Exploring Epsilon Simultaneity: Advantages and Applications

In summary, the advantage of considering the generalised simultaneity criterion is that it helps to elucidate the structure of the special theory by varying the parameter epsilon between 0 and 1. However, it may not be very intuitive and may not have practical applications. It can be compared to adopting a non-orthogonal coordinate system in Euclidean space, which can be useful in certain cases such as crystallography. The discussion also touches on the use of non-orthogonal coordinates in the context of the Earth's rotation and the synchronization of clocks on its surface.
  • #1
What is the advantage of considering the generalised simultaneity criterion ##t = (1-\epsilon)t_1 + \epsilon t_2## for ##\epsilon## between ##0## and ##1##? How does varying the parameter ##\epsilon## help to elucidate the structure of the special theory? I think the surfaces of simultaneity are no longer so intuitive. I wondered whether this is helpful to solve some problems or just a gimmick.
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  • #2
I would say that it is not helpful, at least I have never seen a place where it is helpful. It's only value is that it establishes that the one-way speed of light is a convention and that you can (if you are a masochist) adopt a convention where the one-way speed of light is not c and still be consistent with the data.
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  • #3
It's analogous to adopting a coordinate system in Euclidean space where one of the axes isn't perpendicular to the others. That can be useful in crystallography, I seem to recall, because the natural directions in some crystals are non-orthogonal.

One thought - didn't we discuss recently that clocks on the surface of the Earth are usually synchronised in the Earth-centered frame, but their worldlines are not orthogonal to that? So (locally) we're all using an ##\epsilon## that isn't quite 0.5?
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  • #4
I was just revising this today! Body-centred lattices have a primitive basis ##\{ \frac{a}{2}(\hat{\mathbf{y}} + \hat{\mathbf{z}} - \hat{\mathbf{x}}), \frac{a}{2}(\hat{\mathbf{z}} + \hat{\mathbf{x}} - \hat{\mathbf{y}}), \frac{a}{2}(\hat{\mathbf{x}} + \hat{\mathbf{y}} - \hat{\mathbf{z}})\}## whilst face-centred lattices have a primitive basis ##\{\frac{a}{2}(\hat{\mathbf{y}} + \hat{\mathbf{z}}), \frac{a}{2}(\hat{\mathbf{z}} + \hat{\mathbf{x}}), \frac{a}{2}(\hat{\mathbf{x}} + \hat{\mathbf{y}}) \}##. But we hardly ever used these in favour of the canonical basis. The silver lining for the primitive basis is that the Weiß zone law ##hU + kV + lW = 0## holds in any crystallographic system, but apart from that you are just stuck with annoying calculations with the metric
  • #5
You doubtless know more crystallography than I remember... I was just thinking of it as a physical circumstance where we might reasonably choose to use non-orthogonal coordinates. The Earth's rotation forces a vaguely analogous circumstance where the only sensible global simultaneity criterion is not orthogonal to the helical worldlines of clocks at rest on the surface. So Einstein-synchronised clocks on the east and west sides of a lab aren't quite synchronised per GMT, I think.
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  • #6
The easy way to see it is to imagine the set of helical worldlines of clocks on the equator. The congruence forms a cylindrical worldsheet. Except in the special case of zero rotation the planes orthogonal to the worldlines are all "slanted" in the same sense as you go around the cylinder. You can't have a closed loop without slanting the loop in the opposite sense in at least one place.
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FAQ: Exploring Epsilon Simultaneity: Advantages and Applications

1. What is Epsilon Simultaneity?

Epsilon Simultaneity is a concept in physics that refers to the synchronization of events happening at different locations in space. It takes into account the time it takes for light to travel between these locations, allowing for a more accurate understanding of the timing of events.

2. What are the advantages of using Epsilon Simultaneity?

One of the main advantages of Epsilon Simultaneity is its ability to account for the time it takes for light to travel between locations. This allows for a more precise understanding of the timing of events and can help in making accurate measurements and predictions in various fields of science.

3. How does Epsilon Simultaneity differ from other theories of simultaneity?

Epsilon Simultaneity differs from other theories, such as Einstein's theory of special relativity, in that it takes into account the finite speed of light. This allows for a more accurate understanding of the timing of events, especially when they occur at great distances from each other.

4. What are some applications of Epsilon Simultaneity?

Epsilon Simultaneity has various applications in fields such as astronomy, telecommunications, and navigation. It can also be used in experiments that require precise timing, such as particle accelerators and experiments involving atomic clocks.

5. Are there any limitations to Epsilon Simultaneity?

While Epsilon Simultaneity offers a more accurate understanding of simultaneity, it is not a perfect theory and has its limitations. It does not take into account the effects of gravity and may not be applicable in extreme situations, such as near the speed of light. Additionally, it is still a relatively new concept and requires further research and experimentation.

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