Finding a Good RPG/Adventure Game

  • Thread starter Hurkyl
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In summary, I'm looking for a good role playing game, preferably for PS/PS2 or Gamecube, but I'm not entirely adverse to getting a gameboy. I'm open to trying any of the recommendations provided.
  • #1
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No, I'm not looking for a rocket propelled grenade. (yet) I'm looking for a good role playing game, preferably for PS/PS2 or Gamecube, but I'm not entirely adverse to getting a gameboy.

I'm looking for something with a good story, and challenging combat.

I've already played the Final Fantasy games (except for Crystal Chronicles, which I hear is pretty bad), and I have Tales of Symphonia, which I've really enjoyed... I don't really know what else is out there that's good.

If it helps, some of my absolute favorites were, in no particular order FF4 & 6 (though the combat in 6 was on the easy side), Dragon Warrior 4, Lufia, Lunar 1 and 2, and Tales of Symphonia.

Final Fantasy X-2 is an example of what I don't want. The characters weren't very lovable (but that may be because of how drastically they changed Yuna's character), and most fights were very easy, despite the fact I generally tried to avoid levelling up.

A good adventure game wouldn't be bad either, if anyone can suggest one. Zelda 3, I think, is one of the best video games of all time. I'd enjoy something well-done that's along those lines too.
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  • #2
How about Grand Theft Auto - San Andreas.

Then you can have the rocket-propelled grenades too! :smile:
  • #3
I recommend Suikoden (I,II are for PS, III, IV for PS2).
The storyline, characters and music are all excellent. It's so real in a way. I actually found myself really moved by Suikoden II (partially thanks to the beautiful music).
Number III is less good in my opinion (different composer. Waay worse) and the Suikoden battles aren't that challenging, so maybe it's not what you're looking for, but overall the games are simply marvellous. If you want a game with a high quality... (how would I translate this?)... compassion/sympathy-level (living and feeling the story along with the characters), then Suikoden is the game for you.
  • #4
try baldurs gate 1 +2 and everquest 1 + 2. they all run on the same engine and its a hack n slash type rpg. its really fun you should try it out
  • #5
I've already done the Everquest thing. I really enjoyed it, and many of the people I met, but I don't really have a desire to get back into the MMORPG thing.

I have Baldur's gate 1 (and its expansion -- they came together), but I feel the gameplay is fairly awkward. Also, it suffers from what I call "instant death syndrome": there are situations that will almost certainly cause a game over unless you know exactly what's coming. (And knowing isn't necessarily enough!) The first real assassin springs to mind, and there's one NPC that is an instant game over if you make the "horrendous" mistake of speaking to it with your main character.

But I guess I could get over those problems, since it seems to be an early game thing. It just seemed slow and awkward, but it is one of those games I intend to give another try.
  • #6
My opinions are outdated, as I haven't sat down and played an RPG in years. That said, I was a big Final Fantasy fan back in my day, so perhaps you would enjoy some other ones I played and enjoyed (mostly during the intervals between FF games :-p).

Although I only played the first installment of the series, I agree with Galileo-- Suikoden was one of my favorites, and I imagine the rest of the series is good as well. Highly recommended.

Another one of my favorites was an RPG called Persona (also for the PS). The battle mechanics were strange and somewhat innovative (for the time, at least) and a bit clunky, but definitely challenging (especially at the end-- beating the final stage/final boss was such an ordeal that I only managed to do it once). What I really loved about this game was its strange, dark, and eerie feel. There were several Persona sequels released on the PS, as well a related spin-off series, Shin Megami Tensei; I never played any of those, but they might be worth looking into as well.

Wild Arms (PS) was another good one for a very fun, traditional RPG feel. There was also a sequel to this one that I never played which might be worth looking into.

I've never played these ones either, but given that you seem to be a fan of Square's games, Chrono Cross (sequel to Chrono Trigger), the Front Mission series, and Xenogears / Xenosaga might also be of interest.

As for adventure games... definitely look into the Metal Gear Solid series if you haven't already.
  • #7
Chrono Trigger was very slow moving. Sure, it was due to the interface (and that might have even been a problem with the PS1 port), but it was still a problem. I enjoyed the game, and would have loved to play it a few times to see the different storylines, but I felt like I couldn't put up with the interface again.

Chrono Cross, on the other hand... :frown: I can put up with a lot of drudgery if a game is interesting, or to give it a chance in the beginning, but it never managed to pique my interest. I've read that it has the problem that it doesn't really develop any of the characters, so I haven't been inspired to give it a second chance.

Someone at EB suggested Suikoden as well, I'll have to look into that. Are they a sort of thing that I'd enjoy more if I played them in order? (As opposed to, say, the Final Fantasy series where, except for FF9, don't really have many references to the previous stories)

That person suggested Xenosaga too. That's a sequal to Xenogears then?
  • #8
I loved Chrono Trigger! I played the SNES version and don't recall any problems with pacing. Speaking of slow moving RPGs though, I have to correct one minor thing in my last post. I actually did get Xenogears, and tried getting into it, but the game went veeeeeeery slooooooow. I don't think I got farther than about 5 hours even before I just kind of lost interest and stopped. I can't say if Xenosaga (yep, the sequel) is any better.

I could be wrong, but I think you can use saves from old Suikoden games for newer ones. For example, in the original Suikoden you can recruit something like 100+ characters, and I believe you have the option of porting over those players and their stats into Suikoden II right from the start, assuming you have the relevant save file on your memory card. Galileo probably could answer that better than I, though.
  • #9
Ack, 100+ characters? :frown: I suppose only a few get any character development, though. Even when I only have 8-10 characters, I get attached to just a handful and tend to use them exclusively. (The level of attachment is probably directly proportional to the amount of character development! :biggrin:)
  • #10
Yeah, don't worry though. Plot and character development were always big factors for me as well (FF6 easily my favorite in this regard!), and I wound up enjoying Suikoden thoroughly. My recollection's hazy, but yeah, I believe there's a small core of characters who are developed through the course of the story. And all the extra characters are a big part of what makes the game what it is, which is lots of fun! I don't recall it being on the level of a Final Fantasy game, but I do recall that it was well done and a fun play.
  • #11
My favorite RPG is definitely Xenogears. Great story, and a great battle system! Actually 2 battle systems, one for regular fighting, and one for the mechas.
  • #12
You can get 108 'main characters' in Suikoden, but they're not all playable (but they are all important). Also, the level advancement system is arranged so that characters that are 'behind' in levels can catch up very quickly, but levelling up beyond the 'intended level' is very difficult.

You can use the save data from Suikoden I (must be at the last save point) and load it when you play a new game in Suikoden II. Also, you can use the data from II for III.
(Suikoden III didn't get released in Europe, but I got an import version. My I and II data were PAL and it wasn't compatible with the NTSC version of III, aaargh)

Anyway, I think you will enjoy II the most and you can play it independently. There are quite a few characters from part I making a reappearance, but for the plot and gameplay it's really not necessary to have played part I.

I've played Xenosaga, but didn't think it wasn't worth my time afterwards. If you enjoy an incomprehensibly complex and vague storyline you might want try it though...
  • #13
What's Zelda 3? You're talking about Wind Waker? There's a new one coming out for the Game Cube sometime later this year or maybe early next year. The screenshots look great.

I don't really have time to play video games these days, unfortunately, but I did play the Golden Sun RPG's for the GBA. Those were pretty fun.

Anyone else remember the good old days of Bard's Tale and Ultima?
  • #14
"Legend of Legaia": which is kind of like "Wild Arms" and "Wild Arms 2", but I enjoyed Legend a lot more... interesting characters... nifty battle system.

"Grandia": really neat story.
  • #15
The Legend of Zelda 3: a Link to the Past. The Zelda for the Super Nintendo.

Well, I went to the nearby EB, they had Wild Arms, but not Xenogears or Suikoden I. They barely have a SNES collection, I was hoping to pick up a Lufia. (I never owned it, a friend did, but I would really like to have it! And have a chance to try the sequel)
  • #16
Have you played Zelda: Ocarina of Time for the N64? That is just a fantastic game. Definitely recommended. Actually, when I bought Wind Waker a couple of years back, it came with an Ocarina of Time ported to the Game Cube, so there's probably used copies of this floating around.

