Exploring the Bizarre: Unraveling the Mysteries of Our Dreams

  • Thread starter wolram
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In summary, the conversation is about the participants' experiences with odd dreams and whether it is normal to not have many dreams. Some share their own strange dreams, while others discuss the potential meanings behind certain dream elements such as spiders and elevators. Some also mention the potential benefits of dreaming, such as problem-solving. The conversation ends with one participant questioning if they need therapy due to their frequent and impactful dreams.
  • #71
I just realized a nightmare I have from time to time. I’m sitting in school and then I somehow find out I enrolled in an English class that I totally forgot about. It’s past the drop date to not get a W, and I am weeks behind from completely forgetting to go. That’s when I get that feeling when you can literally feel your heart come to a stop. It’s always an English class though.
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  • #72
cyrusabdollahi said:
I just realized a nightmare I have from time to time. I’m sitting in school and then I somehow find out I enrolled in an English class that I totally forgot about. It’s past the drop date to not get a W, and I am weeks behind from completely forgetting to go. That’s when I get that feeling when you can literally feel your heart come to a stop. It’s always an English class though.
I have dreams like that, Cyrus - about forgetting to finish something I started. It usually involves an apartment I used to live in. Somehow I forgot to completely move out and I remember that a lot of my stuff is still in there. There is always a feeling of panic because I never returned and got everything out.
Did you ever have any desire to be a writer? Did you abandon it?
  • #73
I never cared much for English or books, and it shows. I just don't like sitting there reading a story. Bores the hell out of me, I would rather watch the news all day.

"I failed anglish, that's unpossible!"- Ralph from the Simpsons.

Oh, and sometimes I wake up an hour before I set the alarm despite being dead tired because somehow my mind says 'oh **** I’m late for class!' I don't gradually wake up, I literally just spring up from my pillow so that I’m sitting upright in my bed wide awake instantly. Then I look at the clock and realize its 1 hour early and go back to bed.
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  • #74
Gosh! You poor thing! You are under a lot of pressure. What year are you in? In school, I mean.
  • #75
cyrusabdollahi said:
I just realized a nightmare I have from time to time. I’m sitting in school and then I somehow find out I enrolled in an English class that I totally forgot about. It’s past the drop date to not get a W, and I am weeks behind from completely forgetting to go. That’s when I get that feeling when you can literally feel your heart come to a stop. It’s always an English class though.
For years after I finished school I would have nightmares where I am in class and there is going to be a test and I know nothing about it, I don't even remember enrolling in the class. :eek:
  • #76
Bad directing if you ask me.
  • #77
Mk said:
Bad directing if you ask me.
Yet, strangely, no one did.
  • #78
When about 17 years old I dreamt that I was standing on the beach with many other people. A car was spotted - submerged in about six feet of water - and people began to yell and call for help. Suddenly the car was being pulled out of the water with a winch. When we rushed over and opened the door, a badly decomposed body fell out right in front of me; and it was my dad! I had no idea how he could be there, or what had happened, but I couldn't accept that he was dead. I started yelling things like "no this can't be", "I won't accept this", and was certain that I could force him back to life by willing it hard enough. If I could only concentrate hard enough... Then, while staring at his bloated, ashen blue face, his eyes snapped open! I heard someone yell "death has come alive", and then he opened his mouth and roared, and became this horrible monster. Next... wide awake.

Don't ask me how or why, but as soon as I awoke, or shortly there after, I knew that this dream was about my girlfriend. I knew things weren't really working, but I wanted them to work out so badly that I was trying to force things to work. The "death has come alive part" meant that if I try to force things that aren't supposed to be, the results won't be good.
  • #79
Mk said:
Bad directing if you ask me.

Math Is Hard said:
Yet, strangely, no one did.
These two posts are incomprehensible to me. You seem to understand what each other is saying, but in the context of the thread they both seem like complete non-sequiturs.

Is this a carryover from a conversation in another thread?
  • #80
Ivan Seeking said:
Don't ask me how or why, but as soon as I awoke, or shortly there after, I knew that this dream was about my girlfriend. I knew things weren't really working, but I wanted them to work out so badly that I was trying to force things to work. The "death has come alive part" meant that if I try to force things that aren't supposed to be, the results won't be good.
Sounds like you dream in poetic metaphor.

There are lots of stories about dead things coming back to life not being a good thing, and that seems to be a commonly arrived at conclusion whenever something resembling it is encountered in any culture or society. Since things that die never do literally come back I'd have to suppose these stories are about the same kind of thing your dream was about: trying to force things.

