Exploring the Implications of a Galaxy Collapsing

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In summary, galaxies can be thought of as falling into themselves due to the influence of gravitational attraction, with the possibility of eventually becoming one gigantic black hole. However, the ultimate fate of galaxies is still unknown and it is uncertain if they will eventually "boil off" or if their cores will continue to contract. Current models are not advanced enough to make accurate predictions about the future of galaxies.
  • #1
Is it possible for a galaxy too fall back into its self?(even if they don't) What would happen?
Astronomy news on Phys.org
  • #2
I suppose gallaxies can all be thought of as falling into themselves. Theoretically, matter in the early universe was spread out much more evenly than it is today. Bits of matter that used to be individual stocks of dust and clubs of gas have come together into stars and other large bodies. Gravitational attraction has pulled these bodies of matter together in groups such as super clusters, clusters, and individual galaxies. On local scales (certainly on the scale of galaxies), the influence of the Hubble expansion is pretty much negligible compared with the influence of gravitational attraction pulling things together. So, the same force that caused the galaxy to "clump together" into a galaxy in first place is still pulling that galaxy ever tighter together.

At the center of most (if not all) galaxies a supermassive black hole is thought to exist. Throughout the life of the galaxy, more and more matter falls into this black hole. If the whole galaxy were to fall into the center, it would become nothing but one gigantic black hole.
  • #3
LURCH said:
So, the same force that caused the galaxy to "clump together" into a galaxy in first place is still pulling that galaxy ever tighter together.
Are you sure about that? In http://math.ucr.edu/home/baez/end.html I read:

And you can show in the really long run, any isolated system consisting of sufficiently many point particles interacting gravitationally - even an apparently "gravitationally bound" system - will "boil off" as individual particles randomly happen to acquire enough kinetic energy to reach escape velocity.
  • #4
My impression is that the answer is still very much unknown for sizable galaxies. I don't think anyone has run their models far enough in time (nor do they have enough faith in them) to predict the final fate of, for example, the Milky Way. In globular clusters, it seems that both of these things happen; that is, stars "boil off" with time, but the core of the cluster also contracts. It may be that something similar will happen to galaxies in the long term, but I suspect our models are not yet sophisticated enough to say for sure.

FAQ: Exploring the Implications of a Galaxy Collapsing

1. What is a galaxy collapsing?

A galaxy collapsing is a hypothetical scenario in which a galaxy, typically a spiral or elliptical galaxy, begins to collapse in on itself due to gravitational forces. This can happen when a galaxy's internal structures, such as stars and gas clouds, are no longer able to resist the pull of gravity.

2. What are the potential implications of a galaxy collapsing?

The potential implications of a galaxy collapsing can vary depending on the specific circumstances. However, some possible consequences could include the destruction of stars and planetary systems, the formation of a supermassive black hole, and the disruption of galactic structures and dynamics.

3. Are there any known instances of a galaxy collapsing?

While there are no confirmed instances of a galaxy collapsing in our observable universe, there are some ongoing observations of galaxies that appear to be in the early stages of collapse. However, it is important to note that the timescale for a galaxy collapse is incredibly long, and it is difficult to observe this process in real-time.

4. How does a galaxy collapsing impact life on Earth?

If a galaxy were to collapse near our own Milky Way, it could potentially have a significant impact on our solar system and planet. The changes in gravitational forces and the potential formation of a supermassive black hole could disrupt planetary orbits and cause catastrophic events on Earth.

5. Is there any research being conducted to better understand the implications of a galaxy collapsing?

Yes, there are ongoing studies and simulations being conducted by scientists to better understand the factors that contribute to a galaxy collapsing and the potential consequences. This research can help us gain a better understanding of the universe and potentially prepare for any future events that may occur.

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