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The Einsteinian predictions are exact (as far as we know of course) the Newtonian predictions are wrong (which we know for sure). It is enough to reject Newtonian theory as physics. It is just an approximate math sufficient for many engineering applications (so Newton's is not physical but phenomenological approximate desription of gravitation). We even know what is missing in Newtonian physics: the curvature of space. It is only the math describing the time dilation part of physics of gravitation. The missing part is in Landau's Theory of fields desribing Einstein's gravitation. The (apparent) gravitational force is there as [tex]-dE/dx^i[/tex], where E is rest energy of the particle [tex]mc^2\sqrt{g_{00}}[/tex] where [tex]g_{00}[/tex] is time-time component of spacetime metric, and [tex]dx^i[/tex] is the displacement vector of the particle. So we have here the concrete rest energy of the particle and curvatures of spacetime and no forces, just enrgies and their conservation following from the fact that nature is unable to create enrgy out of nothing. If it were able, then our "gravitational force" as predicted by Einstein wouldn't be the same as Newtonian, yet it is. Which means energy conservation holds in Einstein's physics the same way as in Newtonian but it does not need a mysterious "potential energy" to be valid since it comes out of first principles through the relation between time dilation and space curvature.Garth said:You are confusing two paradigms.
Einstein might not be explaining how it "really is" either.
All we can say is that here we have two theories of gravitation, one uses force-at-a-distance, the other geometry of space-time. When tested it so happens that Einstein's theory fits the data better than Newton.
It does not say anything about Newton believing in attraction coming through empty space from the Sun. It says only about the math of the phenomenon which according to Newton was the only legitimate conclusion that one can draw from observations without undue speculatons about the mechanism of the phenomenon.Garth said:In his day Newton was criticised for being a mystic because he did advocate 'force-at-a-distance'.
"I deduced that the forces which keep the Planets in their Orbs must reciprocally as the squares of their distances from the centers around which they revolve." Newton quoted by Barrow "The World within the World" 1988 pg 68.
1. Use weak enough field that there are linear relations only (one does not influence the other) and measure deflection of light knowing that the Newtonian part is due to the time dilation, so the rest is due to the curvature of space (as Einstein's did with the bending of light rays in vicinity of the Sun when both part turned out to be equal).Garth said:[...] space curvature and time dilation are both part of the one united space-time curvature, are you saying here that they are equal parts? If you are doing so then in order to make such a statement the questions that have to be answered are:
1. "How do you measure space curvature and how do you measure time dilation independently of each other to make the comparison?"
2. "What units, what dimensions, are each measured in?"
As both the spatial and temporal components are frame dependent, then
3. "What frame of reference are both components to be measured into make this comparison?"
2. The dimensionless relative changes.
3. The frame of any observer.
But the underlying physical mechanism of gravity is discovered almost a century ago by Einstein. It is just not taught in high schools for some reason so it stays mostly unknown to anybody except doctoral students specializing in gravitation. While even most of them can't explain in simple English the reason for the illusion of gravitational force.jonmtkisco said:The debate between "action at a distance" and "spacetime curvature" sounds to me like the old religious debates about how many angels can dance on the head of a pin. As long as one accepts the mathematical results of the GR equations, there appears to be no meaningful distinction between which of the two physical mechanisms is more "real." And there won't be until the underlying physical mechanism of gravity is discovered.
The mechanism of rest energy of a particle diminishing along its displacement vector directed towards the source (of energy that for some reason bends the spacetime) is rather simple (see the top of this post). Why the energy bends the spacetime we don't know and it is not the subject of theory. It is a measurable conclusion since we can measure the amount of bending and it fits the theory through the principle of conservation of energy and the value of gravitational constant which origins we don't know yet just may try to guess. Maybe I'll do before I'm through with my phd project , then I might tell you. But there is no such potential in math of Newtonian gravitation so we may dismiss it as a candidate for delivering any understanding of the universe. We shouldn't even teach it to high school students since it only confuses them later in life, and the Einsteinian gravitation is also much simpler (the mystery of force acting through vacuum repalced by rather easy to understand inability of nature to make energy out of nothing).jonmtkisco said:If gravity causes spacetime to curve, why is that "less spooky" than action at a distance (e.g., a force mediated by particles moving at the speed of light)? Curved spacetime is a damn weird concept, despite the elementary textbook explanations, which explain nothing. By what physical agent does spacetime become curved by being near a massive object? And in a physical, tangible sense, what is spacetime anyway? How do we know it goes beyond a mathematical concept and is actually physical?
Of course. And don't you know particles that carry energy from one atom to another? Just call this energy "gravitational", which it really is since numerically it is responsible for gravitational force (see top of this post) and you have the answer.jonmtkisco said:If spacetime curvature is physically real, then it clearly is an ephemeral manifestation of instantaneous proximity and trajectory with respect to the source mass. An instantaneous change in spacetime curvature does not physically occur at a point near or far from the gravitational source any sooner than permitted by the travel speed of light. (Doesn't that suggest the need for a mediating particle or wave moving through space?)
Of course it can't and it does not. A prticle taking a geodesic worldline is not deflected, unless some other particle pushes it away from its wordline. That's why gravitational force (the same as any other inertial force) can't be propagated through empty space and that's why the notion of "universeal gravitational attraction" is silly. Math without any physics.jonmtkisco said:Spacetime attributes cannot reasonably be treated as an intrinsic attributes of any physical structure or substance ("space") located within the coordinate dimensions affected by the gravitational source. Empty vacuum is not viscous or malleable, nor can it assume or retain any definite shape, nor can it move or remain stationary, in any normal meaning of those words. How can empty vacuum itself be physically substantial enough to deflect a passing photon's worldline?
In addition to all of this, we (the lazy humans) try to choose a reference frame in which the calculations are the simplest (so we rather don't choose the frame of flying arrow) so we don't need to bother with everything what's there. But even if we choose the best frame we can't get rid of curvature of space which means it might be real. But we never observed action at a distance (especially instantaneous; all that looked like action at a distance turned out to be illusions) so we don't need to believe that it is real.jonmtkisco said:One can, if one wants, treat any force or pseudo-force as a manifestation of spacetime curvature. When a constant wind blows, the "spacetime geodesic" of a flying arrow becomes curved, and the arrow's path curves off in the downwind direction. It must do so in order to conserve its energy. All moving objects follow the path of least resistance. Does this mean they are "moving in a straight line through curved space?" Does it "prove" the physical reality of spacetime curvature?
The concept of spacetime curvature seems like a "safe" place to mentally retreat to when one is confounded by the apparent mathematical complexity of gravitational action at a distance.
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