I'd look into Wind Waker for the Game Cube as well. I've been playing it a bit (maybe 3/4 of the way through), but it's just not as good as Ocarina, though the gameplay is very similar.
  • #17
Many people find that Wind Waker isn't enough of a challenge, it's not particularly hard to complete, just takes time.
  • #18
My main problem with it is that it just feels tedious, especially sailing around. It also doesn't have that overall epic sense of beauty and magic that the Ocarina of Time did.
  • #20
juvenal said:
Anyone else remember the good old days of Bard's Tale and Ultima?
What about table top games! So few people play them anymore.
  • #21
For the computer, I really was impressed with Morrowind. The storyline sort of reminded me of Dune but the gameplay was impressive. It played like a MMORPG, but the entire thing was completely offline. The setting is immersive and takes place over a roughly 10 mile diameter island, and the graphics are great considering that it is aging compared to modern games.
  • #22
I like the exotic cabana boy and oh you mean that kind of role-playing game. Nevermind. o:)
  • #23
I found "Avalon" on ZX Spectrum to be great.
I'm a fossile..
  • #24
TheStatutoryApe said:
What about table top games! So few people play them anymore.
I remember RuneQuest with love.
I'm a dinosaur..
  • #25
I used to be an avid RPGer when I was younger. AD&D, RuneQuest, Warhammer etc.

I started of with a Gamecube but got really annoyed at the lack of titles that came out for it so I switched to an Xbox. I'm currently playing through Morrowwing GOTY edition and it's the clostest game I've played so far that captures the tableboard game feeling.
  • #26
I could only tell you about computer games. Motai mentioned Morrowind, that is a good one. If you want an online role playing game, try out City of Heros. You do have to pay for playing online every month though (that said, there are some hacked servers you could try to find out about). There is a 14 free day trial being offered at the time, however.

And no one has mentioned Breath of Fire, yet? That was my favorite game, I did everything in that series.
  • #27
Hurkyl said:
The Legend of Zelda 3: a Link to the Past. The Zelda for the Super Nintendo.

That game rocked. My brother and I beat it once without dying over a three day period where we took shifts playing and sleeping. Good times.

I personally didn't like Morrowind. I couldn't get into it... The way they implemented conversations just bugged me. If I'm going to talk to the guy whose children are missing, I _really_ don't care about what it's like being a farmer, what his maternal grandmother did for a living, or whether he thinks you should pop blisters or leave them be. I certainly don't want to ask him about each of those things _just_ to make sure I didn't miss a quest.
  • #28
Chrono Cross for the PS1 is really beautiful and touching. Also check out Parasite Eve. It has a very imaginative storyline, and gameplay is good also; a little sad and melancholy as well.
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  • #29
I wanted to play the game I have now awhile before I recommended it, plus I wasn't sure if war scenerios qualified as "adventure" to you. But after someone recommended Metal Gear . . .

I am really enjoying Mercenaries for the PS2. It's all outdoors so far, you have options for what missions you accept, the graphics are excellent, the game play is right on, the weapons are great, and there is lots of strategy involved. I like it too that, as a mercenary, you get paid for success, and then you can upgrade equipment or buy supplies. It is a game that takes quite awhile to complete too, so you get your money's worth.
  • #30
My older plays World of Warcraft.
  • #31
Any Zelda game that you haven't already played, they are all amazing.
  • #32
I actually tried the new Bard's Tale by inXile recently, it's a bit slow, but it's got a great atmosphere and is completely hysterical.
  • #33
I'm not much of a gamer, but I really enjoyed playing Grand Theft Auto - Vice City and one of the Max Payne games (bullet time rocks).

brewnog said:
How about Grand Theft Auto - San Andreas.

Then you can have the rocket-propelled grenades too! :smile:

:smile: :smile: :smile:
  • #34
Tom Mattson said:
I'm not much of a gamer, but I really enjoyed playing Grand Theft Auto - Vice City and one of the Max Payne games (bullet time rocks).

Tom, if you enjoyed those games (which I played myself) then you should definitely try Mercenaries. It incorporates GTA's free roaming choices with the action of a shooter like Max Payne. But the graphics are better, and there's a lot more strategy involved.
  • #35
Oooh, I got to play World of Warcraft last night! I want it! I made my first kill, but it was a harmless chicken. I didn't know it was a harmless chicken. :frown:

I looked really great dancing. :blushing:

This is really different from some of the other games I've seen.

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