Exploring the Connection Between the Mind and Time Travel

In summary, the speaker went through a stage of wanting to disprove theories and in the process, discovered a potential method of time travel using the mind. This theory is based on the belief in a spiritual dimension and the connection between the physical and spiritual worlds. The speaker also introduces the concept of "inol energy" which has no time or particle intervention and is the force that holds dimensions together. They believe that dimensions are connected and lay inside each other, similar to how the spirit is connected to the physical body. The speaker also suggests that hyperspace and inol energy are the same thing.

is time travel with the mind possible?

  • yes

    Votes: 4 26.7%
  • no

    Votes: 7 46.7%
  • maybe

    Votes: 4 26.7%

  • Total voters
  • #36
christian_dude_27 said:
no, you see, for a spirit to exist, something has to want it to exist,

Well, I kind of want my watch to exist otherwise I can't tell the time.

if your watch had enough artificial intelligence, it may possibly cause a jump in the spiritual dimension to "create" a spirit. remember, for something to ahve a spirit, it msut have "some" level of intelligence.

Ok, so does my computer have a spirit?

a watch only has a program, no natural intelligence,

How do you know that us humans are not simply carrying out the programs inside our brains?

it can not produce another of its kind through birth and let it grow and develope with a spirit, can it? no, it has to be "remade" and "copied" over and over again to make another one, so no, it has not got a spirit. clones, they are the one thing that are "remade" and "copied" that do have spirits. because, even thought hey wwere remade and copied, they can still go on by themselves and continue creating newborns naturally.

So are you saying that someone who is infertile has no spirit?

Physics news on Phys.org
  • #37
christian_dude_27 said:
...ok, who the heck does not know what a spirit is? ok, put it this way, take a dead carcas, it has no personality, it doesn't move, it does nothing but rot...when a spirit is in it, it does al the things you are doing now; living, thinking, breathing, acting stupid, giving stupid replies, things in that nature.

well i thought the brain developes connections depending on your surroundings which helps you do all these things. not the spirit.
  • #38
christian_dude_27 said:
ok, mules can reproduce, can they not? if a mule were to have sex with another mule, there would be a baby mule right? supposedly, unless there is something seriously wrong with your mule, like, if a rabbit pops out, you might want to get that checked. the amount of artificial intelligence needed would be the amount needed so that the machine could reproduce itself as a natural animal does. that means through the cells and growth and learned knowledge over year spans.

mules are not fertile, they can't reproduce themselves.
  • #39
christian dude
Throughout your entire life, you have soiled your innate capacity for rational thought by wallowing in the mental garbage known as christianity.
Do yourself a favour; grow up into a rational, thinking adult.
  • #40
i've seen someone levetate a house

who, pray tell?

EVERYTHING has the possibility of being possible. remember that, because as long as you study physics at all, you have to BELIEVE that what you are being told is real

