Finding Solace in Favourite Quotes: Escaping Despair with Words of Wisdom

  • Thread starter quddusaliquddus
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In summary, the conversation was about sharing favorite quotes. Some of the mentioned quotes were from famous people like Maynard James Keenan, Robin Williams, Friedrich Nietzsche, and Lao Tzu. Other quotes were from movies like The Godfather and The Fugitive. Some were humorous, some were thought-provoking, and some were just silly. The conversation also touched on the topic of mistakes and the English language. Overall, the conversation was a mix of humor and insightful thoughts.
  • #1,051
baywax said:
"Imagination is more important than knowledge."

One of the most abused quotes.
Physics news on
  • #1,052
i brought it, i sat it on the table and opened it *itch
  • #1,053
Borek said:
One of the most abused quotes.
Perhaps so, but I assume Einstein meant that a lack of knowledge could be repaired more easily than a lack of imagination.
  • #1,054
Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.”

Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life's coming attractions.

The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination.
- all Einstein

When I saw Steven Chu, at Stanford, not long after he won his Nobel prize, his lecture focused almost entirely on the importance of imagination.

Perhaps my favorite Einstein quote, this is what I use as the header for the rules in S&D

The most beautiful experience we can have is the mysterious. It is the fundamental emotion that stands at the cradle of true art and true science. Whoever does not know it and can no longer wonder, no longer marvel, is as good as dead, and his eyes are dimmed.
  • #1,055
"When I die, I want to go peacefully like my Grandfather did, in his sleep -- not screaming, like the passengers in his car."

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  • #1,056
Borek said:
One of the most abused quotes.

I didn't touch the thing man.
  • #1,057
╔(σ_σ)╝ said:
"When I die, I want to go peacefully like my Grandfather did, in his sleep -- not screaming, like the passengers in his car."

  • #1,058
"The problem with Internet quotations is that many are not genuine."
—Abraham Lincoln
  • #1,059
  • #1,060
when we prove an alternate universe we'll say "physics in our boring universe" and "PHYSICS IN THE DISCOVERED UNIVERSE!"
One does not fear for the future when studying it, one fears that the past is wrong, and possibly improvable.
Weather it were aliens or not, the tec is still tec.
If you get called a genius and you feel feral, life is like a box of chocolates.
Quantum mechanics are as simple as a little kid telling everyone not to go in the sand box that nothing happens in and another kid asks "why can't we go in it?"
if you ever learn how to create your own paradoxes around other people, don't mess with science experiments unless you know how to explain it, (or you're just cruel.)
the darkest dark is no more different than the brightest bright, except one thing, they're on the other side of the same coin.
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  • #1,061
if and does Santa Claus exist(ed), he had an F-load of e115.
  • #1,062
The wind, the trees, and the Earth do nothing, yet their is nothing they cannot do
  • #1,063
MoonlitFractl said:
if and does Santa Claus exist(ed), he had an F-load of e115.


On the 4th page of Google results, I still haven't found a reference to e115 that makes any sense here.

Closest I've found is Estrogen Receptor alpha antibody...
  • #1,064
DaveC426913 said:

On the 4th page of Google results, I still haven't found a reference to e115 that makes any sense here.

Closest I've found is Estrogen Receptor alpha antibody...

Obviously you need a refresher course in Crackpottery. Element 115 is the alleged secret element that powers the "captured alien spacecraft s" - see nutjob Bob Lazar.

MoonlitFractl, in case you didn't know, Lazar has been completely debunked.
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  • #1,065
Ah, I went to the site once and "dreamed up a scenario" where allegedly he would use e115 and go from chimney to chimney almost as if he warped from time and you were seeing a paper fold than unfold across a sky. And you could only say that it happened in about 10 seconds but it would be way more than 10 seconds that passed if you saw it. (a notably trippy experience even when dreaming about it.)
  • #1,066
orginally posted by armolinasf
The wind, the trees, and the Earth do nothing, yet their is nothing they cannot do.

