Feynman rules for this real scalar field in 2d

In summary, the conversation discusses the Feynman rules for calculating the scalar field in two dimensions, including the contribution of propagators and vertices. The rules can be adapted from a phi-4 theory to a phi-3 theory by adjusting the number of lines connected to each vertex and integrating over a fixed dimension of 2. The combinatorial factors associated with vertices can be simplified by including a factor of 1/4! in the interaction density of the Lagrangian.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Consider the following real scalar field in two dimensions:

[itex] S = \int d^2 x ( \frac{1}{2} \partial_\mu \phi \partial^\mu \phi - \frac{1}{2} m^2 \phi^2 - g \phi^3)[/itex]

What are the Feynman rules for calculating [itex] < \Omega | T(\phi_1 ... \phi_n ) | \Omega > [/itex]
2. Homework Equations

For a phi-4 theory in 4d:

Each propagator contributes a Feynman propagator [itex] D_F (x-y) [/itex]
Each vertex z (4 lines to a point) contributes [itex] \frac{-i g}{4!} \int d^4 z [/itex]
3. The Attempt at a Solution

I just wanted to check my understanding is okay. Adapting the rules for a phi-4 theory (this is phi-3 theory, yes?):

Each propagator contributes a Feynman propagator [itex] D_F (x-y) [/itex] (same as before)
Each vertex (now only 3 lines to a point because it is a phi-3 theory) contributes [itex] \frac{-i g}{3!} \int d^3 z [/itex] (because phi-3 not phi-4) or [itex] \frac{-i g}{2!} \int d^2 z [/itex] (because 2d not 4d)

In Fourier space, one would integrate over momentum as [itex] \int \frac{d^3 p}{(2 \pi)^3} [/itex]

Is this correct for adapting a phi-4 theory to phi-3?
Does going from 4d to 2d change anything here I'm missing?

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  • #2
Hi gu1t4r5,
You are correct that each propagator contributes a factor of ##D_F(x-y)##. The remaining rules and combinatorial factors can be derived most easily using the path integral formalism and Gaussian integrals. If you prefer to work directly with particle creation and annihilation operators, you can equivalently use Wick's theorem as presented on page 89 of Peskin and Schroeder, or in the middle of page 261 in Weinberg vol. 1. As for the integrals over vertices, recall that all spatial data comes from the Lagrangian density; if you expand the interaction part of the Lagrangian density, you find that each vertex is an integral over a fixed dimension (2). The combinatorial factors associated with vertices depend on how you define your diagrams. Conventionally, a diagram is a sum of all terms in the perturbative expansion that have the same form when viewed as a product of (infinite dimensional) tensors or equivalently, terms whose graphs are essentially the same. You may want to check the factors multiplying the vertex integrals with how the coupling constant appears in the Lagrangian. For instance, it is conventional in ##\phi^4## theory for the interaction density to be proportional to ##\frac{g}{4!}\phi^4##, because the factor of ##1/4!## cancels some combinatorial factors (namely, factors of 4! [typically] for each vertex) that you get when you crank out the tedious algebra of perturbation theory directly. You either include the ##1/4!## factor in your Feynman rules and do combinatorics later, or you anticipate cancelling the ##1/4!## and instead figure out what the so-called `symmetry factor' for each diagram is. Hope this helps!

Related to Feynman rules for this real scalar field in 2d

1. What are Feynman rules for a real scalar field in 2d?

The Feynman rules for a real scalar field in 2d are a set of mathematical rules used in quantum field theory to calculate the probability amplitudes for particles interacting through the exchange of scalar fields in a two-dimensional space. These rules involve assigning a mathematical value to each possible interaction between particles, and then using these values to calculate the overall probability of a specific outcome.

2. How are Feynman rules derived for a real scalar field in 2d?

Feynman rules for a real scalar field in 2d are derived from the Feynman diagrams, which are graphical representations of the mathematical calculations involved in quantum field theory. These diagrams depict the interactions between particles as lines and vertices, and the Feynman rules assign mathematical values to each line and vertex based on the type of interaction taking place.

3. What is the purpose of using Feynman rules for a real scalar field in 2d?

The purpose of using Feynman rules for a real scalar field in 2d is to simplify and streamline the calculations involved in quantum field theory. These rules provide a systematic and efficient way of calculating the probabilities of particle interactions, allowing scientists to make accurate predictions about the behavior of particles in a two-dimensional space.

4. How do Feynman rules for a real scalar field in 2d differ from those in higher dimensions?

The main difference between Feynman rules for a real scalar field in 2d and those in higher dimensions is the number of dimensions involved. In two dimensions, there are only two directions in which particles can interact, while in higher dimensions there are more directions and therefore more possible interactions to consider. This leads to a more complex set of Feynman rules and calculations in higher dimensions.

5. Are Feynman rules for a real scalar field in 2d applicable to all particles?

No, Feynman rules for a real scalar field in 2d are specifically designed for particles that interact through scalar fields in a two-dimensional space. Other types of particles, such as fermions, have their own set of Feynman rules that are tailored to their specific interactions and dimensions. However, the general principles and techniques used in Feynman rules can be applied to a wide range of particles and interactions in quantum field theory.

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