we don't believe without convincing evidence. levitating houses goes way beyond 6 billion people in the world telling you that smoking will give you cancer. 1 stoner telling me he sees people levitating houses is NOT a possibility unless he provided pictures, video clips, or the person who can do it demonstrating his powers.
  • #41
Why do you think that the thing we call spirit is not a creation of the mind, and if you are dead and your spirit leaves your body how come it will remember nothing when it is reborn in the body of an infant?
Or did I misunderstood you and a "spirit" never returns or what? I'm trying hard to understand your theory pal. If you ever wanted to write a book on this issue I want to be your publisher:)))))))))
  • #42
for one, to get this off my chest, i have very good reasons of being a christian, do not say things of which you do not understand. you don't understand my religion, you probably never will, i see it much differently than you obviously, and it really is none of your bussiness of what religion i live by, i'll that at that. even though someone, or mules, can not reprodude, their cells do. i think, what is it, like ever 15 years al of the cells in your body have replaced themselves with new cells. not all at once of corse, but over that 15 year period. does a watch have any type of living celliar structure at all, other than atoms? no. and besides, atoms reside in living an non-living things, but cells only reside in living things. all living things contain cells. your watch, you battery, your computer, none of those have cells, so they are not living. they may have electrical pulsed, but without a cell, which hold the rna and the dna that control your body's functions and creations of itself, there is no possible way for it to live. now if you found a way to build a watch on a living person and doing all that kinda stuff, yea, wow, good job, but if hat person went out and had a kid, I'm sure the watch wouldn't be born with him/her. convincing evidence? you missed my point entirely. one thing, just one thing, changes in teh laws of physics and then everything you know could be turned upside down and proven to be wrong, when just a litle while ago it was "proven" corresct. you see, everyone once thought that Earth was flat, but a couple centuries later new laws in physics and new abilities to observe clearer showed that it was round. even today, no matter how much you think your answers are correct, or how much "evidence" you have for them, you msut always remember the possibility that you could very well be wrong. it's a 50/50 chance your taking. of course you're going to take the good 50, but you can't ignore the bad 50, right? and most people don't like to demonstrate their powers because of the press and then people trying to call them witches and stuff...oh, by the way, did you know that in some states it is still okay, under the law, to burn someon at the stake for being a witch? the only reason that guy let me see what he could do was because i was into the exact same stuff, then i got out of it. but i did see him levetate a house. now, as i said before, he ma have really levetated that house, but there is still that 50% chance that another new law of physics somewhere down the line says he didn't no matter what proof i have. you see what i mean here? as i said before, the spirit is what contains the personality and actually does all of the thinking, not the brain, but the brain, in the physical world, is where this personality would be. so if you die, your brain is still there, but is not active, so without the spirit, you have no way of letting your surrounding control what you do. of course, many people, in fact most people, lock themselves in on the fact that they don't have a spirit. oh well, their loss, but i won't force anyone to believe what they don't want. i can't, it's always our decisions to believe or not to belive. no one can control anyone else's self will, they can persuade them, put a gun to their head, or just look em in the eyes, but that never mean you absolutely have to do it, and you can always get away from a gun to your head, well, for the love of god, i hope you can.
  • #43
if you don't believe me, don't bother sending a reply to this message, because i could care less.
christian_dude_27, Science is not just a collection of theoretical and empirical methods that were developed during the years through hard work of a lot of dedicated researchers.

The heart of Science is the open dialog between people, which is based on "?" mark that save it as an open system that can be changed by new ideas and/or experimental results.

Your religious approach is based on "!" mark (God and his holy book) where any phenomenon is not natural but a miracle of "God's hands".

My question is: Why do you need the "?" mark to support your "!" mark?
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  • #44
god and his holy book are what "I" live by, therefore my work revolvs around him and his bok. if someone doesn't feel the same way about their own work,t hen what is the point in even replying to my work, in the end they will only reject it. i don't have a "?" with god, i believe that whatever is in the book is true and absolutely real, despite what anyone has to say about it, that is all.
  • #45
Your mentality is wholly tainted by, and quite possibly, irrepairably damaged by religious crap.
Every word you have written reeks of it (besides being spelt wrong, mostly).
In addition, you haven't grasped the basic difference between assertions and arguments.
You, your religion and your ideas are all beneath contempt.
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  • #46
i'm glad you think so highly of my religion, unfortuantely, i really don't care what you think of my religion, but any oppinion on my theory, and/or how to fix something with it would be greatly appreciated.
  • #47
i don't have a "?" with god, i believe that whatever is in the book is true and absolutely real, despite what anyone has to say about it, that is all.
You did not answer to my question, which is:

Why do you need science (electrical pulses) to support your religiues ideas about time travel, you simply can say that you do not care about any scientific model made by men, and your realm is God and the Bible.

By this approach will be unest with yourself and with anyone who read your "time travel" ideas.
  • #48
Ok. If I understood you well, spirits are in every organisms that have living cells and where these cells can multiply. Is that right?
  • #49
hello, you are corect, but only if the cells can multiply by themselves, with no help from anyone or anything, a natural selection.

dialog, well, electrical impulses, for one, just "feel" right to me. they feel like the right answer. and from what I've learned in life, always trust your gut feelings. but, in scientific terms, in the medievil timed, when they cut heads off, the head was still alive for like ten seconds, and then the only reason it died was because of lack of oxygen. the rest of the body died instantly. because the brain part of the body is what controls the rest of the body. that tells me that it is the brain where the spirit is connected to it, correct? and then, it has been proven that the brain has quite a bit of electrical pulses flowing through it. that gives the logical answer that electrical impulses are where the spiritual dimension and physical dimension are connected.
  • #50
so suppose i make a robot whose purpose is to create other robots like himself.

