.

Ah, dude, not to be an age discrimination Nazi or anything but a lot of people would say that's very ignorant. Sure it's when you're a teenager or young adult that the juices are really flowing but people don't become asexual when they get older.
  • #15
binzing said:
Seriously, Viagra goes against evolution. If your so old you can't get it up (or just impaired), then you don't need to be screwing.

Believe me, binzing, you will SO want to screw when you're old.
  • #16
Eee gads, old sex. BTW, I meant like 65 plus. Not those below that. When I'm like 70 and up I am going to be the most crotchey, ornery old b@$t@rd on Earth. It'll be so much fun!
  • #17
binzing said:
Eee gads, old sex. BTW, I meant like 65 plus. Not those below that. When I'm like 70 and up I am going to be the most crotchey, ornery old b@$t@rd on Earth. It'll be so much fun!


Yeah, that'll be fun...but don't be surprised if you feel a bit :devil: from time to time :blushing: !
  • #18
binzing said:
Eee gads, old sex. BTW, I meant like 65 plus. Not those below that.

Remember that some of the people reading this may be 65+.
  • #19
Yes yes, and my compliments to them if they are still partaking of that fine, athletic activity at that age.
  • #20
binzing said:
Yes yes, and my compliments to them if they are still partaking of that fine, athletic activity at that age.

...well it doesn't have to be like doing gymnastics, you know...
  • #21
Danger said:
It's called 'chocolate'.

God damn. I was going to say that. Kudos to you, sir. :wink:
  • #22
Chocolate by itself is all right, but combine chocolate and a dark red wine after a steak dinner...no contest
  • #23
Some the drugs stated like viagra or ecstasy are for enhanced sexual performance. I was thinking of the feeling of love without explicit sexual feelings. i.e the physiological effects from the heart.

I can remember once noticing her and acting so uncontrollable that people might have thought I was on drugs or something. I just couldn't control myself at the time, I was acting very irrationally. At the time, I was thinking whether being on drugs gave you the same uncontrollable feeling. However during those love moments, I don't get any sexual thoughts.
  • #24
Greg Freeman said:
Chocolate by itself is all right, but combine chocolate and a dark red wine after a steak dinner...no contest

Chocolate? Very different to being in love with someone though.
  • #25
i know of better drugs to slip into ladies' drinks.
  • #26
so, oxytocin is what you were looking for.
  • #27
binzing said:
so, oxytocin is what you were looking for.

And where can you by that from? Even if you do have it, you still need someone to be in love with? Or would it make you be in love with someone easier?

It raises the question for past drug users, which feels better being on your favourite drug or being in love?

If the drug then which one?
  • #28
tgt said:
Which drug (legal or illegal) gives the closest feeling/effect to a human of being in love?

It is a simple love potion sold for a dollar a bottle at a small shop in the Twilight Zone.

The glove cleaner is far more expensive.
  • #29
tgt said:
I am nieve in many ways. This is enitrely an innocent question from an innocent and curious person.

Which drug (legal or illegal) gives the closest feeling/effect to a human of being in love?

I guess there still recquires somoene that you desire present for the effect to occur? Or maybe only a picture of them will do? Or maybe it dosen't recquire anyone present? But then who are you in love with?


That's the closest you'll ever get.

  • #30
Source of oxytocin: sex, childbirth, and love. Basically, get some of your blood right after you've had sex and you'd have it there.
  • #31
Einstienear said:

It is illegal? If so why? Is that only for sexual performance?
  • #32
tgt said:
It is illegal? If so why? Is that only for sexual performance?

No, it is not illegal, but a subscription is required from a doctor.
  • #33
binzing said:
Source of oxytocin: sex, childbirth, and love. Basically, get some of your blood right after you've had sex and you'd have it there.

Is oxytocin produced in smaller quantities as one age? Between what ages is this produced at greatest quantities?
  • #34
Umm, when your physically mature I'd assume the body would make the most. Although, maybe when you are in puberty.
  • #35
Einstienear said:
No, it is not illegal, but a subscription is required from a doctor.

Is the only reason so that people don't order too much? Or doctors can analyse whether this person can take this drug as it has sideeffects which this person may be allegic to.

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