Fixing Broken Things: ASCII Symbols & More

  • Thread starter Hurkyl
  • Start date
In summary, the codes to create ASCII symbols are no longer working. One can use ASCI code 0177 (Alt 0177, with num lock activated) to get ± .
  • #71
Gokul43201 said:
Same here.

Hmmm I reset the permissions, try again
Physics news on
  • #72
Nope, nothing yet

Jeff Ford, you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:

1. Your user account may not have sufficient privileges to access this page. Are you trying to edit someone else's post, access administrative features or some other privileged system?
2. If you are trying to post, the administrator may have disabled your account, or it may be awaiting activation.
  • #73
This isn't a problem, but it seems like a good place to ask a question about a potential one. Given the condition of my memory...:rolleyes:
If I forget to log out of PF at work, can I still access it from home or will I get something like a 'busy' signal? I don't intend to try it, since it's a long way between locations.
  • #74
"Spell check" is "Off."
  • #75
Danger said:
This isn't a problem, but it seems like a good place to ask a question about a potential one. Given the condition of my memory...:rolleyes:
If I forget to log out of PF at work, can I still access it from home or will I get something like a 'busy' signal? I don't intend to try it, since it's a long way between locations.
It doesn't matter, it will not prevent you from logging in.
  • #76
Has anyone else experienced that PMs no longer open in a new window? I don't know if it's a PF upgrade thing or a browser upgrade thing since I upgraded my browser just before the site upgrate...makes it hard to figure out which one is giving me the trouble.

I have my notifications set to give me that pop up when I get a PM, and then it says if I click okay, it will open my PM in a new window, which is what it always did before. But, now when I click okay, it opens in the already active window. Not much of a problem, it just caught me off-guard when I closed the PM window and realized it was the only one open.
  • #77
Greg Bernhardt said:
Hmmm I reset the permissions, try again
Tried again. Same difference !

Gokul43201, you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:

1. Your user account may not have sufficient privileges to access this page. Are you trying to edit someone else's post, access administrative features or some other privileged system?
2. If you are trying to post, the administrator may have disabled your account, or it may be awaiting activation.
  • #78
Gokul43201 said:
Tried again. Same difference !
Well, as a last resort, I still have them all bookmarked (long story...but Greg rushed to the rescue with a hack that would save the links just in the nick of time...moments after I finished saving all the links to my bookmarks :rolleyes:) wouldn't be too hard to create a thread for them all if folks are dying to get at them soon (it won't have the descriptors and organization of the links directory, but they'll all be least the ones that still work).
  • #79
I've got most of the links of interest to me bookmarked on my browser, but a "links rescue thread" would be handy for all the rest of the contributorship...until this gets fixed.
  • #80
Gokul43201 said:
I've got most of the links of interest to me bookmarked on my browser, but a "links rescue thread" would be handy for all the rest of the contributorship...until this gets fixed.
Okay, I'll put it up here in feedback.

Edit: Done...the thread is titled "Rescued Links." It's not pretty, but they're all there.
Last edited:
  • #81
Moonbear sorry to do this to you, but I've fixed the problem. Contributors can now view the links.
  • #82
Greg Bernhardt said:
Moonbear sorry to do this to you, but I've fixed the problem. Contributors can now view the links.
How come you always manage to fix these things about 30 seconds after I'm done?! :rolleyes: Murphy's Law seems to be working as usual. :biggrin:
  • #83
Moonbear said:
How come you always manage to fix these things about 30 seconds after I'm done?! :rolleyes: Murphy's Law seems to be working as usual. :biggrin:

You ask too many questions, young grasshopper, free your mind, think of nothing. :-p
  • #84
Greg Bernhardt said:
Moonbear sorry to do this to you, but I've fixed the problem. Contributors can now view the links.
The truth, Greg speaks ! :smile:

Sorry Moonie !
  • #85
Greg Bernhardt said:
You ask too many questions, young grasshopper, free your mind, think of nothing. :-p
:smile: :smile: Grasshoper?!
  • #86
Lisa! said:
:smile: :smile: Grasshoper?!
yes, young dung beetle
I can call you that because you haven't been invited to the sisterhood yet:-p
  • #87
Working for me too! Many thanks o' wise one.
  • #88
Is anyone else losing the line breaks in their post when they preview it? I usually have to go back into the text box and insert them by hand if I don't submit the post right away.

I did a quick skim of the thread and saw no mention of this, but my apologies if it's already known.
  • #89
SpaceTiger said:
Is anyone else losing the line breaks in their post when they preview it? I usually have to go back into the text box and insert them by hand if I don't submit the post right away.
I did a quick skim of the thread and saw no mention of this, but my apologies if it's already known.
It is.
  • #90
SpaceTiger said:
Is anyone else losing the line breaks in their post when they preview it? I usually have to go back into the text box and insert them by hand if I don't submit the post right away.
I did a quick skim of the thread and saw no mention of this, but my apologies if it's already known.
Yes, it's been listed, and Greg knows about it (several times over).
  • #91
Does it help that I think I know why attachments aren't showing up? The ampersand is being replaced - that escaping thing Hurkyl was talking about. For example, from the source:


I'd quit mentioning it if I thought anyone had heard me.
  • #92
I've had problems with several longish posts disappearing with a message that "I'm not authorized". I think that the system is accepting my post to enable me to type it in, then thinking that I am not logged in properly when it comes time to eventually type the message. Result - a lot of wasted time.
  • #93
honestrosewater said:
Does it help that I think I know why attachments aren't showing up? The ampersand is being replaced - that escaping thing Hurkyl was talking about. For example, from the source:
I'd quit mentioning it if I thought anyone had heard me.
Do you mean you can't view attachments?
  • #94
pervect said:
I've had problems with several longish posts disappearing with a message that "I'm not authorized". I think that the system is accepting my post to enable me to type it in, then thinking that I am not logged in properly when it comes time to eventually type the message. Result - a lot of wasted time.
When you log in, click the "remember me" box, it should prevent you from timing out. If you are going to be taking a very long time on a post, most people will type it in word then paste it into the post. That also allows you to spell check your work.
  • #95
Evo said:
Do you mean you can't view attachments?
The "Attached Thumbnails" box shows up, but there are no thumbnails in it. I can find the url in the source, copypaste it, delete the extra characters, and see the images just fine. It's just a bit of a pain.