:biggrin: This statement f-ing rokx.

All we need is to do is to create a way to put wind, trees, and Earth in simple enough physics formula and people will be able to relate that, to the crazy world of physics and their behaviors to be identical and than it would be easy to just walk outside than to proclaim a theory then work on a proof to asertain it, than what provable physics knows will hyper accurate merely by having a conversation.
An alternate universe is like a shirt, you have to want to go into it.
Communism why it collapsed can be related to Classical physics really well. But, if quantum physics can be utilized on a massive scale, what would keep the world from becoming a grand battle of ALL political ideologies? (really, think about it, economics would initially collapse, simply "I can now have my bread in any place, any time, from any source, and I can feel contusly good about it") Where in any case the world as we knew it would be like a lot of kids trying to paint a picture, the more space we "existed on" no matter what the ideology, what ever space you could defend as your own, you'd be able to enjoy the QP on your own area. And Or, would humanity result into a few Fascist nations? (and or possibly "could we live as one" (John Lennon)with the QP. at hand.) It's a theory, I know, but it seems to just ride the window to thought and might give inspiration to other events in practical understandings of QP.
  • #1,067
Hillary Clinton spoke at the memorial service for Richard Holbrooke, today. With humor and profound respect, she described Holbrooke as one of the most stubborn people she has ever known. She reflected on Holbrooke's comment regarding Winson Churchill's famous words, "Never, never, never give up!".

Churchill, said Holbrooke, was half-hearted.

Another striking comment from Clinton: How many people can say, "I stopped a war"? Richard Holbrooke could.

Clinton and Holbrooke spent a great deal of time on airplanes together. After boarding for a long flight, Holbrooke would go into the bathroom and change from his formal suit, to a "bright yellow sleeping suit" [whatever that means!], which he would wear while addressing the members of the press onboard.
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  • #1,068
...this week, we saw a white, Catholic, Republican federal judge murdered on his way to greet a Democratic woman, member of Congress, who was his friend and was Jewish. Her life was saved initially by a 20-year-old Mexican-American college student ...and eventually by a Korean-American combat surgeon.

...And then it was all eulogized and explained by our African-American president. And, in a tragic event, that's a remarkable statement about the country...
- Allen Ginsberg [via Mark Shields]
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  • #1,069
My wallpaper and I are fighting a duel to the death. One or the other of us has to go.
--- [Oscar] Wilde said this in the Left Bank hotel in Paris where he died on November 30, 1900
  • #1,070
Janitor said:
"What this country needs is a good ten-cent cigar."
- Heinrich Himmler

Firstly, In 1917 U.S. Vice President Thomas R. Marshall famously said, "What this country needs is a good five-cent cigar."

Also I am confused at to why you replaced a US vice president with of the leaders of the Nazi party.
  • #1,071
Life is a ***** and then you die, wheres the justice?
  • #1,072
Here is a poem I like


Life it tough
It takes a lot of your time,
all your weekends
and what do you get at the end of it?
Death, a great reward.
I think that the life cycle is all backwards.
You should die first, get it out of the way.
Then you live twenty years in an old-age home.
You are kicked out when you're too young.
You get a gold watch, you go to work.
You work for forty years until you're
young enough for retirement.
You go to college,
you party until you are ready for high school.
You become a little kid, you play,
you have no responsibilities,
you become and little boy or girl,
you go back into the womb,
you spend your last nine months floating around.
And you finish off as a gleam in someone's eye.
  • #1,073
I don't think it's a gleam as someone's eye that you're finishing off as.
  • #1,074
Greg Bernhardt, if you meditate, meditate on it. Reallllllly... it's a real eye opener, a friend once told me a theory like that, of course it's only a theory, but being som1 who lives amongst paradoxes constantly,
the fact you bring that up, shines in a lot of directions I've learned and thought about, so if you do meditate, it seems to hold relative value..
  • #1,075
Originally posted by Ivan Seeking

Re: Favourite Quotes
My wallpaper and I are fighting a duel to the death. One or the other of us has to go. (Oscar Wilde )

Really, really, I don't know why, but it makes me smile in a sickly happy way.
I was watching Fantastic Mr. fox this weekend, and for some reason this reminds me of when QM gets used to it's first level, as in, to be able to crate anything in anyplace, at any time, and to cause reactions that would seem, well quantum.

