Fancy Language: Recent Resurgence?

  • Lingusitics
  • Thread starter Smurf
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In summary, the conversation discusses the use of fancy and technical language in online discussions. Although these terms are commonly used in scientific and philosophical circles, some argue that they can hinder effective communication and exclude those who are not familiar with them. Others argue that this is a good opportunity to practice using these terms in a practical setting. An interesting anecdote about Winston Churchill's use of complex language is also mentioned.
  • #71
SOS2008 said:
:smile: When did you become so sensitive...or are you drunk again?

Personal attacks as usual
Science news on
  • #72
Pengwuino said:
Personal attacks as usual
Kinda like the remarks you've made to pattylou?
  • #73
SOS2008 said:
Kinda like the remarks you've made to pattylou?

exactly like the ones you make against all conservatives or anyone else who doesn't agree with you. I'm sorry, I have no respect for people who call our military a bunch of sold off children.
  • #74
I haven't seen those threads, and I'd like to - I am under the impression that SOS2008 generally provides well-referenced posts, and if she is throwing insults around I haven't seen it. Help me out? I haven't followed all the threads, and no doubt you are referring to some I haven't seen.

I'd also appreciate an apology for your recent comment that "I'm always drunk." As this is far from the truth, it seems like an easy thing for you to rectify by saying "Yeah, I was shooting my mouth off, sorry."

I'm happy to acknowledge that I do, perhaps every ~six months, drink a bit more than I should. But for you to say that I am "always" drunk is an exaggeration at best, and a personal attack at worst. Is this behavior, the image you'd like to promote of yourself?

Are you able to retract the statement?

Thanks, Pengwuino. I know you'll make a good choice. :smile:
  • #75
SOS2008 said:
:smile: When did you become so sensitive...or are you drunk again?

Yes, pattylou, SOS should appologize to me.
  • #76
I have every faith in her to make a good choice.

Just as I have every faith in *you* to make a good choice.

Can you point me to the threads where she insults people?

Can you acknowledge that you spoke unfairly when you claimed that I am always drunk?

Thanks in advance.
  • #77
Patty... i tried to make this obvious but I guess you didn't catch please point out where i said you were always drunk...
  • #78
SOS2008 said:
Actually, this is usually Bush-type spin in regard to our kindness (as with the Tsunami), but I am sincere.

SOS2008 said:
How much do we spend each day trying to democratize and nation-build in Iraq alone? We could generate so much more goodwill, but where will the resources come from when we are over extended in military conflict and increasingly in debt to other nations such as China?

Yah, you sure didn't mention anything about Iraq or Bush now did you. I guess Bush-type spin = reading comprehension.

Man, ideological brainwashing sure makes you crazy doesn't it SOS
  • #79
Pengwuino said:
Patty... i tried to make this obvious but I guess you didn't catch please point out where i said you were always drunk...
Nope, didn't catch on - sorry about that.

Look here, bottom of page one:
  • #80
Oh, you mean mid page #2. Well I guess the whole joking mood of the thread died out the second before i posted. I must appologize for thinking my joking around was welcome when other people are joking around.

Why didn't you get mad at russ?
  • #81
No, I meant the bottom of page one, where you say "Ugh, you're always drunk." To be exact, I meant post #15. (Maybe post #15 is on page two on your browser, otherwise I fail to see how you cannot identify the post in which I said I'm "always drunk.")

Your comment didn't sound like joking around to me. It appears *here* you are saying that it *was* just "a joke." In that case, I'd ask a favor, that we try not to make those kinds of jokes anymore.

FTR, I was perturbed by the other comments as well. But a puzzled face with a "It's only Wednesday" did not sound anywhere near as aggressive as your comment did.

Thank you for giving this matter your attention. I appreciate it.
  • #82
Pengwuino said:
I have no respect for people who call our military a bunch of sold off children.
I haven't posted in that thread at all. I don't appreciate false accusations.
Pengwuino said:
Yah, you sure didn't mention anything about Iraq or Bush now did you. I guess Bush-type spin = reading comprehension.
Man, ideological brainwashing sure makes you crazy doesn't it SOS
No Pengwuino. The response to the Tsunami was slow and when attention was finally given to the matter, many felt it was being used as another photo-op rather than sincerity from Bush. Ideological brainwashing makes you crazy you say? :rolleyes:

Reading increases comprehension, and even occasional fancy language. As for joking around, that is what GD is for, and why some threads of a less serious nature are moved there.

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