this particular robot has the virtue of being able to "eat" stuff and within its body break stuff down to the molecular level and use that "stuff" to form the parts that will make up another robot that can do the same thing.

does the robot get a spirit?
  • #51
christian_dude_27 said:
that is pure ignorance.
Yes it is, just like the absolute belief in the literal meanings of a book that controls an organized religion. A book that has been re-written many times with political influence. The belief that a particular organized religion is superior and right over all the others. This by far is one of the most ignorant things I have ever heard of. It fits in the same category with the belief that all races are not equal due to differences in skin color, etc. If a wrong card at the bottom of a stack is the cause of a mass dissorder in a system, then you are clearly not playing with a full deck. HAHA. I am totally dissing you.

ps. I had not until just recently decided to put in a few words about the subject, since I don't usually like to argue, but you are the epitome of self-contradiction.
  • #52
So plants have a spirit by your definition. But you said that the spirit is connected with brains. But plants don't have brains, do they ? So there is a contradiction.
  • #53
hello, ther is no contradiction tehre, a plant does not have th same cell structure as we do, its brain is not our "brain". get the point? mike, the bible says all people are equal, you yourself are self-contradicting. try to understand what you say before you open your mouth. if a robot could get that advanced, is it truly a robot anymore? or is it a living creation, just like us? technichly, we are robots as well. our body is "programed" to do certain things under certain conditions, and to act a certain way. a flaw in this program, which is normal among everyone, because we are not perfect, would be our ability to have self will.
  • #54
So decide yourself, do plants have a spirit?
  • #55
yes, but not as advanced as ours, they are very low intelligence, we are high level.
  • #56
oh so now there exist different level of spirits?

So what is a spirit then?
Personnality is not due to what you call spirits but rather a reaction to the world in which we live and how we are influenced.Everything is due to action-reactions phenomena.
  • #57
christian_dude_27 said:
yes, but not as advanced as ours, they are very low intelligence, we are high level.
I'm high-level, you are not
  • #58
what the people are trying to break to you is that science and religion are for the most part mutually exclusive.

science is based upon finding provable rational answers for unexplained phenomena.

religion is based around explaining phenomena in terms of God, proof or no proof

as a scientist, you cannot allow yourself to accept things without a reasonable amount of proof. the "Book" is not proof, but theory, so to speak. many people believe in the theory, and they all have their reasons. most of them include fear, indoctrination, peer-pressure, gullibility, and weakness.

the day that God comes down to Earth and television broadcasts worldwide that "hey, man. you know this Earth thing? i made that! like whoa!" THEN we'll have proof. Until then we need science.
  • #59
well, the facts are here, accept them or dont, your choice. i could give you facts al day long, but until you accept them, they are worthless to you. no need to continue this post unless someone can accept the facts.
  • #60
a fact is something that is backed by evidence

by itself it is not factual

you don't accept something because it is a fact, you accept it because it is supported by overwhelming evidence.

if some random person comes to your house and says "hey, they're giving out free money at the courthouse today. go get yours" do you believe them? no

you question their motives, examine their demeanor (do they seem like the lying scamming type?), and maybe phone a few friends, turn on the news, and check the internet.

if all the above check out then it's highly likely that this is a fact.

on the other hand if the president of the United States comes on TV and says massive additional tax refund, visit nearest courthouse to claim, you can almost certainly accept that as a fact right away.

the difference is credibility. something which christianity has trouble with considering the myriad of fairy tales and stories in "the book". all of them claiming to be truthful accounts, but none with any proof or evidence.

but I'm not here to debate that with you. come back with evidence that you can time travel and i'll be right there with you.

i want to buy some microsoft stock
  • #61
christian_dude_27 said:
yes, but not as advanced as ours, they are very low intelligence, we are high level.