What's your take on why it was your father's body instead of the more obvious choice of it being your then girlfriend? I have ideas.
  • #81
zoobyshoe said:
What's your take on why it was your father's body instead of the more obvious choice of it being your then girlfriend? I have ideas.

No idea. I could venture some guesses, but unlike the meaning of or reason for the dream, the content, and esp the inclusion of my father have always been a mystery. Also, I assume that the meaning was clear to me since it was likely brewing in my thoughts for weeks, but why it was so morbid, I have no idea... well I shouldn't say that. I figured death = death of a relationship, but it wasn't all that bad! :biggrin:
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  • #82
Ivan Seeking said:
No idea. I could venture some guesses, but unlike the meaning of or reason for the dream, the content, and esp the inclusion of my father have always been a mystery. Also, I assume that the meaning was clear to me since it was likely brewing in my thoughts for weeks, but why it was so morbid, I have no idea... well I shouldn't say that. I figured death = death of a relationship, but it wasn't all that bad! :biggrin:
My first idea, and the one that strikes me as having the most promise, is that what was making you want to make the relationship work was that you may have sensed your father approved of it, thought it was a good match, or a good thing for you.

Another related interpretation could be that being in that relationship made you feel like, or identify with your dad in a way you thought should be sustained, but which you really couldn't put your heart into.
  • #83
Hmmmm, need to stew...

Did I mention that my dad ran off with her?
  • #84
Okay, you know I'm joking about the last part. The rest is true.
  • #85
Ivan Seeking said:
Okay, you know I'm joking about the last part. The rest is true.
Reading the dream over again, it could be simpler than my previous thoughts. You really wanted the relationship to work and may have generated an equation in your mind that came out in the dream, an equation like: the only thing that would upset me more than this relationship ending would be if my dad died!
  • #86
zoobyshoe said:
These two posts are incomprehensible to me. You seem to understand what each other is saying, but in the context of the thread they both seem like complete non-sequiturs.

Is this a carryover from a conversation in another thread?

Let me rephrase:
Bad directing if you ask me.
Yet, strangely, no one did ask you.
  • #87
So i had a REALLY weird dream last night about PF. i wish i had written this out when i woke up, but i had to get to class.

So anyway, pf was like this big office building. General Discussion was like the main floor, and serious stuff could be found on some of the upper levels. There was a big elevator that took you to the different levels, and each mentor had a desk set up at their level in the lobby. I forget which thread i was replying to, but for some reason i had to reference this other thread. I went to see moonbear about it, and she was like "ooh, that one's old, you'll have to check archives." Archives of course were underneath the entire building, and were held in a bunch of underground levels. So i was like, DAMN, and went to the elevator. I pressed the archives floor, and down i go.

The building was so huge that we used a high speed elevator. So I'm like woah, when i feel the elevator moving. then it gets faster. Suddenly, I'm nearly touching the ceiling and I'm like OMIGOSH! and like bracing my hands agains the sides and roof trying not to get hurt, and getting all worried about the landing. I look around trying to find the door so i can reorient myself when the elevator stops, but the inside looks all exactly the same, a solid bluish color. and I'm like, OH SHOOT. and now I'm getting dizzy cause i can't remember where the floor is and which wall my hand is on, or wait, was my hand against the ceiling.. oooooh... finally i reach the bottom and it turns out i was sideways. i hit the floor with a thud.

the archives are all dark and ill-lit. i can't even remember what i wanted any more. everything is all dusty and scary looking. and I'm like UGH. i decide the elevator is better than down there, so i get back in. again, getting dizzy when i can't find the floor halfway through my trip. (yeah, i know it doesn't make sense..)

so then the door opens, and i thump against the floor again, and i look up, and there's MIH at moonbear's desk, and they're chit chatting. and I'm like "hey guys!" and they look at me like "uh.. wtf?" cause my hair is all messy, and I'm squinting from the daylight, and holding my arm up against my chest. "something wrong with your arm Gale?" and I'm like DAMN, cause i realize that in the fall i hurt my arm, and then i remember, oh yeah, my arm was against the ceiling, no no, the wall, or was it the door... UGH. and halfway through remembering how i was hurt i get sick to my stomach. "that elevator is too high-speed" i say, and MIH is like ? and i just say "my arm... the ceiling... blue... we need a new elevator guys." Moonbear just laughs and is like "MIH, Gale is so funny isn't she? i guess we do need a new elevator, hehe" and MIH laughs too.

