First Family's Puppy Decision: Should They Get a Cat?

  • Thread starter Math Is Hard
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In summary: I'm biased because I love Poodles.In summary, the first family is getting a puppy. They should get a cat, but if they can't have a cat then they should get a dog from a shelter or a breeder. The girls should go through a dog obedience class with the new dog when it's around 6 months old or so.
  • #36
Mr Bigglesworth
Physics news on
  • #37
Did you see that?
Wow! fast...
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  • #38
Shoshana said:
As for the kids learning to clean up after puppy, Obama is going to be cleaning up the same kinda mess for 4 years too. They can make it a real family thing. Cleaning up the doodie.

We should send him a forklift!
  • #39
mgb_phys said:
Mr Bigglesworth

Ha ha...I second that...
  • #40
Math Is Hard said:
We should send him a forklift!

I don't know. Who gets paid more, an American President for this next term or a Roto-Rooter plumber?
Just last night I warred with the plumbing, I don't envy anyone taking that job at all. Hope he's handy.
  • #41
binzing said:
Ha ha...I second that...

Ok... What's a bigglesworth?
  • #42
OmCheeto said:
Ok... What's a bigglesworth?

  • #43
Cyrus said:

No. I'm serious. I don't know what a biggelsworth...
  • #44
OmCheeto said:
Ok... What's a bigglesworth?

This is a reference to the Austin Powers series of films. Mr. Bigglesworth is Dr. Evil's cat.
  • #46
Andre said:
:biggrin: That's hilarious. Would be the first dog to call his boss.

No one? I guess humor is not my thing, :cry: Barrrk
  • #47
Math Is Hard said:
How safe are those hypoallergenic dogs? My friend got a hypoallergenic cat ($600!) for her daughter and she still got sick. They had to give the cat away.

I have a very close friend who is severely allergic to pet dander. So allergic, that she has never been able to go to any party at anybody's house if they own a pet (unless she loads herself with steroids, and then she can only stay a short while). By the way, she is Denise the Woodworker, for those who need a name and profession.

Anyway, true story: we know her from our triathlon days; she too being an athlete. Right after our local race (Mystic River Valley Triathlon, 2004), she was hypothermic at the end. She went to the First aid tent, and they wrapped her in a blanket. She asked "is this wool?" (very allergic you see) they said "no." After one minute, she nearly went into shock. She had to be helped to the shower and her inhalents. Turns out there was some cat hair on the blanket. Not much, but some, and it nearly hospitalized her.

"So what?" you are asking? Well get this:

Denise has always had a dog. Her last dog was a Portugese water dog, right now she has a standard poodle. The difference? "Hair, not fur."

Point being: get the right kind of dog, and it's not a problem. The people who have these allergies, and the parents of those who do, will be quite aware of the choices if they are slightly educated. I propose that, despite anyone's political opinion, the Obamas are at least slightly educated.
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  • #48
Hmm I wondered if my post on the first page was invisible.
  • #49
Mrs. Calvin Coolidge and the first racoon.

President Harrison's first goat.
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  • #50
I thought this was particularly amusing photo of President Johnson and his beloved dog, Yuki.


Johnson also had two beagles named Him, and Her.
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  • #51
Seems like politics brings out the worst in everybody. Sure glad this election is over... now all I need to do get through the next 4 years without saying the Obama word in my house.
  • #52
I corrected your statement for you. :biggrin:

Integral said:
... now all I need to do get through the next 8 years without saying the Obama word in my house.
  • #53
Nice shots, Ivan. My wife has a picture somewhere of her grandmother with a family of young raccoons climbing all over her. She had a camp on a lake, and she used to feed the raccoons on her front porch.
  • #54
Rebecca, the raccoon, was sent to the Coolidges to be part of the White House Thanksgiving feast. She wound up living better than most Americans at the time, dining on shrimp, chicken, persimmon, and eggs.

They also had a pet bobcat and two lion cubs, which reminds me of something I saw on TV:

Elly (showing off her new pet): "The man at the zoo says he's going to grow up to be more'n 300 pounds! Cause he's a lion!"

Granny: "Darn right he's a lyin'! Not even a bobcat gets that big!"
  • #57
Did anyone else just see this clip on NBC news where Obama, in his first press conference as president-elect discusses the puppy-decision and refers to himself as a "mutt"? :smile:

Of course this has been in some of the negative media already -- so why not embrace it to render the criticism less powerful?
  • #58
physics girl phd said:
Did anyone else just see this clip on NBC news where Obama, in his first press conference as president-elect discusses the puppy-decision and refers to himself as a "mutt"? :smile:

Of course this has been in some of the negative media already -- so why not embrace it to render the criticism less powerful?
Most of us ARE mutts! I am French-Canadian/Indian on my mother's side and Irish/German/Scottish/Indian on my father's side. On my father's mother's side his founding male was a Hessian officer who accepted land in PEI in lieu of some of his payment, and on his father's side, the founding male was an Irish refugee fleeing the Potato Famine. The notion of racial/ethnic purity in a country built by immigrants (with some degree of intermarriage/devastation of the native population) is pretty silly.
  • #59
Its even silly in Europe to consider oneself pure.

The oddest (or most interesting) mix I've come across is my friend, a linguist whose grandfather on one side was a Nazi officer and whose other grandfather was a German Jew who fled to Britain.
  • #60
Probably the only people in the world that could consider themselves 'racially pure' are Australian Aborigines which must delight neo-nazis
  • #61
turbo-1 said:
Most of us ARE mutts! I am French-Canadian/Indian on my mother's side and Irish/German/Scottish/Indian on my father's side.

I'm half German Shepherd.
  • #62
CaptainQuasar said:
I'm half German Shepherd.

Im the real deal.
  • #63
Kurdt said:
Its even silly in Europe to consider oneself pure.

The oddest (or most interesting) mix I've come across is my friend, a linguist whose grandfather on one side was a Nazi officer and whose other grandfather was a German Jew who fled to Britain.

Ha ha! That's the best I've heard. I used to love to tell the story of how my mother, a member of the German Luftwaffe during WWII, later married my father, a member of the U.S. Air Force. The joke was that they kept the war going for another 50 years.:-p

But we are getting way off topic.
Perhaps the Obama's can find a Chinese Crested/Xoloitzcuintli mix.

Both hypoallergenic dogs.
  • #64
OmCheeto said:
Perhaps the Obama's can find a Chinese Crested/Xoloitzcuintli mix.

And the humane society shelters are always overcrowded with those things.
  • #65
Chi Meson said:
And the humane society shelters are always overcrowded with those things.

Interesting how many of the Chinese Crested are in the top ten of the annual "ugliest dog" competitions:
2008 Champion

Elwood is an all American MUTT - part Chinese Crested part Chihuahua.

Just like our president. awwwww...
  • #66
  • #67
Wait just a second...


Obama isn't the only Democratic politician the First Dog may be like! No disrespect meant to Senator Clinton (okay, maybe a little) but I was trying to find some world leader it'd be good to name the dog after, I searched for "bug-eyed dictator" and that image was one of the first hits, and it was too funny to pass up.

BTW, the image host I uploaded that to generated this advertisement:


I would go to answer my phone and be like AAAAHHHHHHHH!
  • #69
Since portugal isn't part of the Iraqi invasion - will they have to be renamed "freedom water dogs"?
  • #70
Ivan Seeking said:

O...M...G... :smile:

Fox is going to have such a field day...

"They're letting gay dogs run around the White House! What's next, gay marriage?!"

Southpark could do a skit, but they've squandered their "gay dog" episode. Perhaps they can do a sequel: "Sparky goes to the White House" :cool: