Evo Child's Pneumonia: A Parents Story

  • Thread starter Evo
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In summary, Evo child is not doing well and is being treated for pneumonia. I have been hospitalized with the infection and have prayed for her. I think chicken soup and vaporizers might make a small difference.
  • #1
Staff Emeritus
Science Advisor
She isn't doing too well. It started as the flu a few weeks ago, but then progressed to pains in her chest.

So I bought her that new computer tonight, she needs one for those college courses she needs to take to get her final credits. It was her computer that got hit by lightning that I've been working on. She's decided to attend KU this year, it's only an hour away. Her dad was expecting her to attend Dartmouth, his alma mater. Oh well. KU does have a good medical school.
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  • #2
:frown: I hope she gets well soon. Don't let her go outside until she gets better! Tie her down to the bed and force feed her lots of liquids.
  • #3
And mommy her like there's no tomorrow! That always scares kids into being well again.
  • #4
Pengwuino said:
And mommy her like there's no tomorrow! That always scares kids into being well again.

I hope she feels better quickly! Rest, lots and lots of rest.
  • #5
what's Pnuemonia ? :redface:
  • #6
En_lizard said:
what's Pnuemonia ? :redface:
A type of infection in the lungs.
  • #7
Moonbear said:
A type of infection in the lungs.
thanks !:redface: i hope she gets well soon.
  • #8
This would be a particularly bad time to laugh.
  • #9
I hope she feel better soon, I've added her to my "to worry for list" and send all good healing wishes her way.
  • #10
Ooooh.. this is not good. Is she home with you?

  • #11
I had pneumonia when I was three. They had to take me to the hospital and put me in an oxygen tent. My lungs were so clogged up with mucous that when I talked my voice sounded like a crinkly old man voice.
  • #12
Oh no! Get well soon Evo Child.
  • #13
Evo said:
She isn't doing too well. It stared as the flu a few weeks ago, but then progressed to pains in her chest.
I am very sorry to hear this. Has she been to the doctor? Is she coughing up mucus/phlegm? She might need antibiotics.

Besides ibuprofen/acetaminophen for fever, keep her hydrated, and I would recommend cranberry juice and orange juice, with a multivitamin supplement.

I wish her a speedy recovery.
  • #14
Evo said:
She isn't doing too well. It stared as the flu a few weeks ago, but then progressed to pains in her chest.

So I bought her that new computer tonight, she needs one for those college courses she needs to take to get her final credits. It was her computer that got hit by lightning that I've been working on. She's decided to attend KU this year, it's only an hour away. Her dad was expecting her to attend Dartmouth, his alma mater. Oh well. KU does have a good medical school.

My best wishes for a speedy recovery. I hope she gets well soon, very soon.
  • #15
Get Well Soon, Evo Child!!!!!!!11 :smile: So they think the flu caused the pneumonia? I'm just wondering because it could keep happening if it's something else, like some kind of swallowing problem. Is she allowed to have NyQuil? :wink:
  • #16
Not sure what caused it. They confirmed it yesterday when they did the chest x-rays.

I'm getting her this vaporizer for her room after work and taking her some chicken soup.


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  • #17
...and taking her some chicken soup.
Jewish penicillin. :approve:

I've had it twice. Both times I was hospitalized, like Zoopy, in an oxygen tent. I've prayed for her.
  • #18
Artman said:
Jewish penicillin. :approve:
Yep, can't beat it.

I've had it twice. Both times I was hospitalized, like Zoopy, in an oxygen tent. I've prayed for her.
I have also been hospitalized under an oxygen tent with it when I was 5. Thanks Artman, she's looking pretty bad.
  • #19
I had pneumonia a few years back, and the only thing that made any difference were the antiobiotics and the inhaler. Chicken soup and vaporizers probably won't make too terrible of a difference, but they might make her throat feel better. Laughing hurts terribly. They put me on a really concentrated dose (I waited months to go in, so by the time I did, the infection was pretty advanced), which cleared up the infection in about a week, but I continued to have sporadic flus for another month or so until I finally regained my former strength. All told, I was sick for a good five months. I hope it doesn't last that long for her. I caught bronchitis again around October, and this time was sick for only about a month.
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  • #20
Get well soon, Evo child...
My mum says I too had that Pnuemonia...I don't remember.
Get well soon......
  • #21
I`m sorry to hear Evo child is poorly, i hope she's makes a swift recovery.

