Eight-year-old is pregnant (due to sicko)

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In summary, an 8-year-old girl was found to be pregnant after being raped by an employee at a pharmacy near her home. Doctors found that she was 32 weeks pregnant and it is uncertain if she will be able to handle childbirth. The youngest mother on record was also a 5-year-old girl from Peru. A photograph of the pregnant girl has been included, causing some people to feel sick and others to defend her appearance. This tragic situation highlights the issue of child molestation and the emotional trauma it can cause.
  • #36
Puberty Coming Earlier
An epidemic of early puberty is hitting young girls in the U.S. Among Caucasian girls in the U.S. today, 1 in every 7 starts to develop breasts or pubic hair by age 8, and among African American girls in the U.S., the figure is nearly 1 out of every 2.

Secondary sexual characteristics and menses in young girls seen in office practice: a study from the pediatric research in office settings network. Pediatrics 99(4):505-512, 1997.

Herman-Giddens, ME, EJ Slora, RC Wasserman, CJ Bourdony, MV Bhapkar, GG Koch and CM Hasemeir. 1997.

Herman-Giddens et al. analyze data rating stages of sexual maturation in 17,077 girls ages 3 through 12 in the United States. Of the sample, 9.6% were African-American and 90.4% were white.

Even at the age of 3, the youngest in the study, 3% of African-American girls and 1% of white girls showed breast and/or pubic hair development, with proportions increasing to 27.2% and 6.7%, respectively, at 7 years of age. At age 8 the percentages are 48.3% and 14.7%.

Prevalence of breast development at Tanner stage 2 or greater by age and race. Prevalence of pubic hair development at Tanner stage 2 or greater by age and race.

The mean age for onset of breast development was 8.87 years for African-American girls and 9.96 years for white girls; for onset of pubic hair development mean ages were 8.78 years and 10.51 years, respectivel
What is so extremely worrisome is that brain development is greatly reduced at the onset of puberty, as the body shifts to sexual development.

No, this phenomenon is man-made - by the ignorant and irresponsible use of chemicals in our food and environments. And since the Puerto Rican horror story also includes boys with well developed breasts, some as young as 4 and 5 years-old, it is quite clear that female growth hormones - most likely the estrogen fed to chickens (Puerto Rico is a major producer of chickens for the US fast food market), and/or the pseudo-estrogens in many common plastics, are involved.
They found that the median age of menarche in contemporary British teenagers is around 13 years and that there has been no appreciable recent decrease in menarcheal age.

So, now we have to ask why in the US, and not in Britain?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #37
Sicko marries 6 year old girl.


In 624 Abu Bakr (Muhammad’s daily companion and one of his first believers and successor of Muhammad) gave Muhammad his daughter Aisha when she was six years old, although the actual marriage was not consummated until she was nine. (This fact is uncontested by all Muslim scholars and chroniclers without exception.) At the time of their marriage Muhammad was 54 years old (the age of her grandfather) – a difference of 45 years in their ages.

Aisha herself testified to these facts:

“The messenger of God betrothed me when I was six years old and then married me when I was nine years old.”

Source: Sahih Muslim (by Imam al-Mawawy), vol. 3, p. 577. [Book 008, Verse 3309]
Chapter 10: IT IS PERMISSIBLE FOR THE FATHER TO GIVE THE HAND OF HIS DAUGHTER IN MARRIAGE EVEN WHEN SHE IS NOT FULLY GROWN UP http://www.2muslims.com/Quran_and_Hadith/hadith/muslim/008.smt.html
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  • #38
Outcast said:
Chapter 10: IT IS PERMISSIBLE FOR THE FATHER TO GIVE THE HAND OF HIS DAUGHTER IN MARRIAGE EVEN WHEN SHE IS NOT FULLY GROWN UP http://www.2muslims.com/Quran_and_Hadith/hadith/muslim/008.smt.html

Just because it is written in a book does not make it ethical or right.

AMW Bonfire
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  • #39
amwbonfire said:
Just because it is written in a book does not make it ethical or right.

AMW Bonfire
I agree, but it does make it legal under Islamic law
  • #40
amwbonfire said:
Just because it is written in a book does not make it ethical or right.

AMW Bonfire

Half the world's population will disagree with you on that.
  • #41
Gokul43201 said:
Half the world's population will disagree with you on that.

and that same half would probably commit ritual suicide with a rusty dull knife upon the coming of a comet if it said to do so in some religious text.

THINK people! use the noggin! Sometimes people are such sheep just doing like they're told, or don't question anything no matter how immoral, that it dumbfounds me.

People are always fond of saying "but x number of people follow the same behavior..."

well if the pope had a vision that all christians should commit ritual suicide in preperation for the coming of christ, and half the world's population put guns's in their mouths, I wouldn't be one of them.

Stupid is, as stupid does- my mamma always used to say :biggrin:
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  • #42
Zantra said:
and that same half would probably commit ritual suicide with a rusty dull knife upon the coming of a comet if it said to do so in some religious text.

