Energy vs wavelength for a photon in GR

In summary, if a photon follows a geodesic toward a large mass in space, the wavelength will shorten. The energy is conserved within the photon, because the frequency must surely remain the same.
  • #1
If a theoretical single photon followed a geodesic toward a large mass in space, I understand that the wavelength would shorten as it approached the mass. How would the energy be conserved within the photon, because the frequency must surely remain the same?
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  • #2
Pierre007080 said:
If a theoretical single photon followed a geodesic toward a large mass in space, I understand that the wavelength would shorten as it approached the mass. How would the energy be conserved within the photon, because the frequency must surely remain the same?

If the wavelength changes, then the frequency will change if the velocity is constant, because [itex]v=f\lambda[/itex].

Energy is not globally conserved in the general theory of relativity. If a chain of observers along the geodedic studied these photons, they would find the speed is the same c, but the frequency and wavelength are different.
  • #3
Pierre007080 said:
If a theoretical single photon followed a geodesic toward a large mass in space, I understand that the wavelength would shorten as it approached the mass. How would the energy be conserved within the photon, because the frequency must surely remain the same?

From the point of view of any single observer, the energy would remain constant but the coordinate speed of light would decrease, so the magnitude of the momentum, E/c, would increase as the photon moved towards a lower potential.

From the point of view of separate observers at different potentials, each of them is time-dilated according to their potentials, so they see different energy values.
  • #4
Hi Mentz 114,
Thanks for your response. I think I understand your answer about the chain of observers along the geodedic ... but is it allowed for the observer to be in a nearby spaceship observing (from a distance) the shortening wavelength and even a slowing of the speed of light?
  • #5
Pierre007080 said:
Hi Mentz 114,
Thanks for your response. I think I understand your answer about the chain of observers along the geodedic ... but is it allowed for the observer to be in a nearby spaceship observing (from a distance) the shortening wavelength and even a slowing of the speed of light?

As Jonathan has said, the coordinate speed of light will change. But I don't see how it is possible to measure the wavelength from a distance.

What is observed will depend on what the spaceship is doing. For instance it might be moving (wrt the mass) or hovering.
  • #6
Thanks Guys,
To conceal my ignorance, I think that I must stick to Jonathan's "single observer" status! How will this momentum (E/c) increase be interpreted? Would there be an increased "amplitude" to compensate for the observed shortened wavelength?

FAQ: Energy vs wavelength for a photon in GR

1. What is the relationship between energy and wavelength for a photon in General Relativity (GR)?

The relationship between energy and wavelength for a photon in GR is described by the equation E = hc/λ, where E is the energy of the photon, h is Planck's constant, c is the speed of light, and λ is the wavelength of the photon. This relationship is known as the Planck-Einstein relation and it shows that as the wavelength of a photon increases, its energy decreases.

2. How does the energy-wavelength relationship for a photon in GR differ from classical mechanics?

In classical mechanics, the energy of a particle is dependent on its velocity and mass, while in GR, the energy of a photon is solely determined by its frequency and Planck's constant. This means that the energy-wavelength relationship for a photon in GR is fundamentally different from classical mechanics and is based on the wave-particle duality of light.

3. How does gravity affect the energy-wavelength relationship for a photon in GR?

According to GR, gravity is the curvature of spacetime caused by the presence of mass or energy. This means that in the presence of a massive object, the path of a photon will be curved, causing a change in its energy and wavelength. This effect, known as gravitational redshift, is a consequence of the energy-momentum conservation law in GR.

4. Can the energy-wavelength relationship for a photon in GR be applied to all types of electromagnetic radiation?

Yes, the energy-wavelength relationship for a photon in GR can be applied to all types of electromagnetic radiation, including visible light, radio waves, and X-rays. This is because all electromagnetic radiation behaves as both a wave and a particle, and therefore follows the same principles of quantum mechanics and GR.

5. How does the energy-wavelength relationship for a photon in GR relate to the concept of black holes?

The energy-wavelength relationship for a photon in GR is closely related to the concept of black holes. As a photon approaches the event horizon of a black hole, its energy and wavelength will be greatly affected due to the strong gravitational pull. At the event horizon, the wavelength of the photon will become infinitely long, and its energy will decrease to zero, making it impossible for the photon to escape the black hole's gravitational pull.

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