I`m sure this must be a very stressfull time for you, try not so worry too much, I`m sure she`ll be fine.
  • #22

Tell Evo Child that I would send Dr. Mickey if it would help...


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  • #23
Awww, thanks everyone. If I can get her computer connected tonight, she can see this. She has the cable connection already and an "instruction guide", I've never done a cable connection before, is it easy? The cable company wanted $172 for a tech to connect it.
  • #24
It should be pretty easy. Follow the instructions.

I just upgraded to a mixed (wireless/cable) network at home. It mostly went OK. :smile:

Anyway, I would recommend going from cable modem to a router (I use Cisco/Linksys) and then into the NIC. The Linksys router comes with the installation instructions and software.

Install the software with cable modem connected directly to NIC. The software detects the ISP's setting and configures itself accordingly. The connect cable modem to router and router to NIC. Allow for automatic addressing, and it should be easy.

Maybe dduardo and franznietsche can jump in here.
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  • #25
Evo said:
Awww, thanks everyone. If I can get her computer connected tonight, she can see this. She has the cable connection already and an "instruction guide", I've never done a cable connection before, is it easy? The cable company wanted $172 for a tech to connect it.
My cable modem was the easiest part of my wireless network installation. If you already have cable TV, it is a real snap. Just plug the thing in and get in touch with the cable company for the routing numbers, or put in the installation CD from them, follow the prompts, and you're in.
  • #26
I loaded Comcast's software on my laptop last year and didn't like the result. Now that there is a router between the PCs and cable modem, their software doesn't seem to be necessary.

Hope that Evo child gets all better soon.
  • #27
hope she gets well soon.
  • #28
Hope she is feeling better. Poor kid!
  • #29
Evo said:
Awww, thanks everyone. If I can get her computer connected tonight, she can see this. She has the cable connection already and an "instruction guide", I've never done a cable connection before, is it easy? The cable company wanted $172 for a tech to connect it.
It's really easy, and definitely NOT worth $172! What a rip-off! For mine, it was as simple as screwing the cable onto the cable modem, then running an ethernet connector from the modem to computer, plugging in the modem, watching a bunch of lights on the modem blink, and when the last one stopped blinking, opened the browser and followed the instructions (for a PC, there was a self-installation disk that did the whole connection thing automatically, on my mac, I needed to call the cable company and have them do the connection while I was on the phone...it took about 5 minutes, and when I was done, I had my email account set up and everything...I knew I could do that pretty much on my own, but let them talk me through it so I could confirm the server names were right and not have to call back if there were any problems).

Once the initial connection was made through the direct connection to the computer, I just unplugged the ethernet cable from my computer and plugged it into my airport (wireless router), the airport software told me something like, "No stupid, it's the other hole that fits an ethernet cable on the airport that you're supposed to use for cable internet," so I plugged the cable into the other connector instead, and it's worked ever since. :biggrin: (Okay, it was nicer about telling me the cable was plugged into the wrong slot, but it did leave me wondering how it knew that's what I'd done.)

That's a really cute vaporizer. I hope that cheers her up. It's quite possible she has had walking pneumonia for a while that she thought was the flu, and only when it got worse did she recognize it wasn't just the flu. Lots of coughing when you have a cold can also make you susceptible to pneumonia because the lining of your throat and bronchial tubes get irritated and vulnerable to other infections. That's how people go from flu to pneumonia. I hope it doesn't require hospitalization...it's much better to be sick at home in a comfortable bed with a mommy to take care of you than to be woken up every few hours in a hospital (not to mention that it means you're that much sicker if you've landed in the hospital). Is it the bacterial form of pneumonia? If so, she should be feeling better pretty soon...just make sure she finishes ALL of her antibiotic prescription according to directions, even if she starts feeling better sooner.

