Elastic Pendulum with Newton's equations of motion

In summary: L)+mgInserting gives us: mg-(-\frac{\partial V}{\partial y})=my''. So I get both forces positive, but it should be negative. What am I missing?b) I know I can find the equilibrium of length by setting my'' to 0. So I get 0=-\frac{\partial V}{\partial y}-mg. So after I derive -\frac{\partial V}{\partial y}, should I solve 0=-\frac{\partial V}{\partial y}-mg with respect to y and insert L=1 or with the respect to L? Which would give me a solution with something of y
  • #1

Homework Statement

A pendulum with a mass m hanging on a elastic bug rigid massless rod which may swing in the xy-plane. The pivot point is the origin of the coordinate system. The force acting on the pendulum is the sum of force of an elastic central force directed towards the origin, and gravity, which by choice of the orientation of the coordinate system, points in the positive y-direction. Friction of any kind (air, in pivot point) can be disregarded.

Newtons's equation of motion:
equation 1: [itex]mx''=-\frac{\partial V}{\partial x}[/itex]
equation 2: [itex]my''=-\frac{\partial V}{\partial y}-mg[/itex]

Gravity: [itex]g=9.81 m/s^2[/itex]
Potential energy of the rod: [itex]V(r)=0.5*k*(r-L)^2[/itex], where [itex]r=\sqrt{x^2+y^2}[/itex]
Length: [itex]L=1 m[/itex] (length of rod in absence of external force)
We see from these equations that the solution does not depend separately on [itex]k[/itex] and [itex]m[/itex], but only the combination [itex]w^2=\frac{k}{m}[/itex].

Homework Equations

a)[/B] Here we shall on look at the pendulum moving in vertical direction ([itex]x(t)=0[/itex]). I need to derive the equation of motion in y-direction (in other words I need to show of to get equation 2).
But I'm having problem figure out how I can get it like equation 2. More in attempt of solution.

b) Compute the equilibrium of length [itex]L_r[/itex] for this case.

c) Show that the solution of the equation of motion is an oscillation, up and down about the equilibrium with angular frequency [itex]w[/itex]

The Attempt at a Solution

a)[/B] So the pendulum will act like a elastic spring with a mass. The two forces acting on the pendulum in each direction. The gravity force which we can write [itex]F_g=mg[/itex]. And the force because of the potential energy which we can write [itex]F_u=-\frac{\partial V}{\partial y}[/itex].
I know we can use Newton's second law: [itex]\sum F=ma[/itex]. And [itex]y''=a[/itex]. But I'm having trouble with the how to set it up. From the problem description I read that [itex]F_g[/itex] is positive and [itex]F_u[/itex] is negative. This gives the the sum of forces [itex]F_g-F_u=my''[/itex]. Inserting gives us: [itex]mg-(-\frac{\partial V}{\partial y})=my''[/itex]. So I get both forces positive, but it should be negative. What am I missing?

b) I know I can find the equilibrium of length by setting [itex]my''[/itex] to 0. So I get [itex]0=-\frac{\partial V}{\partial y}-mg[/itex]. So after I derive [itex]-\frac{\partial V}{\partial y}[/itex], should I solve [itex]0=-\frac{\partial V}{\partial y}-mg[/itex] with respect to [itex]y[/itex] and insert [itex]L=1[/itex] or with the respect to [itex]L[/itex]? Which would give me a solution with something of [itex]y[/itex].

c) I guess I need to solve this as a second order differential equation. With the equation being: itex]y''+0*y'+\frac{\partial V}{\partial y}=0[/itex].
Is this correct? Not sure how to proceed to show the solution.

Sorry for a long post. I really hope I have showed you that I have tried, but I really need help. And not sure if posted in the right sub-forum.
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  • #2
ojb89 said:
1. Homework Statement
ojb89 said:
A pendulum with a mass m hanging on a elastic bug rigid massless rod which may swing in the xy-plane. The pivot point is the origin of the coordinate system. The force acting on the pendulum is the sum of force of an elastic central force directed towards the origin, and gravity, which by choice of the orientation of the coordinate system, points in the positive y-direction. Friction of any kind (air, in pivot point) can be disregarded.

Newtons's equation of motion:
equation 1: [itex]mx''=-\frac{\partial V}{\partial x}[/itex]
equation 2: [itex]my''=-\frac{\partial V}{\partial y}-mg[/itex]

With y pointing downward, the force of gravity is mg in equation 2. [itex]my''=-\frac{\partial V}{\partial y}+mg[/itex]
ojb89 said:
Gravity: [itex]g=9.81 m/s^2[/itex]
Potential energy of the rod: [itex]V(r)=0.5*k*(r-L)^2[/itex], where [itex]r=\sqrt{x^2+y^2}[/itex]
Length: [itex]L=1 m[/itex] (length of rod in absence of external force)
We see from these equations that the solution does not depend separately on [itex]k[/itex] and [itex]m[/itex], but only the combination [itex]w^2=\frac{k}{m}[/itex].

