Finding the Average Acceleration

In summary, the question asks for the average acceleration of a subway train that starts from rest, accelerates to 25m/s, and then begins to brake, reaching a speed of 17m/s after 48 seconds. The maximum speed reached is irrelevant, and all that matters is the initial and final speeds and the time taken. The average acceleration can be calculated using the equation ΔV=(Vf-V0)/t, resulting in an average acceleration of 0.354m/s^2. The formula for constant acceleration, x=x0+ut+(1/2)at^2, can also be used to determine the displacement of the train within the 48-second interval.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Starting from rest, a subway train first accelerates to 25m/s and then begins to brake. Forty-eight seconds after starting, it is moving at 17 m/s. What is its average acceleration in this 48-s interval?

Homework Equations

1. v=v0+at
2. x=x0+(1/2)(v0+v)t
3. x=x0+v0t+(1/2)at^2
4. v^2=v0^2+2a(x-x0)

The Attempt at a Solution

I am unsure of this question here - I tried drawing the situation in a velocity vs time graph with velocity increasing from rest to 25ms^-1 and then decreasing to 17ms^-1 over 48s. However the question didn't specify the time at which it reached 25ms^-1, I attempted the question without this information but couldn't solve this question. How do you know at what point in this 48s it reaches 25ms^-1 and subsequently it's displacement?

I tried using the equation of motion for constant acceleration but could not find a suitable one.

Thus tried using the average acceleration=[itex]\Delta[/itex]X/[itex]\Delta[/itex]t in hope but I was unsuccessful there.

The answer is 0.354m/s^2
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  • #2
Is it simply 17/48 = 0.354 ? That sounds too easy.
  • #3
With an average it doesn't matter what happens in between - just what the state is at the two ends. The point of the question is to get you to see that the maximum speed reached is irrelevant, all that matters it the initial and final speed and the time taken.
  • #4
mettw said:
With an average it doesn't matter what happens in between - just what the state is at the two ends. The point of the question is to get you to see that the maximum speed reached is irrelevant, all that matters it the initial and final speed and the time taken.

Thanks - that makes sense now ΔV=(Vf-V0). I thought too deeply into this question and didn't see the simplicity of it.
  • #5
I'm not sure differences between constant and average.

If we have a constant acceleration then we use this formula.

The displacement of the OP question depends on how fast it attains the 25m/s velocity.
The shorter time to attain that velocity means greater distance traveled within 48sec.
Thus greater constant acceleration.

FAQ: Finding the Average Acceleration

What is average acceleration and how is it calculated?

Average acceleration is the rate of change of velocity over a certain period of time. It is calculated by dividing the change in velocity by the change in time. The formula for average acceleration is: a = (vf - vi) / t, where a is average acceleration, vf is final velocity, vi is initial velocity, and t is time.

Can average acceleration be negative?

Yes, average acceleration can be negative. This means that the object is slowing down or decelerating. Negative acceleration is also known as retardation or deceleration.

What is the difference between average acceleration and instantaneous acceleration?

Average acceleration is the overall change in velocity over a period of time, while instantaneous acceleration is the acceleration at a specific moment in time. Instantaneous acceleration is calculated by taking the derivative of the velocity-time graph at a given point.

How does the direction of an object's acceleration affect its motion?

The direction of an object's acceleration affects its motion by determining the direction in which its velocity is changing. If the acceleration and velocity are in the same direction, the object will speed up. If they are in opposite directions, the object will slow down.

What are some real-life examples of average acceleration?

Some real-life examples of average acceleration include a car accelerating from a stop to a certain speed, a rollercoaster going down a hill, and a person running and then coming to a stop. Essentially, any change in velocity over a period of time can be considered average acceleration.

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