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AlephZero said:Bernouilli's equation is just Newton's laws of motion applied to a fluid. It tells you how the changes of fluid velocity around the body are related to the changes in pressure over the surface of the body, but it doesn't tell you anything about why the velociity and pressure distributions are the way they are.
The thing that "causes" the lift is the fluid viscosity and the effect it has on the boundary layer of the flow. Bernouilli's equation doesn't included any viscosity terms, so it can't possibly tell you about that. In fact it there was no viscosity, there would be no lift and drag forces on a body of any shape, at any angle of attack (and there would also be no boundary layer, and no turbulence in the flow).
I had a quick look at the NASA foilsim web pages. There was some theory there but I couldn't find a complete explanation of what the program does. But from what it did say, you are quite right to question whether the results would be correct for something that doesn't "look like a normal aerofoil". Many real-world computer methods in fluid dynamics only work well in particular situations. Competely "general purpose" computational fluid dynamics software may take too long to run.
It is true the half-cylinder is symmetrical front-to-back, but the airflow pattern around it is not symmetrical, because of the air viscosity. The boundary layer becomes thicker as the air flows over the body, and at some point it will probably separate from the surface.
The idea of "angle of attack" is not obvious for something like a half cylinder. If the flat surface was parallel to the far-field airflow, the stagnation point that defines the "leading edge position" would not be at the corner between the flat and curved surfaces, it would be some point along the curved top surface. In that sense, the airflow has a non-zero angle of attack. Alternatively, if you bisected the 90-degree angle between the curved and flat surfaces, you could argue that the angle of attack was actually -45 degrees.
Thanks for the informative post. (Aside: So an airfoil would not generate lift in liquid helium?!?)
I chose a half cylinder for the thought experiment, but really it is a general question: Is lift generated by an airfoil that is (1) symmetrical front to back, and (2) at a zero angle of attack?
In a similar question, does wind blowing across a plain "lift" a small hill it encounters, assuming that the wind speed and hill size and shape are such as to create no turbulence? I have seen discussion that claims that there is higher pressure on the windward and leeward sides of the hill, and lower pressure on the peak. If true, this would help explain why sand dunes exist, or at least why waves are formed when air blows across water. But is the net effect on the hill upward?