Evidence of Rotating Black Holes?

In summary: Fair enough, but you're going to run into the singularity, not go through in all likliehood. Like an ERB, I think the whole mess wouldn't be traversable. It's fascinating to imagine...In summary, there is evidence of black holes with spin through observations of X-rays and gamma rays around black hole candidates, which suggest extremely high spin. In addition, there is a theoretical limit to the rotation of a black hole, past which it would not have an event horizon. However, there is no solid physical evidence of a black hole rotating at this theoretical limit. The idea of a naked ring singularity, while hypothetical, is a popular concept in science fiction.
  • #1
I would like to ask if there is any direct evidence of black holes with spin. I understand that there are formulas that would describe a black hole if it were to have spin, but this does not prove that they actually can. I also know there are accretion disks and relativistic jets around black holes. However, those only prove that matter revolves around black holes and that sometimes, if the conditions are right, matter and energy can be directed away from them in jets. In simpler terms, accretion disks and relativistic jets only decisively prove that there are accretion disks and relativistic jets. Is there any solid physical evidence of a black hole rotating?
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  • #2
Black holes without spin curve spacetime, black holes with spin also distort it. This causes spacetime vibration which in turn causes thermal emission modulation (oscillations) from the inner part of the accretion disk, for more information see thirring-lense effect.
Observing these oscillations it's possible to evaluate black hole's spin (obviously this isn't a simple method).

If you are trying to connect relativistic jets and disk I have to quote Krolik (it's old but it's still pretty funny):
“In principle one could imagine that accretion onto a black hole occurs without any outflow at any point. Put another way, we don't know why jets exist.”
  • #3
Spin is one of three theoretically possible variables for a black hole - mass, charge and angular momentum. Spin is the angular momentum component. One with spin is called a Kerr black hole, without spin it is called a Schwarzschild black hole.
  • #4
cbd1 said:
I would like to ask if there is any direct evidence of black holes with spin.

According to the static solution (Schwarzschild metric) the marginally stable orbit (MSO) which normally also represents the inner edge of the accretion disk is at 6M, anything inside this radius quickly falls into the BH. For a rotating BH, due to frame dragging, there are two MSO, retrograde and prograde, the prograde MSO can reduce to simply M for an extremal BH where a/M=1. X-rays/gamma rays have been detected around BH candidates that hint at a MSO inside 6M, in some cases, close to where the event horizon would be, implying a very high spin (approx. a/M=0.98). Below are a couple of articles-

http://www.nytimes.com/2001/05/01/s...usive-spin-of-a-black-hole.html?pagewanted=1" NY Times

http://www.newscientist.com/article/dn10611-spinning-black-hole-is-fastest-on-record.html" New Scientist
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  • #5
stevebd1 said:
According to the static solution (Schwarzschild metric) the marginally stable orbit (MSO) which normally also represents the inner edge of the accretion disk is at 6M, anything inside this radius quickly falls into the BH. For a rotating BH, due to frame dragging, there are two MSO, retrograde and prograde, the prograde MSO can reduce to simply M for an extremal BH where a/M=1. X-rays/gamma rays have been detected around BH candidates that hint at a MSO inside 6M, in some cases, close to where the event horizon would be, implying a very high spin (approx. a/M=0.98). Below are a couple of articles-

http://www.nytimes.com/2001/05/01/s...usive-spin-of-a-black-hole.html?pagewanted=1" NY Times

http://www.newscientist.com/article/dn10611-spinning-black-hole-is-fastest-on-record.html" New Scientist

That's what I love about Physics Forums! Learn something new every day!
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  • #6
There is also a theoretical upper limit of rotation past which a Black Hole couldn't have an Event Horizon. No such object has been observed, but it's another limit on the system to consider.
  • #7
Frame Dragger said:
There is also a theoretical upper limit of rotation past which a Black Hole couldn't have an Event Horizon. No such object has been observed, but it's another limit on the system to consider.

An extremal Kerr-Newman 'black hole'... quite an exotic beastie, if it could evolve naturally. A naked ring singularity would be quite a sight to see. Stephen Baxter imagines such in his Xeelee stories - the Xeelee create a vast spinning ring of cosmic-string to open up a ring singularity to escape the Photino birds' destruction of the stars.
  • #8
qraal said:
An extremal Kerr-Newman 'black hole'... quite an exotic beastie, if it could evolve naturally. A naked ring singularity would be quite a sight to see. Stephen Baxter imagines such in his Xeelee stories - the Xeelee create a vast spinning ring of cosmic-string to open up a ring singularity to escape the Photino birds' destruction of the stars.

