Find the sum of the real roots

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    Roots Sum
In summary, finding the sum of the real roots means calculating the combined value of all the real solutions to a given polynomial equation. This can be done using Vieta's formulas, which becomes more complex for higher degree equations. Knowing the sum of the real roots is important as it provides valuable information about the equation's behavior and characteristics, such as graphing, determining maximum and minimum values, and the number of real solutions. If a polynomial equation has no real roots, the sum of the real roots will be equal to 0, indicating only imaginary or complex solutions. The sum of the real roots can also be negative, but it may not have any physical significance.
  • #1
Gold Member
POTW Director
Find the sum of the real roots for $2x^8-9x^7+20x^6-33x^5+46x^4-66x^3+80x^2-72x+32=0$.
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  • #2

It is easy to see that $1,2,1+i,1-i$ are roots of the polynomial.

The quotient of this polynomial over the corresponding factors is $p(x)=2x^4+x^3+5x^2+2x+8$.

It is clear that $p(x)>0, \ \forall x\geq 0$.

If $x\in [-1,0)$ then $|x^3+2x|<8$ so $p(x)>0$.

If $x<-1$ then $2x^4>|x^3|$ and $5x^2>|2x|$ so $p(x)>0$.

Hence the sum is 3.
  • #3
Good solution by Fallen angel

here is mine

we have
= $2(x^8+ 16) -9(x^7+8x) +20(x^6+ 4x^2) -33(x^5+2x^3) + 46x^4=0$
or deviding by $x^4$ as x = 0 is not a solution we get
$2(x^4 + (\dfrac{2}{x})^4)-9(x^3 + (\dfrac{2}{x})^3)+20((x^2 + (\dfrac{2}{x})^2)-33(x (+\dfrac{2}{x}))+46 = 0$

now if we get $x+\dfrac{2}{x}=t$
we get
$x^4+(\dfrac{2}{x})^4=t^4-8t + 8$

so given relation reduces to

$2(t^2-8t^2 +8) -9(t^3-6t) +20(t^2-4) - 33t + 46= 0$
or $2t^4-9t^3+4t^2+21t-18=0$
now we see that t = 1 and t = 3 are solutions and hence we get

= $2t^3(t-1) - 7t^2(t-1) -3t(t-1) + 18(t-1)=0$
or$(t-1)(2t^3-7t^2-3t+18) = 0$

gives a solution t = 1


$2t^3-7t^2- 3t + 18 = 0$ as 3 is a root we get
$2t^2(t-3) - t(t-3) - 6(t-3) = 0$
or $(t-3)(2t^2 - t^2-3) = 0$
so t = 3
or $2t^2 - t - 3 = 0 $
or $(2t-3)(t+1) = 0$
so t = 1 or 3 or - 1 or $-\dfrac{3}{2}$
now $t = x+ \dfrac{2}{x}$ and if x is positive then by AM GM inequality lowest value = $2\sqrt{2}$

or only possible value from above is
t = 3 (as t cannot be between -$2\sqrt{2}$ and $2\sqrt{2}$)
t = 3 gives x = 1 or 2 and so sum of real roots = 3
  • #4
Thanks to both for participating and thanks too for posting the great solution to this challenge!:cool:
  • #5

I would first like to clarify that the given equation is a polynomial with degree 8, and therefore may have up to 8 real roots. I will also assume that the coefficients are real numbers.

To find the sum of the real roots, we can use the fundamental theorem of algebra, which states that the number of complex roots of a polynomial is equal to its degree. Since the degree of the given polynomial is 8, we can conclude that it has 8 complex roots.

However, we are only interested in the sum of the real roots. In order to find this, we can use the fact that complex roots occur in conjugate pairs. This means that if a+bi is a complex root, then so is a-bi. Therefore, the sum of these two complex roots is 2a, which is a real number.

Applying this concept to all 8 complex roots, we can pair them up and find the sum of each pair. This will result in 4 real numbers, which we can then add together to find the total sum of the real roots.

In summary, the sum of the real roots for the given polynomial is equal to the sum of 4 real numbers, which can be found by pairing up the complex roots and adding them together.

FAQ: Find the sum of the real roots

1. What does it mean to find the sum of the real roots?

Finding the sum of the real roots means finding the combined value of all the real solutions to a given polynomial equation. In other words, it is the sum of all the x-values that make the equation true.

2. How is the sum of the real roots calculated?

The sum of the real roots can be calculated using the Vieta's formulas. For a quadratic equation, the sum of the real roots is equal to the negative coefficient of the linear term divided by the leading coefficient. For higher degree polynomial equations, the formula becomes more complex.

3. Why is it important to find the sum of the real roots?

Knowing the sum of the real roots can provide valuable information about the behavior and characteristics of a polynomial equation. It can help in graphing the equation, finding the maximum and minimum values, and determining the number of real solutions.

4. What if my polynomial equation has no real roots?

If a polynomial equation has no real roots, the sum of the real roots will be equal to 0. This means that the equation has only imaginary or complex solutions. In this case, the sum of the real roots does not provide much information about the equation.

5. Can the sum of the real roots be negative?

Yes, the sum of the real roots can be negative. This can happen when the polynomial equation has an odd number of negative coefficients. However, it is important to note that the sum of the real roots is only a mathematical concept and it may not have any physical significance.

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