Chicken soup is great stuff...lots of great nutrients, the warm broth is easy to swallow and makes your throat feel good, it keeps you hydrated, and the steam is even good for the sinuses if it is delivered nice and hot.

I'm sending lots of thoughts her way for a speedy recovery (though, I think you should still rely more on the medicine and rest and chicken soup type remedies...my thoughts sometimes get lost in transmission somewhere. :rolleyes:)
  • #30
She just called me and wants me to come over because she's feeling worse and my largest client is leaving town in the morning and just requested another analysis of 35 pages of circuits before they sign contracts on this deal. He needs it NOW. I've been working on this deal for over 6 months and it's major $$. Ok, and now I have a University with a location down and they're making threats. Lovely.

Two of my co-workers just walked in with boxes and said they quit.

And my head is exploding. :frown:
  • #31
Evo said:
She just called me and wants me to come over because she's feeling worse and my largest client is leaving town in the morning and just requested another analysis of 35 pages of circuits before they sign contracts on this deal. He needs it NOW. I've been working on this deal for over 6 months and it's major $$. Ok, and now I have a University with a location down and they're making threats. Lovely.

Two of my co-workers just walked in with boxes and said they quit.

And my head is exploding. :frown:

I think your daughter comes first in this case. Pneumonia isn't one of those things where you can just stay home alone and take care of yourself, especially if she thinks she's feeling worse rather than better.

Can you take the work home with you? Maybe you can work on the circuit analysis while sitting with your daughter...when she's napping, you can work (heh heh, just like when they're babies, isn't it?), and when she's awake and needs stuff, you're there to help her. With two co-workers just quitting, you actually have more leverage than usual...your boss isn't going to want to risk having a third person walk out the door right now, so you can probably get away with requesting a "mental health" day or two so you'll be fresh and ready to tackle the work of three people when you return from tending to your daughter. Every once in a while, it's worth it to foist your workload onto your boss so they remember just how much work they're giving you and appreciate you more for what you do.
  • #32
What I do is so complex, not even my boss understands it. It's one of the reasons I was hired here so quickly, I know stuff no one else here does. It's the reason this client is following me here, when I left the other company, the people left there don't understand his network. :smile: I set up some very complex stuff. o:)

I can't leave with the University location down, it's the local provider loop, not us, but that actually makes it harder to handle.

I told the Evo Child to try to sleep or just watch tv.
  • #33
Evo said:
She just called me and wants me to come over because she's feeling worse and my largest client is leaving town in the morning and just requested another analysis of 35 pages of circuits before they sign contracts on this deal. He needs it NOW. I've been working on this deal for over 6 months and it's major $$. Ok, and now I have a University with a location down and they're making threats. Lovely.

Two of my co-workers just walked in with boxes and said they quit.

And my head is exploding. :frown:
OK, I believe you! Sounds like all h*** is breaking loose. :frown:

Hang in there. Things will get better! :smile:

And like Moonbear said, our children come first. See if you can take work home (?) or review the circuits quickly (?).

Re: Co-workers - you want me and Artman to come over and twist there arms? :biggrin:
  • #34
Astronuc said:
OK, I believe you! Sounds like all h*** is breaking loose. :frown:

Hang in there. Things will get better! :smile:

And like Moonbear said, our children come first. See if you can take work home (?) or review the circuits quickly (?).

Re: Co-workers - you want me and Artman to come over and twist there arms? :biggrin:
I took off early yesterday to be with her and I'm taking off early today also, I just HAVE TO get this done first.

She's ok, she's feeling worse because her nose is stuffed up, I think it's allergies. Allergies on top of pneumonia, poor kid. :frown:
  • #35
Ohh man...when it rains, it pours. It's really difficult to watch your kids when they are sick. You want to do everything you can to get them better, but sometimes it just takes time. Do what you can to keep both the child and boss/clients happy...soon things will be back to "normal". Good luck Evo and get better Evo Child.

Astronuc said:
Re: Co-workers - you want me and Artman to come over and twist there arms? :biggrin:

Just let it slide that you happen to know a guy who's really good with poisons...:devil: :biggrin: