Finding current through resistor (Kirchhoff's Laws)

In summary, the circuit shown in the diagram can be solved by using the loop and junction rules. The equivalent resistance for the circuit can be found by combining the resistances in series and parallel. The voltage drop across parallel branches is the same. By using this information, the current through R4 can be calculated to be approximately 2.27 A.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Consider the circuit shown in the diagram below, for R1 = 5 Ω, R2 = 8 Ω, R3 = 8 Ω, R4 = 8 Ω, and V0 = 8.0 V. Calculate the current through R4.


Homework Equations

Loop rule: The sum of all potential changes around a closed loop is zero

Junction rule: The currents entering and leaving a junction are equal

V = IR

The Attempt at a Solution

I guess I'm kind of lost with where to begin. The examples in class were a little more simplified but I'll say what my thought process is to solving it.

First I found the equivalent resistance through the whole circuit

1/R4 + 1/R3 = 1/Req34
1/8 + 1/8 = 1/Req34

Req34 = 4 Ω

Then that resistance + R2 = the equivalent resistance on the far left loop

4 + 8 = 12 Ω

Once more, to find the equivalent resistance between that and R1, I went

1/12 + 1/R1 = 1/Req

Req for the circuit = 3.53 Ω

Then to find the current through R4, I've been using V = IR where V = 8.0 V and Req = 3.53

I = 2.27 A

This is incorrect, I'm just not quite sure how else to approach this problem. Am I on the right track?

Physics news on
  • #2
Yes, you are definitely on the right track. Right now, it looks like you have calculated the circuit current (current through the battery). If this was a series circuit, then everything would also have the same current, but because there are some parallel components, you must calculate how much current goes through each "fork" (use junction rule).

Remember that the lower the resistance, the more current that's going to go through that wire when it splits, so you will have to calculate the Req of each wire coming from each fork. (You are doing very well, so I think this is enough guidance for now. If you are still stumped, let us know ^_^)
  • #3
Potential difference across R4 is not 8.0 V. Voltage of the battery divides itself between Req34 and R2. Think how will 8.0V divide itself.

[Hint: Take the potential difference as V1 and V 2 for potential difference across Req34 and R2 respectively. After that find out the ratio [itex]\frac{V1 }{V2 }[/itex] , using the relation V=IR]
  • #4
Hollumber said:
Yes, you are definitely on the right track. Right now, it looks like you have calculated the circuit current (current through the battery). If this was a series circuit, then everything would also have the same current, but because there are some parallel components, you must calculate how much current goes through each "fork" (use junction rule).

Remember that the lower the resistance, the more current that's going to go through that wire when it splits, so you will have to calculate the Req of each wire coming from each fork. (You are doing very well, so I think this is enough guidance for now. If you are still stumped, let us know ^_^)

Okay, so I have the total circuit current and all of the individual resistances and the battery's voltage. I'm a little confused on where to go from here to be honest!
  • #5
BMcC said:
Okay, so I have the total circuit current and all of the individual resistances and the battery's voltage. I'm a little confused on where to go from here to be honest!

I'd say that since R4 is pretty much the last resistor you get to, you might as well take it leg by leg. For example, have you noticed that R1 branch is parallel to the whole equivalent R234 branch? What do you know about the voltage across parallel branches?

After that, it's just Junction Rule to find out how much current remains after the R1 branch, and you're on your way.
  • #6
It looks like you have two branches of wire that share the same two nodes. This means they must be equipotential, right?

On the second branch, notice again that your third and fourth resistor share nodes, so these are also equipotential.

Perhaps if you could find the voltage drop over R2, and subtract that from the total voltage drop over that length of wire, you could find the drop over your two parallel resistors, R3 and R4
  • #7
Using a coloured pen, trace the complete circuit taken by the battery current passing through R4.

FAQ: Finding current through resistor (Kirchhoff's Laws)

1. How do Kirchhoff's Laws help in finding the current through a resistor?

Kirchhoff's Laws, specifically the Kirchhoff's Current Law (KCL) and Kirchhoff's Voltage Law (KVL), provide a systematic approach to analyzing complex electrical circuits. KCL states that the total current entering a junction must equal the total current leaving the junction, while KVL states that the sum of voltage drops around a closed loop must equal the sum of voltage rises. These laws help in finding the current through a resistor by allowing us to set up and solve equations based on the circuit's components and their relationships.

2. What is the difference between series and parallel circuits when using Kirchhoff's Laws?

In a series circuit, all components are connected in a single loop, and the same current flows through each component. KVL can be applied to find the voltage drop across each component. In a parallel circuit, components are connected in branches, and the total current entering the junction is divided among the branches. KCL can be applied to find the current through each branch, and KVL can be used to find the voltage drop across each branch.

3. Is it possible to use Kirchhoff's Laws to find the current through a resistor in a complex circuit?

Yes, Kirchhoff's Laws can be used to find the current through a resistor in a complex circuit. By breaking down the circuit into smaller parts and applying KCL and KVL to each part, the current through any particular resistor can be determined. This method is useful for analyzing circuits with multiple loops and branches, as well as circuits with both series and parallel components.

4. What assumptions are made when using Kirchhoff's Laws to find the current through a resistor?

The main assumption made when using Kirchhoff's Laws is that the circuit is in a steady state, meaning that the current and voltage do not change over time. Additionally, the laws assume that there are no significant magnetic effects and that the components in the circuit are ideal, meaning they have no internal resistance. In practical circuits, these assumptions may not hold true, and adjustments may need to be made to the analysis.

5. Can Kirchhoff's Laws be applied to circuits with alternating current (AC) instead of direct current (DC)?

Yes, Kirchhoff's Laws can be applied to circuits with AC. However, since AC circuits involve time-varying currents and voltages, the analysis becomes more complex. In AC circuits, the values of current and voltage are represented as phasors, which take into account the magnitude and phase of the alternating quantities. KCL and KVL can still be applied to these phasors, but the equations used will be different from those used in DC circuits.
