Foliation of time in quantum gravity

In summary: What does it mean for a space-time to have "black hole's hyperbolicity"? It means that the space-time has a metric that is globally hyperbolic. This condition is relevant to the theory of general relativity, and potentially to other metric gravitational theories. However, there is a well-known counter-example without any singularities, the Goedel spacetime with closed timelike curves. So, black holes do not satisfy this condition.
  • #1
Isham wrote:

When we come to a Diff(M)-invariant theory like classical general relativity the role of time is very different. If M is equipped with a Lorentzian metric g, and if its topology is appropriate, it can be foliated in many ways as a one-parameter family of space-like
surfaces, and each such parameter might be regarded as a possible definition of time.
However several problems arise with this way of looking at things:
• There are many such foliations, and there is no way of selecting a particular one, or special family of such, that is ‘natural’ within the context of the theory alone.
• Such a definition of time is rather non-physical since it provides no hint as to how it might be measured or registered.
• The possibility of defining time in this way is closely linked to a fixed choice of the metric g. It becomes untenable if g is subject to some type of quantum fluctuation.

Why different slicings are so important problem of quantum gravity. As I understand, because of quantum fluctuations spacelike distances modifies to timelike ones and vice versa.
Are there any other problems?
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  • #2
exponent137 said:
Why different slicings are so important problem of quantum gravity.
One has to proof that the theory is invariant w.r.t. different foliations, i.e. that these (artificial) foliations do not introduce anomalies into the quatnum theory.

exponent137 said:
... and if its topology is appropriate
This may be a problem b/c a huge sector of classically allowed topologies must be excluded in order to define the quantum theory.
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  • #3
tom.stoer said:
One has to proof that the theory is invariant w.r.t. different foliations, i.e. that these (artificial) foliations do not introduce anomalies into the quatnum theory.This may be a problem b/c a huge sector of classically allowed topologies must be excluded in order to define the quantum theory.

What the problematic topologies are? I suppose that areas under horizon of black holes. Is anything else problematic?
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  • #5
tom.stoer said:
definiton of a foliation requires global hyperbolicity

globally hyperbolic if it satisfies a condition related to its causal structure. This is relevant to Einstein's theory of general relativity, and potentially to other metric gravitational theories.

I read, but it is very abstract. I please for a little clarification.

If we have a space-time without black hole, does this condition is valid? And what is with space-time with black holes.

Are here any simple, good examples?
  • #6
There is a well-known counter-example w/o any singularities, the Goedel spacetime with closed timelike curves
  • #7
Thus, black holes do not satisfy definiton of a foliation which requires global hyperbolicity?

I please for the next answer:
It is known that special relativity is not problematic for quantization.
In special relativity two events, which are at the same time from one inertial system, are not at the same time from another inertial system.

When we calculate with wave function (WF), we calculate at the same time. Or it is enough that different events in wave function are timelike separated.
As I read Feynman's QED, amplitudes (or WF) are not calculated at the same time.
How it is with this that probabilities are calculated at the same time. Or they are enough to be calculated at timelike distances?
  • #8
exponent137 said:
It is known that special relativity is not problematic for quantization.
b/c you do not quantize SR, but you quantize some other theory XYZ on top of a flat, static and classical spacetime.
  • #9
Yes, this is true, but I wish to understand and to simplify time slicing as much as possible. I wish to see, why this quantisation in various slices is not problem in SR.

So, if we have observers from two inertial systems. Can be said that this is distinct time slicing?
  • #10
Different slicings in SR are not problematic b/c the spacetime is globally hyperbolic and different slicings are related via global Lorentz transformations. Canonical quantization does not only provide a Hamiltonian H but the full set of Lorentz group generators as Hilbert space operators. Via these generators one can explicitly prove Lorentz covariance and one can construct Lorentz (better: Poincare) group representations on the Hilbert space.

In GR global (rigid) Lorentz invariance is no longer a symmetry; instead one has local Lorentz invariance in tangent space + diffeomorphism invariance.
  • #11
Does different slicing (in SR or GR) mean passive of active diffeomorphism?

Is black hole's hyperbolicity cut at the horizon of the black hole (and it exists below horizon), or it does not exist below the horizon?

FAQ: Foliation of time in quantum gravity

1. What is the concept of foliation of time in quantum gravity?

The concept of foliation of time in quantum gravity refers to the slicing of spacetime into a series of hypersurfaces, each representing a specific moment in time. This allows for a more detailed understanding of the behavior of particles and fields in the quantum realm.

2. How does foliation of time differ from classical theories of time?

In classical theories of time, time is considered a continuous and unchanging entity. However, in foliation of time in quantum gravity, time is seen as a discrete and dynamic quantity, with each hypersurface representing a distinct moment in time.

3. What is the significance of incorporating foliation of time in quantum gravity?

Incorporating foliation of time in quantum gravity allows for a more accurate and complete understanding of the behavior of particles and fields in the quantum realm. It also helps to bridge the gap between classical and quantum theories of time, providing a more comprehensive picture of the nature of time.

4. How is foliation of time related to the problem of time in quantum gravity?

The problem of time in quantum gravity deals with the issue of time not being a fundamental quantity in the theory, leading to difficulties in reconciling it with other fundamental forces. Foliation of time offers a potential solution to this problem by providing a way to discretize and define time in the quantum realm.

5. Are there any current theories or models that incorporate foliation of time in quantum gravity?

Yes, there are several theories and models, such as loop quantum gravity and causal set theory, that incorporate the concept of foliation of time in their approach to quantum gravity. However, the exact implementation and implications of foliation of time in these theories are still being studied and debated by scientists.

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