THINK people! use the noggin! Sometimes people are such sheep just doing like they're told, or don't question anything no matter how immoral, that it dumbfounds me.

People are always fond of saying "but x number of people follow the same behavior..."

well if the pope had a vision that all christians should commit ritual suicide in preperation for the coming of christ, and half the world's population put guns's in their mouths, I wouldn't be one of them.

Stupid is, as stupid does- my mamma always used to say :biggrin:

Why not? It work in Jonestown and Waco.
  • #43
I don't believe it

Ive been reading through all these threads and about the 8 year old who got raped and became pregnant but I am in so much denial I saw the pic does anyone knoe of the article or site where i can read more on this topic
  • #44
8 year old pregnant(due to sicko)
I'm amazed that you added (due to sicko) did you really think we might reach a different conclusion?
  • #45
There was once a 9 year old who gave birth in africa. I remember reading about it some years ago. Sick bastards yes. He should be beaten slowly and continually with salt thrown on his wounds. For that pain is minor to the horror a parent must feel in such circumstance. Children are the closest things to truth there is for adults are lost. To take the innocense from a child is like committing the murder of a soul. The spirit is placed in shackles with no hope. The child will be imprisioned for much of her life. To know no parent came to help, no person. What a life for this child. Humanity is a pathetic species and one of the least intelligent of all animals. Obvious only to the englightened.
  • #46
Forget the relgious education lesson...

Outcast said:

...because this looks like a more immediate cause for concern. What the hell are we doing to ourselves? I'd be a lot more concerned about environmental oestrogens - that affect everybody - than the sicko supposedly lurking behind every hedge.

I say environmental oestrogens affects everyone, but why some parts of the world more than others? More industrial waste in some areas? Reporting bias?
  • #47
the number 42 said:
Forget the relgious education lesson...

...because this looks like a more immediate cause for concern. What the hell are we doing to ourselves? I'd be a lot more concerned about environmental oestrogens - that affect everybody - than the sicko supposedly lurking behind every hedge.

I say environmental oestrogens affects everyone, but why some parts of the world more than others? More industrial waste in some areas? Reporting bias?

It's not all linked to environmental estrogens. Earlier puberty is also linked to obesity in children. There are theories that body size and body fat percentage are limiting to the onset of puberty. In other words, everything else can be right, but if a girl doesn't have sufficient body fat, puberty will be delayed. But, now girls are reaching that body fat level very early, so puberty can kick in much earlier. There has also always been a large range of when puberty begins, it's the median that's shifting. They are more uncommon, but the extremes have always existed.
  • #48
Absolutely horrible. Think of the pain and torture that man has caused this young child.

I'm speechless.

Eight years old...

As for the insensitive bastard(s), think of your own daughter becoming pregnant at 8 years old. Even worse, think of your daughter being raped at any age.

As for the "moral developement" issue, that does not change the fact that the criminal should be jailed and taught what morality really is.
  • #49
Moonbear said:
... if a girl doesn't have sufficient body fat, puberty will be delayed. But, now girls are reaching that body fat level very early, so puberty can kick in much earlier.

Very interesting. I don't doubt what you say, but given the constant media hype about obsesity in children I'm surprised that I have never heard of this as one of the consequences.

This is all chilling stuff, like living in a sci-fi story or something. Do you think that the delay in brain development mentioned in the article means permanent damage &/or deficits? In what areas? Brrrrrr... this just gets scarier.
  • #50
the number 42 said:
Very interesting. I don't doubt what you say, but given the constant media hype about obsesity in children I'm surprised that I have never heard of this as one of the consequences.

The people I know researching this aren't the sort of people that send out press releases at every opportunity (they are a bit shy of the media). The findings are far from conclusive, probably because it's one of several contributors, not a single cause. For example, hormones at puberty will influence body fat distribution, but only if there is enough fat to distribute. A very lean woman is likely to have fairly small breasts even in adulthood (nevermind those models with implants), but an obese child can more quickly develop breasts at the earliest stages of puberty. A lot of the signs of early puberty involve secondary sexual characteristics, and are not necessarily related to changes in menarche (onset of menstrual cycles).

This is all chilling stuff, like living in a sci-fi story or something. Do you think that the delay in brain development mentioned in the article means permanent damage &/or deficits? In what areas? Brrrrrr... this just gets scarier.

I don't really know. That article was sufficiently vague about what they meant by that. If those changes are related to something other than sexual maturation, then they'd need to show they are directly influenced by hormones at puberty and not just temporally related without any direct cause and effect relationship.

Another factor that could be involved, but I'm just hand-waving on this one, is that advances in medicine are allowing increases in survival of babies born to young mothers, so there may be less selection pressure against passing on genes for early puberty because those young mothers and their babies don't die in the process of childbirth. On the flip-side, those girls who enter early puberty, and through societal pressures still don't reproduce until they are older, may also make it easier to pass on those genes than if all girls started to reproduce as soon as they were physically able, again, increasing the likelihood that those entering puberty early have healthy children rather than dying young in childbirth.
  • #51
An interesting case to debate abortion with.

