- #71
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What's wrong with it is that there is no math. Where people do use math in a centrifugal force-based explanation they inevitably do it wrong, and then hand-wave the mistakes away. I know that a correct explanation is possible, but I have yet to see one.olivermsun said:What's wrong with it? It's pretty much what Gamow and Feynman were talking about.
If you think about it carefully, rotating coordinates aren't so counter-intuitive for explaining tide-producing forces. The tidal "bulges" (in all the simplified examples here) are stationary relative to the earth-moon line, not to relative to fixed points on a non rotating Earth in an inertial frame.
Compare that to a gravity gradient based approach. The desired outcome is the gravitational acceleration due to the Moon (or Sun) relative to the Earth as a whole. The Earth as a whole is accelerating toward the Moon by
[tex]{\boldsymbol a}_e = \frac {GM_m}{||{\boldsymbol R}||^3}\,{\boldsymbol R}[/tex]
where R is the vector from the center of the Earth to the center of the Moon. The gravitational acceleration toward the Moon at some point r away from the center of the Earth is
[tex]{\boldsymbol a}_p = \frac {GM_m}{||{\boldsymbol R}-{\boldsymbol r}||^3}\,({\boldsymbol R}-{\boldsymbol r})[/tex]
The relative acceleration is the difference between these two vectors:
[tex]{\boldsymbol a}_{\mbox{tidal}} = {\boldsymbol a}_p - {\boldsymbol a}_e[/tex]
The vector R can always be expressed in terms of a unit vector [itex]\hat{\boldsymbol r}[/itex] directed along [itex]\boldsymbol r[/itex] and some other unit vector [itex]\hat{\boldsymbol{\theta}}[/itex] normal to [itex]\hat{\boldsymbol r}[/itex]:
[tex]{\boldsymbol R} = R(\cos\theta \,\hat{\boldsymbol r} + \sin\theta\,\hat{\boldsymbol{\theta}})[/tex]
Using this notation and making a first order approximation for r<<R yields
[tex]{\boldsymbol a}_{\mbox{tidal}} \approx \frac {GM_m r}{R^3}
\left((3\cos^2\theta-1)\,\hat{\boldsymbol r} + 3\cos\theta\sin\theta\,\hat{\boldsymbol {\theta}}\right)[/tex]
Note that this covers the entire globe, not just the sublunar point. Try to do the same with a centrifugal-based approach. This is one of those cases where the inertial explanation is much easier, and much more general, than a rotating frame explanation.