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I've decided to try my hand at creating youtube videos and I'd like to know what fellow PF members think. This is a community whose opinions I value.
The video can basically be divided into 6 slides (about 18 minutes long in total)
1) Definition of relative velocity (verbally)
2) Definition of relative velocity (graphically and mathematically)
3) - 4) A simple linear example to cultivate intuition/convince viewers of the validity of the formula
5) Back to the generalization from slide 2) with an explanation of when two objects are not traveling in a straight line (relative to some frame S)
6) Invariance of relative velocity between two objects is independent of frame of reference from which the velocities are given
I'd like feedback on
1) The accuracy of the physics in general and specifically slide 6, is what I'm saying right?
2) Quality and smoothness of animations; Rendering it in AVI via matlab produced good quality, however I feel like a lot of it was lost when converting it to H.264 mp4 via "Handbrake" in order to open it in Adobe Premiere. If this is a problem is there a nice work around?
3) Timing of animations with audio, is the pace reasonable?
4) Anything else you could think of that would make this video better
I'd welcome any criticisms (and compliments)/suggestions from PF members. I'd be very grateful to anyone who took the time to help me.