i half smile and walk away, remember my arm hurts, wondering if there's a doctor up in biology...
  • #88
Math Is Hard said:
Let me rephrase:
rofl, hehehehe, rofl!
  • #89
Gee, that was rude of me, Gale. I am sorry I laughed after you hurt your arm. :frown:

Greg! We've got to do something about the PF elevator! It's a lawsuit waiting to happen.
  • #90
Math Is Hard said:
Gee, that was rude of me, Gale. I am sorry I laughed after you hurt your arm. :frown:

Greg! We've got to do something about the PF elevator! It's a lawsuit waiting to happen.

heh, its alright. you guys weren't being mean, i felt like it was some inside joke about the elevator. it was a really weird dream though. like, really weird.
  • #91
astral wandering

Math Is Hard said:
Sometimes I dream and sometimes I do my "astral wandering". *yawn* Think I'll go do some of that now. Do not be frightened if you see me, Woolie. :smile:

When you "astral wander" do you feel or hear a slurping/popping noise when you exit your body? I have had "several out of body" dreams where I float out of my body. If I realize I am dreaming, then I try to float out of the house. One time, I made it through the crack in the door and outside to the top of the hill, in the back yard, where I was met by others who told me it was time to go back. Then I was sucked(same slurping noise) back into my body and woke up with my heart racing.
That was the only time I remember the slurping noise.
Anybody else experience "Out of Body" dreams?
  • #93
larkspur said:
When you "astral wander" do you feel or hear a slurping/popping noise when you exit your body? I have had "several out of body" dreams where I float out of my body. If I realize I am dreaming, then I try to float out of the house. One time, I made it through the crack in the door and outside to the top of the hill, in the back yard, where I was met by others who told me it was time to go back. Then I was sucked(same slurping noise) back into my body and woke up with my heart racing.
That was the only time I remember the slurping noise.
Anybody else experience "Out of Body" dreams?
That's really interesting. I don't hear any noise. I just suddenly look over at my sleeping body, and it's like "oh, dear, I'm out again". Sometimes I fly or go places. Sometimes I don't leave the room. It used to always happen if I would try to make myself sleep when I wasn't tired. What's weird is last weekend, I distinctly heard the word "larkspur" in a dream. I tried and tried to remember the context but couldn't. I thought it was odd, but figured maybe I had just read one of your posts and that influenced my subconscious. So now it is really funny that you replied to a comment I made in a thread about strange dreams!
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  • #94
zoobyshoe said:
I once dreampt I was out-of-coffee:
I thought it was an out-of-jelly experience that you had?
  • #95
Math Is Hard said:
I thought it was an out-of-jelly experience that you had?
And I thought an out-of-jelly experience was what you had when your cat, Jellyroll ran away.
  • #96
What I had in mind was post #1021 of the stupid quetion thread, when you mentioned that you had an authentic out-of-jelly experience during your visit to the refrigerator.
  • #97
Math Is Hard said:
What I had in mind was post #1021 of the stupid quetion thread, when you mentioned that you had an authentic out-of-jelly experience during your visit to the refrigerator.
That was authentic. Several para-jelly investigators and refridgerator repairmen to whom I've related the tale have confirmed it. My out-of-coffee experience was a whole different ball of jelly.
  • #98
Math Is Hard said:
It used to always happen if I would try to make myself sleep when I wasn't tired.
Come to think of it, all of my OOB dreams have occurred when I was napping during the day.

Math Is Hard said:
What's weird is last weekend, I distinctly heard the word "larkspur" in a dream. I tried and tried to remember the context but couldn't. I thought it was odd, but figured maybe I had just read one of your posts and that influenced my subconscious. So now it is really funny that you replied to a comment I made in a thread about strange dreams!
  • #99
zoobyshoe said:
I once dreampt I was out-of-coffee:

post #14
Did you ever get your coffee and did it make a slurping noise?:-p
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  • #100
larkspur said:
Did you ever get your coffee and did it make a slurping noise?:-p
Slurping noise?
  • #101
Just kidding...When I had my out of body dream, I heard a slurping/suction noise when I went back into my body.
  • #102
larkspur said:
Did you ever get your coffee and did it make a slurping noise?:-p
:smile: I was slurping coffee when I read this.
  • #103
larkspur said:
Just kidding...When I had my out of body dream, I heard a slurping/suction noise when I went back into my body.
Sounds like you may have underhydrated ectoplasm. Drink more coffee.
  • #104
Math Is Hard said:
:smile: I was slurping coffee when I read this.
You may have crossed ectoplasm with an astral fly on one of your wanderings and be turning into one.
  • #105
So does anyone think that they have had a prophetic dream?

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