Hmmm, sounds like a book I need to read. A Kerr-Newmann BH that isn't 'Black. From my understanding it would be both inhaling matter, and blowing energy out of broad polar cones. Needless to say, a naked ring-singularity would be the ultimate aphrodesiac for sci-fi writers... other side of the galaxy here we come *sphagettification... pain*.
  • #9
Frame Dragger said:
Hmmm, sounds like a book I need to read. A Kerr-Newmann BH that isn't 'Black. From my understanding it would be both inhaling matter, and blowing energy out of broad polar cones. Needless to say, a naked ring-singularity would be the ultimate aphrodesiac for sci-fi writers... other side of the galaxy here we come *sphagettification... pain*.

A large black hole or singularity has low tidal forces, thus 'spaghettification' is a minor hazard. We're talking an astrophysical object as large as a solar system or bigger, thus negligible tidal forces except right up close to the singularity itself. The Galactic Core black-holes are sufficiently large to be navigable too - the Milky Way's masses c. 4 million solar masses, thus has an event horizon 12 million km in radius. To go through it's Kerr-Newman wormhole you'd need to enter it via the poles and hope the dynamical tidal forces are forgiving.
  • #10
qraal said:
A large black hole or singularity has low tidal forces, thus 'spaghettification' is a minor hazard. We're talking an astrophysical object as large as a solar system or bigger, thus negligible tidal forces except right up close to the singularity itself. The Galactic Core black-holes are sufficiently large to be navigable too - the Milky Way's masses c. 4 million solar masses, thus has an event horizon 12 million km in radius. To go through it's Kerr-Newman wormhole you'd need to enter it via the poles and hope the dynamical tidal forces are forgiving.

Fair enough, but you're going to run into the singularity, not go through in all likliehood. Like an ERB, I think the whole mess wouldn't be traversable. It's fascinating to imagine however...
  • #11
Frame Dragger said:
Fair enough, but you're going to run into the singularity, not go through in all likliehood. Like an ERB, I think the whole mess wouldn't be traversable. It's fascinating to imagine however...

A polar trajectory takes you through the middle of the singularity ring, which is where the wormhole forms, thus you dodge the singularity - but that's for massless infalling trajectories. Any real object's gravity interacts with the singularity and causes dynamical tides... but it's hard to compute exactly how bad or for how long those tides occur. Novikov's own work on it suggests the wormhole is traversable, though where it exits is anyone's guess.
  • #12
qraal said:
A polar trajectory takes you through the middle of the singularity ring, which is where the wormhole forms, thus you dodge the singularity - but that's for massless infalling trajectories. Any real object's gravity interacts with the singularity and causes dynamical tides... but it's hard to compute exactly how bad or for how long those tides occur. Novikov's own work on it suggests the wormhole is traversable, though where it exits is anyone's guess.

Whichever physicist said that we'd find green slime and lost socks there is probably right. :wink:

Of course, Novikov also predicted that history would be consistant regardless of potential paradoxes arising from his traversable wormholes. An interesting notion, but it would seem to indicate that at some point history becomes deterministic once measured. I don't know about that.

FAQ: Evidence of Rotating Black Holes?

1. What is a rotating black hole?

A rotating black hole is a region of spacetime where the gravitational pull is so strong that nothing, including light, can escape from it. It is formed when a massive star collapses in on itself, and its rotation causes the singularity at its center to spin.

2. How do we know that black holes rotate?

Scientists can infer the rotation of a black hole by observing the effects of its spin on surrounding matter and light. This can be done through the analysis of the Doppler effect, which measures the shift in frequency of light emitted by matter falling into the black hole.

3. What evidence supports the existence of rotating black holes?

One of the strongest pieces of evidence for rotating black holes comes from the observation of jets of matter and radiation emanating from the centers of galaxies. These jets are thought to be produced by the rotation of black holes at the centers of these galaxies.

4. Can we see a rotating black hole?

No, we cannot directly see a rotating black hole, as the intense gravitational pull prevents anything from escaping, including light. However, using advanced technology such as radio telescopes and X-ray telescopes, we can observe the effects of rotating black holes on surrounding matter and light.

5. Can rotating black holes ever stop spinning?

According to current theories, rotating black holes can slowly lose energy and angular momentum over time through processes such as Hawking radiation and interactions with surrounding matter. However, it is unlikely that they will ever completely stop spinning, as the effects of gravity are always present.

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