Mr. Fox: [looking at an electric fence] Huh. This could be difficult.
Squirrel: It's fatal for humans, but we got enough fur to keep the voltage from getting to us. Let's go!
This one I wish I was told a LONG time ago (really, it touched my heart)
Mrs.Fox: Ash, I know what it's like to feel *Mrs.Fox shakes her hands in front of her face saying nothing but looking at him* ...different
Ash (her son): I'm not different, am I?
Mrs.Fox: We all are *she points to Mr.Fox, her husband* Him especially. But there's something kind of fantastic about that, isn't there?
The answers are simple until we choose to acknowledge they might be complicated. And even then, they're really not, unless we call it a problem, and then the real work begins.
This one I wish I was told a LONG time ago (really, it touched my heart)
Mrs.Fox: Ash, I know what it's like to feel *Mrs.Fox shakes her hands in front of her face saying nothing but looking at him* ...different
Ash (her son): I'm not different, am I?
Mrs.Fox: We all are *she points to Mr.Fox, her husband* Him especially. But there's something kind of fantastic about that, isn't there?

Every time I read that, I just smile inside, it's amazing, and I don't know why, heck, if that's what physics will someday lead to, they should say it globally, really, it's more than just a theory, it's like a warm fabric of knowledge that really binds sanity and insanity on a personal level that can only be explained within the self, and nothing more. Much like all the equations physicists do, complicate and solve. It's like a step above quantum physics, just above it, and if we ever wanted to reach it, we'd have to go into our own bodies and where they stand in gravity. It's beautiful, absolutely beautiful, no matter which way you might turn it, except on itself, than we'd have to feel like we had to ask our self every logistic we could ever imagine. Really, it's, Fantastic.
The answers are simple until we choose to acknowledge they might be complicated. And even then, they're really not, unless we call it a problem, and then the real work begins.
An obsession is not of the for the thing itself, but for the last words(and or explainable such) of the thing we imagine.
Sometimes I wounder if we pretend to be human, then I imagine,

"No, we made fire, we created the world around us as much as possible, we need to feel as contusly happy as a global system, (or a system we all, or at least most of us can reach) as possible, we need to be ready for the worst if the worst may be, and in the end of it all, we die without regret or mystery. Hoping that our fate wasn't chosen, and even worse, ourselves, making a mistake to carry a burden of civilization and regulations. Wanting our own freedom and reality like the childhood we abandon for a myriad of reasons, much like surrendering to classical physics in the end, with the glimmer of hope, that our hearts and minds, have a better resting place, and are not fools to our dreams. Or do we just decide, to have a life that remains fearful in form, fearless in heart, and a real sense of contusness and choice, and to enjoy all those little quirks we are know and realize, life is as crazy as we think it might be, but that doesn't mean, we should always doubt our quirks, b/c it'll all make sense in the end, and we should try, to fix ourselves in this half blind balancing act when we feel we need to. Because weather the string is long or short, it's intelligence that let's us jump around on the string and land again on it, maybe off balance, but certainly, on the string and wanting to stay on."
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  • #1,076
“How many nuns could a nunchuck chuck, if a nunchuck could chuck nuns?”
~ Oscar Wilde
  • #1,077
Elliot Spitzer was talking about an investigation of the infamous Gambino [mafia] crime family, that he ran while serving as a District Attorney. Apparently the office of the Gambino brothers - sons of the Godfather, Carlos Gambino - was bugged. According to Spitzer, they listened for hours and hours to inconsequential discussions. Finally, a poignant moment in the discussion was reached. Tommy said to his brother Joseph, "Remember what dad always said [the investigators listened with bated breath thinking this may be their moment], 'always use a Jewish accountant'".
  • #1,078
In Paris they simply stared when I spoke to them in French; I never did succeed in making those idiots understand their own language.