Are you trying to say that intelligence is directly proportionnal to "the level of our spirit" ? Meaning that intelligence is what influences our spirit. How do you mesure the intelligence of a plant? What it is responsible for its "intelligence" ?
  • #62
ram2048 said:
a fact is something that is backed by evidence

true, but you miss the conception that there IS overwhelming evidence that proves god is real. but until you can accept that evidence as real evidence and not a fake, then you will never realize it. and by the way..in case you didn't know this, the bible is even talked about in our history boks, jesus is even talked about. obviously that is real. the first three books of the bible are the history of the jews, and is proven by history records itself to be true.
  • #63

um, not exactly, no. a spitit is a spirit, they are all "worth" the same. but we, because of our high intelligence, would never realize that a plant, without hardly the same intelligence as we, also has a spirit. if it is living, it has a spirit. simple enough.
  • #64
so what you said before isn't valid since you said the spirit of the plant "isn't as advanced as ours" and now you say that they are worth the same. You still didn't define what a spirit is without falling into contradictions.
  • #65
and by the way..in case you didn't know this, the bible is even talked about in our history boks, jesus is even talked about. obviously that is real. the first three books of the bible are the history of the jews, and is proven by history records itself to be true.

tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time. with the blood of patriots and tyrants...

and by the same token, every generation must have its own "evidence".

take the word "research" which is "re" - to do again. "search" - to seek out or look for.

say those accounts fortold thousands of years ago are true. where are all the miracles of god today? if god wants us to believe in him, it is WELL within his power to manifest to us and say "hey guys, have some loaves and fishes"

that he doesn't do so is either A> proof that he doesn't exist or B> doesn't care whether you believe in him or not
  • #66
christian_dude_27 said:

um, not exactly, no. a spitit is a spirit, they are all "worth" the same. but we, because of our high intelligence, would never realize that a plant, without hardly the same intelligence as we, also has a spirit. if it is living, it has a spirit. simple enough.

yea... a spirit is a spirit , this defines well spirit.

I can say that everything that is living has a uiuopsdfhjhjks, but does it mean something useful?
  • #67
Placing a touch of scientific terminology into the supernaturalism of the word 'spirit,' this is analogous to a magnetic field. Magnetic field are everywhere. In the smallest things such as a neutrino. In the vacuum. In stars, in galaxies, in quasars, in black holes. Still the unit (magnetic monopole) of magnetism cannot be isolated but magnetic field do exist. Magnetic field is moving. Yet nobody knows, for sure, how fast it is moving but all we can assume is that it must be moving at the speed of light in vacuum since this speed is the maximum allowable by the theory of special relativity.
The property of spin in elementary particles is intimately related to magnetism. Since there are two poles (cannot be separated) in magnetism, the N-pole and the S-pole, we can make the analogy that there is also a good 'spirit' and a bad 'spirit.' And this good and bad spirit cannot be separated. But a good spirit will know it is good and a bad spirit will know it is bad. One can identify the other but cannot exist without the other.
  • #68
antonio, at least one person can understand without asking stupid questions to make themselves look like complete idots by not reading the posts i have posted. they already kow what a spirit is, why ak me? it's quite obviouse...take a second to think about this guys, what do you think a spirit is? um, probably the same thing you've heard all your life. personally, i can't think of myself as being a finite being. we are infinite. god is eternal. the difference in teh three are: eternal- not a beginning, not an end; infinite-having a beginning, not an end; finite- having both a beginning and an end. we are not finite, we are infinite. no, not much proof for that, considering we have ghost reports out our butt holes, we have strange phenomena that can oly be explained through thought that there is a spirit, and then we have other phenomena that can only be explained with a power other than our physical body, if it was only our physical body, it would die before we could do hardly anything close to what we do.

ok people, don't bother posting ANYTHING else on this post unless it is purely based on my theory, the fact of what a spirit is or what it isn't is not part of the topic, so leave it out of the picture. if another post is posted on any other topic here other than what was provided of the theory i will have no choice but to report it to the moderator. please keep to the topic.
  • #69
Those questions are to make you think more deeply about what you are talking about. We already know that your theory is flawed since the word "spirit" doesn't have a universal definition. In order to validate a theory it MUST BE CONSISTENT with the definition of every objects it affects. If you can't give a consistent definition of a "spirit" and just give what you think and thought during all your life it was, we can't judge your theory from a rationnal point of view. (Isn't that what you want?)

And , do you really think that defining spirit is off-topic? :smile: . Your theory concerns it directly.
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  • #70
oops double posting..
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