Electric field lines extending to infinity?

In summary, the conversation discusses the relationship between the number of field lines and the magnitude of charge, with a focus on a system of two charges (+7q and -q). It is mentioned that field lines either terminate on a charge or go to infinity, and that infinity in this context refers to being very far away from the charges involved in the calculation. The conversation also mentions the use of a wisely chosen gaussian surface to solve the problem, and discusses the physical reasoning behind the convention that +7q will have seven times the number of field lines of -q.
  • #1
Given a system of two charges (+7q and -q) some of the field lines will terminate at -q while others go on towards infinity. I've read that the portion of the field lines that terminate is given by (1/7), but I have no idea why that is. I am supposed to find the maxium angle of a field line leaving +7q that will still terminate.
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  • #2
Field lines either terminate on a charge, or go to infinite. Also, they either start on a charge or go to infinity. Infinity in this context is defined as "outside the concern of the experiment." So it does not really mean infinity but just very far away from the charges involved in the calculation.

So you have +7 q, meaning you have 7 units of + charge. And so you have 7 units of field lines starting from those + charges. But you have only 1 unit of - charge. So you have only 1 unit of field lines terminating on - charge.

To get the maximum angle you are going to have to make some assumptions. For example, are both charges arranged as points? Or rather, close enough to points that you can ignore their physical size in relation to the distance between them. Then you will have to decide what that means as far as the angle of field line from the + charge to the - charge. Given the fraction, what can you figure out about the lines that go to infinity and the lines that go to the other charge? Will all of the -q lines start at the +7q charge?
  • #3
DEvens said:
Field lines either terminate on a charge, or go to infinite. Also, they either start on a charge or go to infinity. Infinity in this context is defined as "outside the concern of the experiment." So it does not really mean infinity but just very far away from the charges involved in the calculation.

So you have +7 q, meaning you have 7 units of + charge. And so you have 7 units of field lines starting from those + charges. But you have only 1 unit of - charge. So you have only 1 unit of field lines terminating on - charge.

To get the maximum angle you are going to have to make some assumptions. For example, are both charges arranged as points? Or rather, close enough to points that you can ignore their physical size in relation to the distance between them. Then you will have to decide what that means as far as the angle of field line from the + charge to the - charge. Given the fraction, what can you figure out about the lines that go to infinity and the lines that go to the other charge? Will all of the -q lines start at the +7q charge?
I apologize, by the way, for posting a homework help question here (I saw the thread rules after I posted it). The question says that it can be solved by using "a wisely chosen gaussian surface that mainly follows these lines (the lines the go to infinity)." Do you know what it means by that? Thanks
  • #4
DEvens said:
Field lines either terminate on a charge, or go to infinite. Also, they either start on a charge or go to infinity. Infinity in this context is defined as "outside the concern of the experiment." So it does not really mean infinity but just very far away from the charges involved in the calculation.

So you have +7 q, meaning you have 7 units of + charge. And so you have 7 units of field lines starting from those + charges. But you have only 1 unit of - charge. So you have only 1 unit of field lines terminating on - charge.

To get the maximum angle you are going to have to make some assumptions. For example, are both charges arranged as points? Or rather, close enough to points that you can ignore their physical size in relation to the distance between them. Then you will have to decide what that means as far as the angle of field line from the + charge to the - charge. Given the fraction, what can you figure out about the lines that go to infinity and the lines that go to the other charge? Will all of the -q lines start at the +7q charge?
And is it just a convention that we say that +7q will have 7 times the number of field lines of -q or is there some physical reasoning behind that?
  • #5
SquidgyGuff said:
And is it just a convention that we say that +7q will have 7 times the number of field lines of -q or is there some physical reasoning behind that?
There is a way to define electrostatic field in terms of number of field lines. Electrostatic field at a point is defined as the number of field lines per unit area at that point. This is acceptable probably because areal density of field lines varies as ##\frac{1}{r^2}##.To understand it keep a positive charge at the origin .Then large number of (##N \rightarrow\infty##) field lines will be 'emitted' from that point radially outwards. But at distance r the areal number density will be ##\frac{N}{4\pi r^2}##. And as N (although very large) is constant (because there is no other source of field lines), you can say that areal number density of field lines goes as ##\frac{1}{r^2}##. So you may identify it as electric field.
Now a 7units of charge creates a seven times larger field at a particular point than 1 unit of charge if they are placed at the same position. So areal number density of field lines at a particular point due to 7 units of charge will be seven times the areal number density of field lines due to 1 unit of charge. That's why total number of field lines will also be seven times larger.

FAQ: Electric field lines extending to infinity?

1. What is an electric field line extending to infinity?

An electric field line extending to infinity refers to the path that a positively charged particle would follow if placed in an electric field that extends infinitely in all directions. This means that the electric field does not have any boundaries or end points, and the field lines will continue on forever.

2. How is an electric field line extending to infinity represented?

An electric field line extending to infinity is often represented by a series of arrows pointing outward from a positive charge or inward towards a negative charge. The density of the lines represents the strength of the electric field at different points.

3. What does it mean if an electric field line extends to infinity?

If an electric field line extends to infinity, it means that the electric field is very strong and has a large influence on surrounding particles. It also indicates that there is a large amount of charge present, either positive or negative, creating the electric field.

4. Do electric field lines extending to infinity have a specific direction?

Yes, electric field lines extending to infinity have a specific direction. They always point away from positive charges and towards negative charges. Additionally, the direction of the field lines also indicates the direction that a positively charged particle would travel if placed in the field.

5. Why do electric field lines extend to infinity?

Electric field lines extend to infinity because electric fields have an infinite range. They can extend to infinity because charges exert a force on each other regardless of their distance. This means that the influence of the electric field can be felt at any distance, resulting in the field lines extending infinitely.
