Elementary published (but possibly flawed) proof of FLT

In summary, Prof Chike Obi was a renowned mathematician from Nigeria who held a doctorate in Maths from Cambridge and later taught at MIT and the University of Ibadan. In 1997, he published an elementary proof for Fermat's Last Theorem which was later questioned for its validity. Attempts to fix the proof have been discussed, but the original article is not easily accessible to the public. It was reviewed by F. Beukers and mentioned in a Nigerian newspaper, with the error pointed out by Beukers.
  • #1
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I stumbled across this in an obituary article for its author: Prof Chike Obi (1921-2008), reputed to be the first Sub-Saharan African to hold a doctorate in Maths (Cambridge, 1947), later at MIT, returned to Nigeria (Univ of Ibadan) in 1959.

He claimed to have discovered an elementary proof that could have been created by Fermat. It was published in about 1997 in the US journal "Algebra, Groups and Geometries", Vol 15, special issue #3, pp 289-298.

The obit article simply says "However it has been questioned whether this elementary proof stands up".

Is this, and/or any discussion of it and/or attempts to fix it, in the public domain (i.e. accessible free by non-academics)?
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  • #2
Following the references on his wikipedia page, I found a short review of the proof said to have been published in Mathematical Reviews:

This is a naive attempt to prove Fermat's last theorem using techniques known only in Fermat's days. This time the error is on the bottom of page 292. The author states
that some numbers, having nothing to do with the equation, satisfy [itex]a_{0}^2+b_{0}^2=c_{0}^2[/itex]. The conclusion is that a certain case of Fermat's last theorem is
solved. Using this technique one could prove any conjecture made in mathematics.

Reviewed by F. Beukers

but I searched the website of Mathematical Reviews and could not find it. It seems there is no electronic version of the original article by Obi and to see it you would need to spend money to have it mailed to you even if you have institutional access to most journals. I also found a reference to the proof and review in a Nigerian newspaper:
So, like others, I was elated beyond measure when, in his golden years, Professor Chike Obi decided to tackle the problem of “Fermat's Last Theorem” (using only methods known at the time of Fermat) instead of joining the latter-day pack of politicians to loot and ruin Nigeria. After all, he was a politician of note in the early days of the Republic, and he could well have joined the present band to enrich himself at the expense of our country. Yet, he pursued intellectual rigor rather than filthy lucre. Sadly, an error was reported in Chike Obi's paper by Dr. Frits Beukers of the Netherlands. He simply pointed out where the error was in the paper and that was the end of the story.
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Related to Elementary published (but possibly flawed) proof of FLT

1. What is the "Elementary published (but possibly flawed) proof of FLT"?

The "Elementary published (but possibly flawed) proof of FLT" refers to a proof of Fermat's Last Theorem, a famous conjecture in mathematics, that was published by a mathematician named Andrew Wiles in 1993. This proof was later found to contain a flaw and has not been accepted as a complete and correct solution to the theorem.

2. Why is this proof considered flawed?

The proof was considered flawed because it relied on a mathematical concept known as the Taniyama-Shimura conjecture, which had not yet been proven at the time of the proof's publication. It was later discovered that the Taniyama-Shimura conjecture was not applicable to all cases of Fermat's Last Theorem, rendering the proof incomplete and possibly incorrect.

3. Has the proof been corrected or replaced?

No, the flawed proof has not been corrected or replaced. However, in 1995, Wiles and mathematician Richard Taylor were able to prove the Taniyama-Shimura conjecture, which provided a complete proof of Fermat's Last Theorem. This proof has been accepted by the mathematical community as a valid and correct solution.

4. What impact did the flawed proof have on the mathematics community?

The flawed proof had a significant impact on the mathematics community. It sparked a renewed interest in the study of Fermat's Last Theorem and led to new advancements and techniques in mathematical research. It also highlighted the importance of rigor and thoroughness in mathematical proofs, as even a small flaw can invalidate an entire proof.

5. Is the "Elementary published (but possibly flawed) proof of FLT" still studied or referenced in mathematics?

Yes, the flawed proof is still studied and referenced in mathematics. While it may not be considered a complete solution to Fermat's Last Theorem, it still holds historical significance and serves as a reminder of the challenges and complexities of mathematical research. It also serves as a cautionary tale for future mathematicians to be diligent and thorough in their work.

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