Homework Equations

a)[/B] Here we shall on look at the pendulum moving in vertical direction ([itex]x(t)=0[/itex]). I need to derive the equation of motion in y-direction (in other words I need to show of to get equation 2).
But I'm having problem figure out how I can get it like equation 2. More in attempt of solution.

b) Compute the equilibrium of length [itex]L_r[/itex] for this case.

c) Show that the solution of the equation of motion is an oscillation, up and down about the equilibrium with angular frequency [itex]w[/itex]

The Attempt at a Solution

a)[/B] So the pendulum will act like a elastic spring with a mass. The two forces acting on the pendulum in each direction. The gravity force which we can write [itex]F_g=mg[/itex]. And the force because of the potential energy which we can write [itex]F_u=-\frac{\partial V}{\partial y}[/itex].
I know we can use Newton's second law: [itex]\sum F=ma[/itex]. And [itex]y''=a[/itex]. But I'm having trouble with the how to set it up. From the problem description I read that [itex]F_g[/itex] is positive and [itex]F_u[/itex] is negative.
It is not negative, but opposite to the change of the length. Fu=-k(y-L)
ojb89 said:
This gives the the sum of forces [itex]F_g-F_u=my''[/itex].
NO, it should be [itex]F_g+F_u=my''[/itex]
  • #3
ehild said:
With y pointing downward, the force of gravity is mg in equation 2. [itex]my''=-\frac{\partial V}{\partial y}+mg[/itex]

It is not negative, but opposite to the change of the length. Fu=-k(y-L)

NO, it should be [itex]F_g+F_u=my''[/itex]

So the formula for equation in motion for y-direction ([itex]my''=-\frac{\partial V}{\partial y}-mg[/itex]) that was written in the problem description is wrong based on the choice of the direction of y?
It should be [itex]my''=-\frac{\partial V}{\partial y}+mg[/itex] ?
I just need to get this confirmed.

So [itex]F_u[/itex] goes in the same direction as [itex]F_g[/itex] since both are positive? Sorry for asking stupid question. But I'm not familiar with potential energy and the force created by it. All I know is that the force created by potential energy is [itex]-\frac{\partial V}{\partial y}[/itex].
  • #4
ojb89 said:
So the formula for equation in motion for y-direction ([itex]my''=-\frac{\partial V}{\partial y}-mg[/itex]) that was written in the problem description is wrong based on the choice of the direction of y?"
my" = mg +Fu, the sum of gravity and the elastic force of the spring.
ojb89 said:
So [itex]F_u[/itex] goes in the same direction as [itex]F_g[/itex] since both are positive? Sorry for asking stupid question. But I'm not familiar with potential energy and the force created by it. All I know is that the force created by potential energy is [itex]-\frac{\partial V}{\partial y}[/itex].

No, the elastic force is -dV/dy. And how is the elastic potential V related to y?
If you have difficulties with the potential, remember Hook's Law. The spring force is opposite to the change of length of the spring. If the mass stretches the spring, the length of the spring increases, y-L is positive, so the force is negative. In general, the force a spring exerts on a body attached to it is F=-k(y-L). That force is negative, if y>L and positive, if x<L.


Related to Elastic Pendulum with Newton's equations of motion

1. How does an elastic pendulum work?

An elastic pendulum is a type of pendulum that uses a spring for its support instead of a string or rod. The weight or bob of the pendulum is attached to the spring, which allows it to stretch and compress as the pendulum swings. This results in a more complex motion compared to a traditional pendulum, as the spring force adds an additional factor to the equation.

2. What are Newton's equations of motion?

Newton's equations of motion, also known as Newton's laws of motion, are a set of three fundamental laws that describe how objects move in the presence of forces. The first law states that an object will remain at rest or in a state of uniform motion unless acted upon by an external force. The second law states that the acceleration of an object is directly proportional to the net force applied to it and inversely proportional to its mass. The third law states that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.

3. How do Newton's equations of motion apply to an elastic pendulum?

In an elastic pendulum, Newton's laws of motion can be used to calculate the motion of the pendulum. The weight of the pendulum bob is acted upon by the force of gravity, while the spring force acts in the opposite direction. By applying Newton's second law, the net force can be calculated and used to determine the acceleration of the pendulum. This, in turn, can be used to find the displacement and velocity of the pendulum at any given time.

4. What factors affect the motion of an elastic pendulum?

The motion of an elastic pendulum is affected by several factors, including the length of the spring, the mass of the pendulum bob, and the amplitude of the swing. The stiffness of the spring, or its spring constant, also plays a role in the motion of the pendulum. Additionally, external forces such as air resistance or friction can also impact the motion of the pendulum.

5. What are some real-life applications of an elastic pendulum?

Elastic pendulums have various real-life applications, including in seismology for measuring ground vibrations, in engineering for testing the strength of materials, and in physics demonstrations to study oscillatory motion. They are also used in some types of clocks and timers, such as the Metronome or the Pendulum Clock.
