Excitation by photons smaller than energy interval

In summary, time-dependent perturbation theory allows for transitions to excited states through a sinusoidal perturbation. The transition probability decreases as the incident light frequency falls below the natural frequency, but it remains non-zero. In the rare event of absorption of a photon with insufficient energy, the nonconservation of energy is only apparent as the unperturbed energy is not conserved rather than the total energy of the system. This is discussed in Messiah's book, where he explains that the total energy of the system, including the perturbation, is increased to compensate for the lacking energy.
  • #1
Hi people,

Time-dependent perturbation theory allows for transitions to excited states, through a sinusoidal perturbation whose frequency is smaller than the energy difference between the states. (That is, [itex]P_{a \rightarrow b}=\frac{sin^{2}[(\omega_{0}-\omega)t/2]}{(\omega_{0}-\omega)^2}[/itex]. Although the transition probability falls rapidly, as incident light frequency falls below the natural frequency, it's still non-zero..)

So in the "rare" event of absorption of a photon with insufficient energy, where does the lacking energy come from? Can you comment on the energy conservation in such an event?
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  • #2
Messiah discusses this in Chap XVII, and there he points out that the nonconservation of energy is only apparent, since it is the unperturbed energy (the energy difference between the original states) which is not conserved, rather than the total energy of the system including the perturbation.
  • #3
thanks for the answer. I only have the 1st volume of Messiah's book, and a google search on the issue returns nothing, so..

Bill_K said:
... nonconservation of energy is only apparent, since it is the unperturbed energy (the energy difference between the original states) which is not conserved, rather than the total energy of the system including the perturbation.

But, the total energy of the system seems to be increased already.. initially we have a photon with [itex]\hbar\omega[/itex], and then, a system with energy [itex]\hbar\omega_{0}[/itex], but no photon. surely energy should be conserved, but how is it compensated?

FAQ: Excitation by photons smaller than energy interval

1. What is excitation by photons smaller than energy interval?

Excitation by photons smaller than energy interval refers to the process in which an atom or molecule is elevated to a higher energy state by absorbing a photon with an energy that is smaller than the energy interval between the ground state and the excited state.

2. How does excitation by photons smaller than energy interval occur?

This type of excitation occurs through a process called resonance. The energy of the photon must match the energy difference between the ground state and the excited state, allowing the atom or molecule to absorb the photon and transition to a higher energy state.

3. What are the effects of excitation by photons smaller than energy interval?

The main effect of this type of excitation is the elevation of the atom or molecule to a higher energy state. This can lead to changes in the chemical or physical properties of the system, such as increased reactivity or fluorescence.

4. Can excitation by photons smaller than energy interval occur in all types of atoms and molecules?

No, this type of excitation is specific to atoms and molecules that have discrete energy levels. This includes most atomic and molecular systems, but not all. For example, continuous energy systems like solids do not exhibit this type of excitation.

5. How is excitation by photons smaller than energy interval related to the photoelectric effect?

The photoelectric effect is a phenomenon in which electrons are emitted from a material when it is exposed to light of a certain frequency. This frequency is related to the energy of the photons involved, and if the energy of the photons is smaller than the energy interval between the ground state and the excited state, excitation can occur instead of electron emission.

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