Mark Twain
  • #1,079
You can tell german wine from vinegar by the label.

Another Mark Twain
  • #1,080
Lancelot59 said:
“How many nuns could a nunchuck chuck, if a nunchuck could chuck nuns?”
~ Oscar Wilde

Lol, we're not allowed to chuck nuns. If we could, however, I'd rather Chuck Norris. I think he might object, though. So much for permission...
  • #1,081
A strange conversation in the Renaissance.

"No, the world isn't flat. But I got a hunch the universe is."

"What makes you say that?"

"I don't know... I don't know... but this door I opened lead me to a Different Universe and I met an old magician who heard me talking about "the new world" and he laughed for a while. The next thing he did was gave me a piece of paper, set a ball on it, and it made a depression. He smiled and then took the ball and the paper away."

"Then what??"

"He said to me, "you can either believe and learn the impossible, or you can prove it. Moreover though, it's fun to live and try to breathe a little of both, but when you realize how you got here, you'll discover more than you can ever imagine."

"So you're saying.. he said knowledge is discovered, illusionary and real?"

"Yeah, and it kinda made sense when he sent me away"

"How'd you dissapear??"

"He gave me a look that said "Sir, you are not going to believe me, I'm almost certain, but, I'm 99% guaranteed you're going to find this place again. You don't seem to stop trying to put 2&2 together." Then I didn't even move and saw this place, the magician, all across a field of blackness. Both of the places glowed, and then I got here, right across that field."

"Were you.. on potions from an apothecary?"

"I want to say yes, but I can't, in that strange field-like-place, I felt like my breath didn't work anymore, but I was just fine. Like I died in a dream and went to a different place."

"I think you're crazy."

"OH! The magician looked at me before I left and said "no matter what you say, 99% of people will regard you as crazy about this place. Listen to them with this in your memories and listen to those you consider crazy. It's a little trick to help you find THE OTHER TWO SIDES."

"The other 2 sides..?"

"I don't know.. but THE OTHER TWO SIDES... hmm.."

"You shouldn't sail anymore, you might end up dead and lost at sea.."

"Waves... OTHER TWO SIDES AND WAVES... hmmm... uhh ok, I'm not sailing anymore. But hmm.. "

"You're going to go insane just merging everything you know together randomly."

"Well... maybe it's coincidence, or something more, but this seems to be.. accurate.."


"How indeed it ends to a new beginning.. how indeed.."
  • #1,082
If a day ever comes when someone describes "the vibe, the force from starwars" to you, you are writing a theory about gravity, and that very day you are talking to what appears to be a physicist that you've met for the first time, and the first to events are unconnected and unaware of each other except that both amounts of data are bound by the bridges in your mind, I can't explain any better now, but paradoxes are real. REALLY, your thoughts can make a difference if they are bridged almost invrsivley and connected. Call it "A backwards effect" XD
  • #1,083
mugaliens said:
Lol, we're not allowed to chuck nuns. If we could, however, I'd rather Chuck Norris. I think he might object, though. So much for permission...

I called Chuck. He didn't return my call. So, I guess we can't "Chuck Norris."

Given that Chuck Norris can chuck the sun... :)
  • #1,085
cool thread here is one my favorite quotes

"Empty your mind be formless water you put water into a bottle it becomes the bottle,you put water into a tea pot it becomes the tea pot water can either flow or it can water my friend...,be water".

Probably the best quote i ever heard guess Bruce Lee was not just a kung fu master:smile:

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