Finding current in a dual battery, triple resistor circuit.

In summary, the homework statement is trying to find the current in each branch of a circuit with two batteries if:1. The voltage in each branch is 1 volt2. The current in each branch is 1 ampere3. The "common" reference point is where the ground symbol is
  • #1

Homework Statement

Find the current in each branch of the circuit shown in the diagram (attached) if:
V1 = 1V
V2 = 4V
R1 = 1[tex]\Omega[/tex]
R2 = 2[tex]\Omega[/tex]
R3 = 1[tex]\Omega[/tex]

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

Okay, so I know that the voltage will be even across the parallel resistors and that the current can easily be worked from there. But I've never come across a circuit with 2 batteries in such awkward positions before. It just has me confounded...
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  • #2
Welcome to Physics Forums.

Could you attach the circuit diagram? To attach a diagram:

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  • #3
Sorry, I did do this before thinking I had attached it, but I must have done something wrong.
Here it is.


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  • #4
This problem can be solved using Kirchhoff's voltage and current laws, so try that. (It can't be solved by finding parallel and/or series resistors, since none of them are in parallel or series.)
  • #5
Is this right? It seemed very simple to work out (although it is the first question on this worksheet).
I have a feeling I'm supposed to treat that central resistor as in parallel with both the right resistor and then the left resistor seperately.


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  • #6
You don't need quite so many currents:smile:; the current through components in series is the same for each component. So you really just need one current for each branch.

If you identify the three currents as in the attached diagram, label the voltage at the top node Va, and take the "common" reference point to be where the ground symbol is, then you should be able to write one voltage sum equation for each branch and one current sum for the node "a".

The current sum is I1 + I2 + I3 = 0.

The voltage sum for the first branch is: I1*R1 + V1 = Va

Can you write the other two equations?


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  • #7
I3*R3 + V2 = Va
I2*R2 + V1 + V2 = Va

If that's correct, I assume I use simultaneous equations from here?
  • #8
Your first equation is fine. I don't understand how you formed the second.

There are three branches that extend from the node labeled with Va down to the common node at the bottom. Your first equation embodies the situation for the rightmost branch. You need to write two more such equations, one each for the other two branches, then solve the three simultaneous equations for I1, I2, and I3.

FAQ: Finding current in a dual battery, triple resistor circuit.

1. How do I calculate the total current in a dual battery, triple resistor circuit?

The total current in a circuit can be calculated using Ohm's Law, which states that current (I) is equal to voltage (V) divided by resistance (R). In a dual battery, triple resistor circuit, the total current is equal to the sum of the currents from each individual battery.

2. Can I use Kirchhoff's Laws to find the current in this type of circuit?

Yes, Kirchhoff's Laws can be used to find the current in a dual battery, triple resistor circuit. Kirchhoff's Current Law (KCL) states that the sum of all currents entering and exiting a node in a circuit must equal zero. This can be applied to each node in the circuit to determine the current flowing through each branch.

3. How do the resistors affect the current in this type of circuit?

The resistors in a circuit act as barriers to the flow of current. In a dual battery, triple resistor circuit, the total current is divided between the resistors based on their individual resistance values. The greater the resistance, the less current will flow through that particular resistor.

4. Is there a specific order in which the batteries and resistors should be connected in this circuit?

In a series circuit, like a dual battery, triple resistor circuit, the order in which the components are connected does not matter. However, in a parallel circuit, the order of the components can affect the total current in the circuit.

5. How can I measure the current in a dual battery, triple resistor circuit?

The current in a circuit can be measured using an ammeter, which is a device specifically designed for measuring electric current. The ammeter should be placed in series with the circuit, so that the current passes through it and can be accurately measured.
