Electric Field of a charged sphere with cylindrical gaussian surface

In summary, the problem statement is:A conducting solid sphere (R = 0.167 m, q = 6.63·10–6 C) is shown in the figure. Using Gauss’s Law and two different Gaussian surfaces, determine the electric field (magnitude and direction) at point A, which is 0.00000100 m outside the conducting sphere.
  • #1
So the problem statement is:

A conducting solid sphere (R = 0.167 m, q = 6.63·10–6 C) is shown in the figure. Using Gauss’s Law and two different Gaussian surfaces, determine the electric field (magnitude and direction) at point A, which is 0.00000100 m outside the conducting sphere. (Hint: One Gaussian surface is a sphere, and the other is a small right cylinder.)

Now with the spherical gaussian surface I've got no doubt..

The problem with the cylindrical surface is that the electric field it's not constant ,is it?
in some parts the "area vector" is parallel to the vector of electric field and in some part there's an angle.

So I'm not sure if i have to find a function of the electric field with respect to the radius of the sphere or how to get ride of this problem.

What I've first tried was to "assume the electric field" was constant so integrating dA what I've got:
since the height of cylinder is h=2r (of the sphere).
and there's flux all over the cyinder: E(2pi*h+2pi*r^2)=Q/ε...
E(4pi*r+2pi*r^2)=Q/ε... and so E=Q/(4pi*r+2pi*r^2)ε... but I'm not sure if a i could assume that...
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  • #2
Reconsider your choice of small cylinder. Guiding principle: don't look for more difficult things to solve but try to find something even easier. Your clues:
1. the kind of answer to the first part of the exercise,
2. conducting sphere,
3. 0.00000100 m is very, very close to the surface
  • #3
i could reconsider however it's something I'm being asked for. :(.

yep i know the answer must be E=Q/(4pi*r^2)ε.

and i know also the charge on the sphere it's all over the "surface area" and that the distance from the center to the point would be R+0.00000100 m.

Once i got the Electric field ussing a cylindrical gaussian surface it's just substitution. the problem is i need but I'm not sure how to reach the same result mathematically using that surface :/
  • #4
1. the kind of answer to the first part of the exercise,
2. conducting sphere,
3. 0.00000100 m is very, very close to the surface
2. so all the charge is at the surface, and uniformly distributed.
3. so close to the surface that field lines over there are parallel
So a really puny cylinder standing upright on an almost flat surface would be a nice idea. floor just under the surface, top 0.00000100 m or thereabouts above...
  • #5

I would suggest approaching this problem by considering the geometry and symmetry of the situation. The electric field of a charged sphere will always be radial and symmetric, meaning it will have the same magnitude and direction at all points on a given radius from the center of the sphere. Therefore, the electric field at point A, which is outside the sphere, will also be radial and symmetric.

To use Gauss's Law, we need to choose a Gaussian surface that takes advantage of this symmetry. For the spherical Gaussian surface, we can easily calculate the electric field at point A by using the equation E = Q/4πε0r^2, where Q is the charge enclosed by the surface and r is the distance from the center of the sphere to point A.

For the cylindrical Gaussian surface, we can still use Gauss's Law by considering the symmetry of the electric field. The electric field will be constant along the curved surface of the cylinder, but it will vary along the flat ends. We can use the equation E = Q/2πε0L, where Q is the charge enclosed by the surface and L is the length of the cylinder, to calculate the electric field along the curved part of the cylinder. Then, we can use the component of the electric field that is perpendicular to the flat ends to calculate the total electric field at point A.

In conclusion, the key to solving this problem is to consider the symmetry of the electric field and choose a Gaussian surface that takes advantage of this symmetry. By doing so, we can easily calculate the electric field at point A using Gauss's Law.

FAQ: Electric Field of a charged sphere with cylindrical gaussian surface

1. What is the formula for calculating the electric field of a charged sphere?

The formula for calculating the electric field of a charged sphere is E = kQ/r^2, where k is the Coulomb's constant, Q is the charge of the sphere, and r is the distance from the center of the sphere.

2. How does the electric field of a charged sphere vary with distance from the center?

The electric field of a charged sphere varies inversely with the square of the distance from the center. This means that as the distance from the center of the sphere increases, the electric field strength decreases.

3. What is a cylindrical Gaussian surface?

A cylindrical Gaussian surface is an imaginary surface that surrounds a charged sphere and has a cylindrical shape. It is used to calculate the electric field of a charged sphere because the electric field is constant and perpendicular to the surface at every point on the surface.

4. How is the electric field of a charged sphere related to the charge enclosed by a cylindrical Gaussian surface?

According to Gauss's law, the electric field of a charged sphere is directly proportional to the charge enclosed by a cylindrical Gaussian surface. This means that as the charge enclosed by the surface increases, the electric field strength also increases.

5. Can the electric field of a charged sphere be negative?

Yes, the electric field of a charged sphere can be negative. This occurs when the charge of the sphere is negative, causing the electric field lines to point inward towards the center of the sphere. However, the magnitude of the electric field will still follow the same formula, E = kQ/r^2.