As for whether an 8-year-old can survive the delivery, I suspect that yes, but a c-section may be safer.
  • #52
Gonzolo said:
An interesting case to debate abortion with.

As for whether an 8-year-old can survive the delivery, I suspect that yes, but a c-section may be safer.

I doubt they would even attempt a natural delivery for an 8 yr old. It would be far too risky.
  • #53
Moonbear said:
I doubt they would even attempt a natural delivery for an 8 yr old. It would be far too risky.

I agree. Some mature women can barely endure natural birth; think of a 5 year old who still cries when she gets a boo-boo. Or an 8 year old who is in kingergarden.
  • #54
In the industrialization of our society we have destroyed it. Do you understand children and adults alike. This nut is one of many. There are many kinds of nuts. Our society will now breed them like locust. You don't understand do you. You are caught in this machine, you are part of it. The way of life of humanity is the very thing which generates, perpetuates this type of behavior. It will continue, it will get worse. Far far worse. Forget all that you have learned clear your minds and look.
  • #55
Let me just say that the rape of a girl or boy is not uncommon. It is estimated that 1 out of 4 girls in the United States will have been sexually molested before the age of majority.

I have talked to several sufferers of dissociative identity disorder (multiple personalities) who have been systematically tortured (sexually, physically, emotionally and/or abandoned) by their nuclear family since birth. They are usually quite kind but very, and permanently, disturbed.

We all know perpetrators, but enable them by being either unable to believe them capable of such crimes or afraid to divulge their secret, and so ad infinitum. Child sexual abuse can be self-perpetuating; child victims must be identified and receive the proper counseling as early as possible, or the contagion may be passed on to another generation. It is doubtful whether a pedophile, almost certainly a past recipient of child molestation himself, can ever avoid recidivism once released back into society.
  • #56
In the industrialization of our society we have destroyed it. Do you understand children and adults alike. This nut is one of many. There are many kinds of nuts. Our society will now breed them like locust. You don't understand do you. You are caught in this machine, you are part of it. The way of life of humanity is the very thing which generates, perpetuates this type of behavior. It will continue, it will get worse. Far far worse. Forget all that you have learned clear your minds and look.

I was thinking of holidaying in Barcelona next year. Do you think I should postpone it until things die down a bit?
  • #57
the number 42 said:
I was thinking of holidaying in Barcelona next year. Do you think I should postpone it until things die down a bit?

That seems really random.
  • #58
franznietzsche said:
That seems really random.

I love your sense of humour. Can we do lunch?
  • #59
the number 42 said:
I love your sense of humour. Can we do lunch?

Only on the condition that I pay for everything.
  • #60
Its a deal.
Next time I'm in Cow Poly the Big Macs are on you :biggrin:
  • #61
the number 42 said:
Its a deal.
Next time I'm in Cow Poly the Big Macs are on you :biggrin:

In N Out is much better. Both the beef and the fries are real there.
  • #62
Hang on a second. Make that a double cheeseburger - just cheese, no burger. I just remembered that there is some controversy over the possible hormone-disrupting effects of the beef from pumped-up US cattle:

"The Food and Drug Administration allows the use of natural hormones--estradiol, progesterone and testosterone--and their synthetic counterparts, zeranol, melengestrol acetate and trenbolone--to promote livestock growth. ...even small amounts can "disturb the natural balance by shifting pathways of metabolism." It could have a marked effect "on a kid of 8 who consumes two or three hamburgers a day,""

How about a cup of tea instead? I'll bring the milk.
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  • #63
Stone the bastard.
  • #64
the number 42 said:
It could have a marked effect "on a kid of 8 who consumes two or three hamburgers a day,""

:bugeye: That's a lot of hamburgers for a kid of 8! No wonder they are having trouble with "metabolism."
  • #65
I once heard that the average age for menstruation onset among African-American girls is eight years old, and for "white" girls, nine and one-half. That gives opportunity for pregnancy at a very early age.

The main point is to educate curious (male) youth to respect their female peers, and to pursue assaultive "men" (those adults or those three or more years older) with real punishment - swift and complete, including separation from society.

A woman told me that she had been sexually assaulted in a mental facility. The attacker, with a past history of sex crimes, was hired there, where women lived. He was given a couple of months time already served. We have sexual terrorists in our midst who are allowed leniency.
  • #66
Loren, it's not enough to just educate the male youth about their female peers, but to educate the female youth about their male peers. The best information I got about sex when I was young was a list of the "lines" boys would use to try to get sex so I wouldn't fall for them. Things like instructing the girls that, no, the boy will not suffer any physical injury if they do not have sex after experiencing an erection, the erection will go away on its own, and if it doesn't, they can handle it themselves.
  • #67
Moonbear said:
Things like instructing the girls that, no, the boy will not suffer any physical injury if they do not have sex after experiencing an erection, the erection will go away on its own, and if it doesn't, they can handle it themselves.

  • #68
10-4, Moonbear!

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